Clinic linked to patient death previously fined


Dak Lak - Authorities are clarifying the cause of patient N's death after being treated at a clinic in the area.

On September 21, the Dak Lak Provincial Department of Health announced that the Department's Inspectorate had fined the Dak Lak General Clinic, where the young male patient died on September 20.

Accordingly, on July 5, 2024, the Inspectorate of the Dak Lak Provincial Department of Health issued a decision to administratively sanction Dak Lak Medical Services Company Limited (managing Dak Lak General Clinic, head office No. 233 - 235 Ngo Quyen, Buon Ma Thuot City), the legal representative is Mr. Nguyen Duc Thinh, holding the position of Director.

Dak Lak Medical Services Company Limited was fined a total of 19 million VND for two acts, including: "Not establishing or establishing a medical examination and treatment book but not recording it fully according to the provisions of law" and "Not complying with professional and technical regulations in medical examination and treatment practice".

The additional penalty is to revoke the right to use the medical practice certificate (No. 004036/TH-CCHN) issued by the Thanh Hoa Provincial Department of Health on July 20, 2013 to Dr. Le Van Trung for a period of 2 months from the effective date of the decision.

The Inspectorate of the Dak Lak Provincial Department of Health requested Dak Lak Medical Services Company Limited to strictly comply with the penalty decision. At the same time, temporarily confiscated the medical examination and treatment practice certificate of Mr. Le Van Trung.

Previously, Lao Dong Newspaper reported that Mr. Y.H.N (born in 1984; residing in Krong Pak district, Dak Lak province) went to Dak Lak General Clinic for examination.

According to the admission record at the Emergency Department, Buon Ma Thuot University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital, the patient was admitted by doctor Pham Minh Thang and nurse Le Trinh Vy - medical staff of Dak Lak General Clinic.

Upon admission to the hospital, the patient had stopped breathing, stopped breathing, and was foaming at the mouth. It is currently unclear what treatment patient N received at the clinic.

According to the patient’s family, on the afternoon of September 20, Mr. N went to Buon Ma Thuot City to pay off a bank loan. When he left, he was very healthy, but later, the family was shocked to receive the news that he had died.


Sở Y tế vào cuộc vụ bệnh nhân tử vong ở phòng khám


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Xử phạt 8 phòng khám, cơ sở thẩm mỹ tại Hà Tĩnh


Sáng 18.9, Sở Y tế Hà Tĩnh cho biết, sau khi tiến hành kiểm tra đã phát hiện, xử phạt 8 phòng khám, cơ sở thẩm mỹ trên địa bàn toàn tỉnh có vi phạm.

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Department of Health investigates patient death at clinic


The Director of the Department of Health of Dak Lak province requested that units immediately verify the case of a patient who died after visiting a private clinic.

Nghe An Medical Clinic is well-rated for its quality and service.

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Nghe An General Medical Clinic is one of the few private clinics currently trusted and chosen by many patients and highly appreciated for its service quality and treatment effectiveness. This is the effort of the whole team to continuously improve the quality of medical examination and treatment.