Weather forecast for the next 3 days from March 5 to March 7 in all three regions
According to the meteorological agency, the weather forecast for the North in the next 3 days is rain; the temperature will start to decrease from March 6.
According to the meteorological agency, the weather forecast for the North in the next 3 days is rain; the temperature will start to decrease from March 6.
According to the meteorological agency, due to the impact of cold air, the North will have to change to rain from March 5.
Weather today 4.3, Northeast region has light rain, drizzle and fog in the morning and at night; cold weather. Sunny days in the South, some places are hot.
Weather forecast for tomorrow, March 4, Hanoi will have light rain, drizzle and fog in the morning; cold weather. Ho Chi Minh City is sunny.
HCMC - A dump truck accident overturned on Le Duc Anh Street (old National Highway 1) causing serious traffic congestion of nearly 10km.
The new tariffs Trump has imposed on the EU could cost the steel industry 12,000 jobs and force automakers to move to the US.
On March 6, the price of live pigs continued to increase, currently the national price is trading around 74,000 - 83,000 VND/kg.
Gold price today 6.3: Continue to record a high increase in both domestic and international markets.
The State Treasury announced a series of decisions on the appointment and transfer of senior personnel. Dozens of new leaders have taken on tasks, completing the preparation before March 15.
According to the meteorological agency, due to the impact of cold air, the North will have to change to rain from March 5.
Weather today 4.3, Northeast region has light rain, drizzle and fog in the morning and at night; cold weather. Sunny days in the South, some places are hot.
Weather forecast for tomorrow, March 4, Hanoi will have light rain, drizzle and fog in the morning; cold weather. Ho Chi Minh City is sunny.