Weather forecast for the next 3 days from March 21 to March 23 in all three regions


According to the meteorological agency, the weather forecast in the North is sunny during the day, cold at night and in the morning. The South will have sunny days in the next 3 days, some places will have hot weather.


Weather forecast for tomorrow, March 20th nationwide


Weather forecast for tomorrow, March 20, Hanoi will be cold at night and in the morning. Ho Chi Minh City will have hot weather during the day; showers and thunderstorms in some places in the late afternoon and night.

The South is about to have hot weather, forecast peak hours


According to the meteorological agency, in the next 2 days, the Southeast will be hot and sunny, with some places above 36 degrees Celsius.

Weather forecast for the next 3 days from March 19 to March 21 in all three regions


According to the meteorological agency, the weather forecast in the North will increase from March 20. The South will have sunny days in the next 3 days, some places will have hot weather.

Wasteful projects in Thanh Hoa are being monitored by the Central Government


15 years after the groundbreaking date, the Hoi Xuan hydropower project (in Thanh Hoa) is still "inactive", with degraded and rusted infrastructure.

Officially opening Quang Da bridge connecting Quang Nam - Da Nang


The bridge connecting Quang Nam - Da Nang officially opened to traffic, shortening travel time and promoting trade between the two localities.

Nha Trang people are surprised by the drug processing factory


Khanh Hoa - Many people in Nha Trang City were extremely surprised to learn that there was a huge drug processing factory located on the edge of a cemetery.

Nghe An discovers 141 more teachers with uninsured teachers


Nghe An - Authorities discovered that 141 more teachers and school staff in Nam Dan district were in debt for insurance.

Son of the late architect Ta Xuan Van cried because of Ham Thang building


After more than 30 years, the Shark Ham building has become a memory of the family of the late architect Ta Xuan Van, who designed this project.

Weather forecast for tomorrow, March 20th nationwide


Weather forecast for tomorrow, March 20, Hanoi will be cold at night and in the morning. Ho Chi Minh City will have hot weather during the day; showers and thunderstorms in some places in the late afternoon and night.

The South is about to have hot weather, forecast peak hours


According to the meteorological agency, in the next 2 days, the Southeast will be hot and sunny, with some places above 36 degrees Celsius.

Weather forecast for the next 3 days from March 19 to March 21 in all three regions


According to the meteorological agency, the weather forecast in the North will increase from March 20. The South will have sunny days in the next 3 days, some places will have hot weather.