Weather forecast for the next 3 days from March 19 to March 21 in all three regions


According to the meteorological agency, the weather forecast in the North will increase from March 20. The South will have sunny days in the next 3 days, some places will have hot weather.


Weather today, March 18: Cold air increases impact


Weather today, March 18, cold air is increasing, the North and the area from Thanh Hoa to Hue will continue to be cold, the mountainous areas of the North will have some places with severe cold.

Weather forecast for tomorrow, March 18 nationwide


Weather forecast for tomorrow, March 18, Hanoi will have rain in some places; cold weather with the lowest temperature of about 18 - 20 degrees Celsius. Ho Chi Minh City will have sunny days, some places will be hot.

Forecast of the time when the cold air will weaken, the heat will increase


According to the meteorological agency, the cold air is about to weaken and the heat will increase in the areas.

6,000 billion VND steel casting factory in Lao Cai is about to resume operation


Lao Cai - After a period of suspension, the steel casting factory in Tang Loong Industrial Park (Bao Thang) is about to resume operations.

The truth about stopping a vehicle on the highway to go to the toilet is being fined


"Stop the vehicle in the emergency lane on the highway to go to the toilet: not an force majeure situation, the traffic police still fine" - is untrue content.

Quang Nam solemnly celebrates the 50th anniversary of Liberation Day


Quang Nam - On the evening of March 24, at 24/3 Square (Tam Ky City), Quang Nam province held a ceremony to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Liberation Day (March 24, 1975 - March 24, 2025).

Hanoi finalizes the construction location of Tu Lien bridge and the road at both ends of the bridge


Hanoi - On March 24, the City People's Committee issued a decision approving the route plan, location of Tu Lien bridge and the road at both ends of the bridge, at a scale of 1/500.

Exclusive dealers at transformation platforms


To be burned in some incense burners, people are required to buy small enough to be supplied by exclusive suppliers without being imported from outside.

Weather today, March 18: Cold air increases impact


Weather today, March 18, cold air is increasing, the North and the area from Thanh Hoa to Hue will continue to be cold, the mountainous areas of the North will have some places with severe cold.

Weather forecast for tomorrow, March 18 nationwide


Weather forecast for tomorrow, March 18, Hanoi will have rain in some places; cold weather with the lowest temperature of about 18 - 20 degrees Celsius. Ho Chi Minh City will have sunny days, some places will be hot.

Forecast of the time when the cold air will weaken, the heat will increase


According to the meteorological agency, the cold air is about to weaken and the heat will increase in the areas.