The Prime Minister asked to prevent the spread and outbreak of diphtheria


The Prime Minister has just signed Official Telegram No. 68/CD-TTg dated July 13, 2024 directing ministries, branches and localities to strengthen the prevention and control of diphtheria .

The dispatch clearly stated that diphtheria is a dangerous acute infectious disease that spreads through the respiratory tract and can lead to death. The disease can be prevented by vaccination and cured if detected promptly. Recently, a number of cases of the disease have been detected, including deaths.

In order to proactively control, prevent, and prevent the spread and outbreak of diphtheria, the Prime Minister requests:

The Minister of Health directs and guides the implementation of measures to prevent and control diphtheria; proactively monitor and detect outbreaks and handle them early; Organize vaccination and treatment to best protect the health and life of patients.

At the same time, organize training to improve capacity in monitoring, diagnosing and treating diphtheria.

The Minister of Education and Training directs educational establishments to implement disease prevention hygiene activities, ensuring a clear and clean environment; Organize monitoring of the health of children, pupils, and students and immediately notify medical facilities when detecting suspected cases of disease for timely isolation and treatment.

Chairman of the People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities direct propaganda and mobilize people to implement measures to prevent and control diphtheria as recommended by the health sector; Instruct people when showing signs of illness to immediately go to medical facilities for timely examination, consultation and treatment.

Organize diphtheria vaccination for target groups according to the guidance of the Ministry of Health, especially in areas where the disease is endemic or where diphtheria vaccination rates are low.

Closely monitor the epidemic situation in the area; proactively monitor and early detect cases of disease or suspected disease to thoroughly handle outbreaks; Treat patients promptly and perform well in the collection, emergency care, and treatment of patients.

Ensure logistics, drugs, vaccines, equipment, supplies, and chemicals for diphtheria prevention and control according to motto 04 on the spot;

Strengthen inspection and examination of the implementation of diphtheria prevention and control and strictly handle violations.

Minister of Information and Communications, General Director: Vietnam Television, Voice of Vietnam, Vietnam News Agency and press agencies to strengthen propaganda on measures to prevent and control diphtheria; Full and honest information about the epidemic situation.

Deputy Prime Minister Le Thanh Long was assigned to directly monitor and direct the implementation of this Official Dispatch.


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Người dân không tự ý tiêm vaccine bạch hầu

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Người dân không để tâm lý hoang mang, tiếp nhận thông tin sai lệch, không tự ý tiêm chủng vaccine chứa thành phần bạch hầu.

Chờ hướng xử lý loạt công trình sai phép ở Bắc Ninh

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Bắc Ninh - Trạm trộn bê tông, trại lợn xây dựng trên đất nông nghiệp dưới chân cầu Bình Than (Gia Bình) chưa được cấp phép nhưng đã hoạt động nhiều năm qua.

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Sạt lở khiến một ngôi trường đang xây có nguy cơ đổ sập


Thanh Hóa - Một ngôi trường đang xây dựng thì bị đất đá sạt lở, hậu quả khiến công trình xô nghiêng, nứt và có nguy cơ đổ sập.

Bão số 4 gây mưa, vườn nhà dân xuất hiện hố sụt lún


Ảnh hưởng bão số 4 đã gây mưa, khiến 1 hố sụt lún xuất hiện ở vườn nhà dân ở Cam Lộ, tỉnh Quảng Trị.

Bà Nguyễn Phương Hằng được ra tù vào hôm nay


Cơ quan chức năng tại tỉnh Bình Dương cho biết, sáng nay (19.9), bà Nguyễn Phương Hằng được ra tù sau khi được xét giảm án.