Can Tho will replace weak officials in public investment management

Phong Linh |

Can Tho - In the solution to promote disbursement of public investment capital in the last months of the year, Can Tho will strengthen discipline and replace officials with weak capacity.

According to the 2024 capital plan, Can Tho City has allocated VND 8,849.780 billion in detail. Through the results of the first 9 months, VND 4,290.166 billion has been disbursed, reaching 48.48% of the capital plan assigned in detail by the City People's Council and 41% of the plan assigned by the Prime Minister. This figure has not met the requirements compared to the plan. The reason is that many investors have not been proactive, resolute, and determined to focus on performing their tasks, especially coordination work.

On October 7, the People's Committee of Can Tho City issued a directive on urgent tasks and solutions to promote the disbursement of public investment capital in the last months of 2024. Accordingly, the city continues to thoroughly grasp and closely follow the Party's guidelines and viewpoints and the State's legal policies, raise awareness, role and significance of public investment for socio-economic development; accelerate the progress of completing procedures and project bidding; solutions to disburse public investment capital, focusing on works and projects with a large proportion of capital.

Thanh pho Can Tho nhin tu tren cao. Anh: Phong Linh.
Can Tho City seen from above. Photo: Phong Linh.

Along with that, Can Tho City will speed up the progress of compensation and site clearance for projects; remove obstacles related to land and resources; and speed up payment and settlement.

Notably, to urgently promote the disbursement of public investment capital, Can Tho City will strengthen discipline, order, and strictly comply with regulations in public investment management, bidding, construction, advance payment, and capital payment.

"Increase the frequency of project inspections to immediately correct shortcomings and inadequacies, speed up the implementation progress and disbursement of public investment capital. Tighten discipline and order. Promptly replace cadres, civil servants and public employees who are weak in capacity, slow, cause harassment and negativity, and resolutely handle negative behaviors in public investment management" - the directive clearly stated.

Phong Linh

Công nghiệp Cần Thơ khởi sắc, nhu cầu tuyển dụng tăng


Cần Thơ - Một số ngành sản xuất chủ lực tăng trưởng khá đã góp phần đưa chỉ số sản xuất công nghiệp 9 tháng năm 2024 tăng 8,02% so với cùng kỳ năm trước.

Cần Thơ yêu cầu tháo dỡ bảng quảng cáo ngoài trời hư hỏng


Cần Thơ - Chủ tịch UBND thành phố yêu cầu sửa chữa, tháo dỡ các phương tiện tuyên truyền, quảng cáo ngoài trời hư hỏng, có nguy cơ gây mất an toàn.

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Hoàng Xuyến - Việt Anh |

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Khánh Linh |

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Song Minh |

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Can Tho industry flourishes, recruitment demand increases


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Ho Chi Minh City faces major challenges in public investment disbursement


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