Compensation prices for agricultural land will increase, will it create waves?

Linh Trang |

Many plots of agricultural land and garden land are being sought by investors to catch the wave of increasing agricultural land prices after August 1, 2024.

Recorded from PropertyGuru Vietnam Company, recently there have been many investment groups looking for plots of land in Dong Nai, Tay Ninh, Long An and even Binh Phuoc... to anticipate new changes under the Law. Land 2024.

Some areas with large concentrations of garden land and large hills and mountains, such as the Central Highlands, are also being actively collected by businesses.

Many real estate brokers said that there have been signs of an increase in investors' contacts looking for garden land and agricultural land in neighboring provinces of Ho Chi Minh City. Some investors want to buy large plots, located near the road and at good prices.

There are even individuals and groups in the market buying up agricultural land to wait for site clearance and compensation at the highest prices when the new Laws take effect from August 1.

Lawyer Nguyen Duy Hoan - Lawkey Law Firm - said that the Land Law 2024 will officially take effect from August 1, including new regulations on limits on agricultural land transfer, expanding subjects. received transfer of land for rice cultivation.

The Land Law 2024 provides clearer regulations on agricultural land use rights, including protecting people's rights regarding compensation when recovering agricultural land.

Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 96 of the Land Law 2025, households and individuals that are using agricultural land when the State recovers land, if eligible for compensation according to regulations, will be compensated in land. agriculture or with money or with land with uses other than the type of land recovered or with housing.

In addition, the Land Law 2024 has removed regulations on land price frames and land will be priced according to market principles. From January 1, 2026, provinces and centrally run cities will apply the new land price list. The new land price list is regulated to be close to the market land price, and may increase compared to the current price. Meanwhile, compensation prices are calculated based on specific land prices, which will lead to land compensation prices increasing compared to today, including agricultural land.

The lawyer said that this can increase investors' confidence in agricultural land, thereby promoting the purchase, sale and transfer of agricultural land use rights.

However, there are also concerns that when these regulations take effect, the possibility of "speculation" risks being very large. When the law allows organizations and individuals that do not directly engage in agricultural production to buy agricultural land, some people can take advantage of it to buy cheap land, wait for the price to increase and then resell it.

According to lawyer Nguyen Duy Hoan, from a legal perspective, agricultural land speculation can face many risks. Accordingly, determining land prices according to market principles will not ensure prices increase as expected.

In addition, changing land use purposes will be difficult due to increasingly stricter legal regulations on land management.

According to the provisions of the Land Law, agricultural land used for improper purposes for 12 consecutive months can be revoked. In case the land is not put into use or the land use progress is slow compared to the progress recorded in the investment project, the investor is allowed to extend the use period for no more than 24 months.

If at the end of the extended period the investor still has not put the land into use, the State will recover the land without compensation for the land, assets attached to the land and remaining investment costs in the land. Therefore, investors should carefully research information about the market, laws, and related risks before deciding to buy and sell agricultural land for speculative purposes.

Linh Trang

Nhiều rủi ro khi ôm đất nông nghiệp chờ tăng giá

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Nguyễn Linh |

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There are many risks when holding onto agricultural land and waiting for prices to increase

Linh Trang - Hoàng Lộc |

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Can reclaimed abandoned agricultural land be compensated?

Nhóm PV |

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Linh Đan |

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