New regulations on buying and selling agricultural land are about to be applied

Khương Duy |

The Land Law 2024, effective from August 1, has a number of important adjustments on the transfer of agricultural and rice land use rights.

Clause 3, Article 191 of the 2013 Land Law is currently applying the regulation that households and individuals who do not directly engage in agricultural production are not allowed to transfer or donate rice land use rights.

However, in just a few days when the 2024 Land Law officially takes effect, this regulation will be changed. Clause 8, Article 45 of the Land Law 2024 no longer stipulates that individuals who do not directly engage in agricultural production are not allowed to transfer or donate rice land use rights .

Thus, from August 1, people who do not directly engage in agricultural production are allowed to receive transfers or donations of rice cultivation land.

Agricultural land includes several types such as land for growing annual crops (including land for growing rice and land for growing other annual crops); land for growing perennial crops; Production forest land, salt production land... Illustration photo: Phan Anh
Agricultural land includes several types such as land for growing annual crops (including land for growing rice and land for growing other annual crops); land for growing perennial crops; Production forest land, salt production land... Illustration photo: Phan Anh

Accordingly, in Clause 7, Article 45 of the Land Law 2024, there is a regulation that individuals who do not directly engage in agricultural production and receive transfer or donation of rice land use rights exceeding the limit prescribed in Article 176 of this law must become Establish an economic organization, have a plan to use rice land including the contents according to the law and approved by the district People's Committee, except in cases where the recipient is an heir.

According to this regulation, individuals who do not directly engage in agricultural production and receive transfer of rice land use rights exceeding the quota must meet all of the following conditions:

- Establishment of economic organizations

- Have a plan for using land for rice cultivation including the following contents:

+ Location, area, land use purpose.

+ Agricultural production and business plan.

+ Investment capital.

+ Land use term.

+ Land use progress.

- Approved by the district People's Committee.

Khương Duy

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Khương Duy |

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Bắt Chánh Văn phòng Sở Tài nguyên và Môi trường Lâm Đồng


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Khương Duy |

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