7 years of misery because of buying land at TNR Stars Dong Van


Selling all assets, borrowing money to buy land at the TNR Stars Dong Van project, over the past 7 years, hundreds of customers of this project have fallen into poverty and misery.

Illegal hut construction, renting a house waiting for the investor to issue a red book

In 2017, Mr. Dung (Binh Phuoc) and many colleagues - workers at the industrial park in Duy Tien, Ha Nam were invited to buy land at the TNR Stars Dong Van project. Seeing that the project was large, the reputable investor personally came to the industrial park to offer, he used all his savings and borrowed money from relatives to buy the land for about 500 million VND.

According to the promise of the investor (Ha Nam Development Joint Stock Company), after paying 95% of the land amount, it is expected that by October 2018, the project will be allowed to be built . At the same time, there will be a notice to receive the application for the procedure of granting the Certificate of Land Use Rights (QSDĐ) and no later than 3 months later, the buyer will be handed over the Certificate of Land Use Rights.

Mr. Dung and his land purchase contract at TNR Stars Dong Van (Duy Tien, Ha Nam) after 7 years still have not been granted a Land Use Rights Certificate. Photo: Reporter Group.
Mr. Dung and his land purchase contract at TNR Stars Dong Van (Duy Tien, Ha Nam) after 7 years still have not been granted a Land Use Rights Certificate. Photo: Reporter Group.

Due to extremely difficult circumstances, his wife died early from cancer, and he was a worker raising 3 children alone. Mr. Dung was supported by many colleagues and relatives with about 60 million VND (in 2018) to build a house. After preparing materials to build an apartment on his land, Mr. Dung and many other customers at TNR Stars Dong Van were shocked when the government and authorities suspended the construction.

"I never dreamed that I would be deceived by the investor TNR. They came to the company and distributed flyers inviting people to buy land. Seeing the reasonable price, I only had 200 million VND at that time, so I borrowed money from everywhere to have 500 million VND to buy this land.

When selling, they promised everything, even in writing saying that they expected to issue us red books in 2018. When I was preparing to build a house, the police and authorities came to stop it because the investor's land was in violation. It has been 6-7 years now, and I and more than 1,600 other people still do not have a book," said Mr. Dung.

The land cannot be used for building a house, there are debts everywhere, and he is under pressure from raising 3 small children, so Mr. Dung built a temporary "hut" on this land, even though it is against the regulations. For that reason, the "hut" does not have electricity or water.

"I was so desperate, my wife died, I ran out of money, I was in debt, and I had three children, so I built this hut. I knew it was wrong, but I had no other choice.

For the past 5-6 years, I have lived here in misery, without electricity or water. It is so miserable that I dare not bring my children to live with me and have to send them back to the countryside. If I want light, I have to use batteries to light the lamps. In the summer, when the temperature is 40-45 degrees Celsius, there is no electricity to turn on the fan. Just struggling to get by like this, it has been ten years," Mr. Dung choked up.

Mr. Dung's makeshift life in the illegally built "hut" inside the TNR Stars Dong Van project (Duy Tien, Ha Nam). Photo: Reporter Group.
Mr. Dung's makeshift life at the illegally built "hut" inside the TNR Stars Dong Van project (Duy Tien, Ha Nam). Photo: PV Group

According to the reporter's records, around the land area of ​​the TNR Stars Dong Van project, there are many land buyers (mainly workers from industrial parks around Duy Tien, Ha Nam) who have to rent houses in neighboring boarding houses waiting for the land to be granted a Land Use Rights Certificate to build houses and settle down.

Met Ms. Tham (name changed) who is also a worker at the industrial park in Duy Tien after work, in a rented room of only 30 square meters, her whole family was busy preparing dinner.

Ms. Tham said that her whole family has rented a house near the TNR Stars Dong Van project area for 4 years now.

"At that time, the project staff came to the company to introduce us. Seeing that the price was reasonable, I discussed with my husband to sell all the land in the countryside, withdraw savings, and borrow money from relatives to buy a piece of land in this TNR area. When we planned to build, it was suspended. The house was sold, so my family had to rent nearby and wait for the investor.

"I can't believe we've been waiting for 5 or 6 years and it's still not built. Now that our children are all grown up, the whole family still has to squeeze into this cramped rented room. It's so miserable that there are no words to describe it. I don't understand how the investor can do this to more than 1,600 households like us and still be safe and sound," Ms. Tham said indignantly.

Fearing land price increase, investors do not return red books

Also pouring all his wealth into buying land at the TNR Stars Dong Van project (Duy Tien, Ha Nam) and waiting to be granted a Land Use Rights Certificate for nearly 7 years, Mr. Nguyen Huu Quang (Phu Xuyen district, Hanoi city) has been continuously writing petitions to a series of authorities to get a solution.

Mr. Nguyen Huu Quang (Phu Xuyen district, Hanoi city) with red eyes, shared with Lao Dong newspaper reporter and is one of more than 1,600 customers "stuck" at TNR Stars Dong Van project. Photo: Reporter team.
Mr. Nguyen Huu Quang (Phu Xuyen district, Hanoi city) with red eyes, shared with Lao Dong newspaper reporter and is one of more than 1,600 customers "stuck" at TNR Stars Dong Van project. Photo: Reporter team.

In April 2024, Mr. Quang was invited to work at the regular citizen reception meeting of the Government Inspectorate. At this meeting, Mr. Quang (representing more than 1,600 customers related to the TNR Stars Dong Van project) presented the whole story. Since 2017, households have received land use rights transfers under the TNR Stars Dong Van project and paid 95% of the value of each plot of land, but to date, the people have not been granted Land Use Rights Certificates by the competent authority.

"In 2017, I also sold all the land in my hometown to save money to buy this project. After that, they banned construction, and my family had to move back to my maternal grandparents' house. Until now, after 7 years, the children are all grown up, but the investor still hasn't issued a red book and still hasn't allowed us to build a house.

It is known that recently, the investor has created conditions for people to buy, sell and transfer land even though they have not yet been granted a Land Use Rights Certificate. The land price in this project has also "heated up", but people who own land here like me are more worried because they do not know when the investor will issue the certificate if the land value increases", Mr. Quang shared.

Speaking to Lao Dong Newspaper, a representative of Rox Group Joint Stock Company, the project developer, said: "Following the conclusion of the Government Inspectorate, after receiving guidance documents from the Department of Natural Resources and Environment and the Department of Construction of Ha Nam province, the investor has urgently coordinated with competent state agencies to carry out the work of removing obstacles, resolving problems, completing documents and procedures to be able to issue land use right certificates to customers as soon as possible. It is expected to be the end of the first quarter of 2025."

Mr. Quang and a series of customers are "stuck" when buying land in the TNR Stars Dong Van project. Every month they still have meetings with the investor, but until now their trust in TNR is gone.

"From 2018 until now, the investor has given us many promises and documents. We are too familiar with the investor's "expected" schedule for issuing Land Use Rights Certificates. The more we hope, the more disappointed we are," said Mr. Quang.

The Housing Project serving Dong Van Industrial Park, with an area of ​​over 46 hectares, is invested by Ha Nam Development Joint Stock Company. The project is introduced with the commercial name of TNR Stars Dong Van (Ha Nam) project, developed by TNR Holdings Vietnam Real Estate Investment and Development Joint Stock Company (now Rox Group Joint Stock Company), managed and operated by TNS Property Management.

For many years, customers who bought land plots in this Project have repeatedly gathered at the headquarters of the People's Committee of Ha Nam province, and at the headquarters of TNR Holdings Company (54 Nguyen Chi Thanh, Hanoi) to accuse: TNR Group of fraud, capital misappropriation...

The root cause of this incident is that around 2017 - 2018, although the Project did not meet the business conditions and was not allowed to transfer land, the investor still advertised, divided plots, sold land, signed land transfer contracts with customers and committed to completing procedures to issue Land Use Rights Certificates to customers.

At the end of 2018, the investor signed contracts and transferred land lots to thousands of customers, earning hundreds of billions of dong.

Not only is there the problem of money being "stuck" in plots of land that investors intentionally transfer illegally, many customers are currently having to worry about paying bank interest on loans to invest in the above project plots.


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Thái Bình: Chủ đầu tư TNR Đông Mỹ bị tố thi công ẩu, chậm trả hợp đồng


Bỏ nhiều tỉ đồng để đặt chỗ mua nhà tại dự án nhà ở thương mại TNR Grand Palace Đông Mỹ (Khu dân cư giáp khu tái định cư Đông Mỹ, TP Thái Bình, tỉnh Thái Bình) nhưng nhiều người dân cho biết, họ đã, đang phải chuốc lấy sự bất bình, bực tức về mình trong suốt thời gian vừa qua.

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Thái Bình: Chủ đầu tư TNR Đông Mỹ bị tố thi công ẩu, chậm trả hợp đồng


Bỏ nhiều tỉ đồng để đặt chỗ mua nhà tại dự án nhà ở thương mại TNR Grand Palace Đông Mỹ (Khu dân cư giáp khu tái định cư Đông Mỹ, TP Thái Bình, tỉnh Thái Bình) nhưng nhiều người dân cho biết, họ đã, đang phải chuốc lấy sự bất bình, bực tức về mình trong suốt thời gian vừa qua.