Correcting speculation and real estate price inflation in Can Tho


Can Tho – In addition to strictly handling violations of the law on real estate business, Can Tho will rectify speculation, price inflation, and price manipulation in the area.

On October 7, the People's Committee of Can Tho City issued a document on strengthening the management and control of real estate price fluctuations in the city.

Accordingly, the Chairman of the People's Committee of Can Tho City assigned the Director of the Department of Construction to preside over and coordinate with the city's departments, branches, district People's Committees and related units to inspect and review real estate business activities of enterprises, investors, real estate trading floors and real estate brokers in the area.

At the same time, organize inspections, check, take measures to rectify speculation, price inflation, price fixing, strictly handle violations of the law on real estate business and related laws according to authority; in cases beyond authority, proactively report to the City People's Committee for consideration and direction to resolve in accordance with regulations.

Can Tho se to chuc thanh tra, kiem tra, co bien phap chan chinh viec dau co, thoi gia trong kinh doanh BDS. Anh: Yen Phuong
Can Tho will organize inspections, checks, and take measures to rectify speculation and price inflation in real estate business. Photo: Yen Phuong

On the part of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment, it is necessary to proactively review the organization of land use rights auctions in the city in accordance with legal regulations, ensuring publicity and transparency; promptly detect and strictly handle violations of regulations in land use rights auctions; take measures to prevent acts of taking advantage of land use rights auctions for profit and disrupting the market.

The Chairman of the People's Committee of Can Tho City also assigned the Director of the Department of Justice to strengthen inspection, examination, and strictly handle violations in the field of property auctions according to the provisions of the law on property auctions; report, advise and propose to the City People's Committee to direct the contents under its authority according to regulations.

At the district level, the Chairmen of the People's Committees need to monitor, grasp the situation, clarify the causes of price fluctuations of real estate types; monitor and control the buying and selling, and handing over many times, especially in project areas and apartment buildings with unusual price increases.

In addition, localities need to organize the announcement of information to agencies, organizations and people about infrastructure development investment and the merger, establishment and upgrading of administrative units under their management according to regulations, in order to ensure transparency of market information and prevent fraud and deception in real estate business.


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Phong Linh |

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Lục Giang |

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Hoài Luân |

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Phương Anh |

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Phong Linh |

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