New regulations on the number of houses foreigners can own


The Government has issued Decree 95/2024/ND-CP detailing a number of articles of the Housing Law , which regulates the number of houses that foreigners can own.

The Decree stipulates the criteria for converting population to the equivalent of a ward and the number of houses that foreign organizations and individuals can own.

Accordingly, the population is determined to be equivalent to a ward, regardless of administrative unit level, as a basis for determining the number of individual houses that foreign organizations and individuals are allowed to own according to the provisions of Article 19 of the Housing Law is 10,000 people according to planning approved by competent authorities.

The agency competent to manage provincial planning, when approving the planning, is responsible for announcing the population equivalent to a ward specified in this Clause on its agency's electronic information portal.

The number of houses in housing construction investment projects that foreign organizations and individuals can own is determined as follows:

For an apartment building (including apartments built for mixed use purposes), foreign organizations and individuals are allowed to own a maximum of 30% of the total number of apartments for residential purposes in the building. that house.

In case an apartment building has many units or many blocks sharing the same podium, foreign organizations and individuals are only allowed to own a maximum of 30% of the total number of apartments for residential purposes in each unit or block. home.

For individual houses in an area with a specified population, if there is only 1 housing construction investment project, foreign organizations and individuals are only allowed to own a number of houses not exceeding 250 houses. .

In case the area specified in this Point has 2 or more housing construction investment projects, foreign organizations and individuals may own all projects but not exceeding 250 houses.

In case there are many housing construction investment projects in an area with a prescribed population in which foreign organizations and individuals already own a sufficient number of individual houses as prescribed, the foreign organizations and individuals will You are not allowed to own additional individual houses in other projects in this area.

The Decree regulates dossiers, order and procedures for extending the term of housing ownership in Vietnam of foreign organizations and individuals.

At least 3 months before the expiration of the home ownership period, foreign organizations and individuals wishing to extend the home ownership period must send directly or via postal service or online a set of regulatory documents. specified in Clause 1 of this Article to the Provincial People's Committee where the house is located for consideration and resolution.

Within a maximum period of 30 days from the date of receiving valid dossiers from foreign organizations and individuals specified in Clause 1 of this Article, the Provincial People's Committee is responsible for checking the dossiers, if they still meet the requirements. Subjects and conditions as prescribed by the Housing Law, there is a written approval to extend the house ownership term once at the owner's request for a maximum of 50 years, from the expiration of the house ownership term. first recorded on the certificate.

In case the housing owner is an organization, the maximum ownership period shall be extended to the period stated on the Investment Registration Certificate that has been extended for operation by a competent Vietnamese agency.

In case the provisions at this point are not met, the Provincial People's Committee must have a written notice clearly stating the reason to respond to the organization or individual submitting the application.


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