People can easily verify the authenticity of land use rights certificates using QR codes.

Minh Huy (T/H) |

Land use right certificate, ownership of assets attached to the land (red book, pink book) will have a QR code printed on page 1 to help people easily check.

Check real or fake land use right certificate through QR code scanning

According to the draft Circular on the Certificate of Land Use Rights, Ownership of Assets Attached to Land, and Cadastral Records issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, instead of using barcodes as currently, from August 1, 2024, land use right certificates will have a QR code printed on page 1 to help people easily check whether the certificate is real or fake through this code.

Accordingly, Article 17 of the Draft stipulates: “The QR code of the Certificate is printed by the issuing authority, allowing related parties to look up the information printed on the Certificate and the feedback information is the same, to prevent counterfeiting of the Certificate".

Check the land use right certificate through the information printed directly on the certificate

Check real or fake land use right certificates directly by checking the information on the certificate (according to Circular 23/2014/TT-BTNMT). People should check the barcode printed at the bottom of page 4 of the certificate. Specifically, check the purpose of the barcode, which is used to manage and look up information about the certificate and the certificate issuance records.

The barcode on the land use right certificate is structured as MV = MX.MN.ST (According to Clause 2, Article 15 of Circular 23/2014/TT-BTNMT).

In which:

+ MX is the administrative unit code of the commune where the land plot is located. To check, compare the administrative unit code of the commune, ward, or township where the land is located with the code on the certificate.

+ MN is the code of the year the certificate was issued, including the last two digits of the year the certificate was signed.

+ ST is the sequential number of the land registration procedure file corresponding to the first issued certificate according to the cadastral record regulations of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.

In addition, people can check the details on the certificate, such as:

+ Patterns and designs.

+ Check if the seal on the certificate is clear? Is the serial number stamped in the center of the embossed seal?

+ Check if the information has been erased: certificate number, land type, file management number, duration, area, diagram...

Check real or fake land use right certificates at the Land Registration Office

People download the request form according to Form No. 01/PYC and fill in accurate and complete information (clearly stating the reason, land plot information, the name of the certificate holder to compare with cadastral information and data).

Then, people submit the request form to check the certificate at the Branch of the Land Registration Office in the district, town, or city under the province for support.

After receiving the request form, the competent authority will process the request and notify the result to the individual or household. After the individual or household fulfills the financial obligations, the land data providing agency will provide the land data as requested.

Minh Huy (T/H)

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Trần Hương |

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