North Korea blows up road connecting to South Korea

Khánh Minh |

North Korea blew up roads connecting it to South Korea that had been seen as symbols of inter-Korean cooperation.

"The North Korean military conducted explosions, believed to be aimed at cutting off the Gyeongui and Donghae routes, around noon on October 15 and conducted additional operations using heavy equipment," Yonhap quoted the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) as saying.

According to the JCS, the South Korean military suffered no damage and responded by opening fire south of the military demarcation line (MDL) as a self-defense measure and as a warning against possible violations of the armistice agreement.

The explosions occurred in areas just 10 meters away from the MDL at 11:49 a.m. local time on the road along the Gyeongui Line and at 12:01 a.m. on the road along the Donghae Line.

North Korea blows up road connecting to South Korea. Video: JCS

Last week, the North Korean military announced plans to “completely separate” North Korean territory from South Korea, notifying the US military of the move to “prevent any misjudgment and unintended conflict.”

The two Koreas are connected by road and rail along the Gyeongui Line - a line connecting the South Korean western border city of Paju with North Korea's Kaesong, and the Donghae Line along the east coast.

The move comes as Pyongyang has ratcheted up tensions with Seoul and dashed hopes of unification after leader Kim Jong-un designated North and South Korea as "hostile states" late last year and took steps to dismantle inter-Korean land routes.

Since then, North Korea has dismantled streetlights and planted landmines along the Gyeongui and Donghae roads, as well as deployed troops to build anti-tank barriers and reinforce barbed wire fences inside the demilitarized zone that divides the two Koreas.

"Blowing up inter-Korean roads could be their final agenda as they have already destroyed other signs of inter-Korean cooperation, such as the inter-Korean joint liaison office," a JCS official said.

Trieu Tien cho no tung tuyen Gyeongui (tren) va Donghae (duoi) noi voi Han Quoc. Anh: JCS
North Korea blew up the Gyeongui (top) and Donghae (bottom) lines connecting to South Korea. Photo: JCS

In 2020, North Korea blew up the inter-Korean joint liaison office in the border town of Kaesong after criticizing South Korea for failing to stop North Korean defectors in the South from sending anti-Pyongyang leaflets across the border via balloons.

Pyongyang appears to want to show its people that all ties between the two Koreas have been severed, while warning South Korea that relations between the two Koreas are no longer viable, the official said.

Tensions escalated further after North Korea announced on October 11 that South Korea had flown drones over Pyongyang three times this month.

The next day, Kim Yo-jong, the sister of leader Kim Jong-un, warned of a "terrible disaster" if South Korean drones flew over the North Korean capital again.

South Korea neither confirmed nor denied the claim and warned that North Korea would face consequences if it caused any harm to South Koreans.

Khánh Minh

Thế giới tuần qua: Triều Tiên công bố kẻ thù chính

Anh Vũ |

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Triều Tiên muốn nhanh chóng trở thành siêu cường hạt nhân

Anh Vũ |

Lãnh đạo Triều Tiên Kim Jong-un tuyên bố rằng, quốc gia này sẽ đẩy nhanh quá trình trở thành cường quốc quân sự sở hữu vũ khí hạt nhân.

Vụ công trình làm nứt nhà dân ở Hà Nội, chính quyền nói gì?


Theo chính quyền phường Quang Trung, hình ảnh công nhân đang làm việc tại công trình số nhà 19, ngõ 136/98 Tây Sơn là để hút nước phòng dịch sốt xuất huyết.

Thân tín của bà trùm ma túy Oanh "Hà" được trả công 15 tỉ

Việt Dũng |

Trong số hơn 626kg ma túy mua bán xuyên quốc gia do bà trùm Oanh "Hà" cầm đầu, Nguyễn Văn Nam có mặt hầu hết ở các chuyến hàng, nhận công hậu hĩnh.

Bất cập tiền công đức 2 đền ở Ninh Bình do nguồn thu quá lớn


Ninh Bình - Những tồn tại, bất cập trong việc quản lý tiền công đức tại đền Dâu và đền Quán Cháo (thành phố Tam Điệp) là do nguồn thu quá lớn.

Chánh văn phòng hãng luật bị tố đe dọa, xúc phạm phụ nữ


Một chánh văn phòng hãng luật bị tố cáo có hành vi đe dọa, xúc phạm danh dự, nhân phẩm phụ nữ. Người dân đã trình báo sự việc tới cơ quan công an.

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