It is strictly forbidden to assign support targets to parents and students

Vân Trang |

Some provinces and cities require schools to absolutely not assign funding targets; do not stipulate an average level of support for parents.

The school does not assign fundraising targets to teachers and parents.

According to the latest guidance of the Nghe An Department of Education and Training (GDDT) on revenue and expenditure management for the 2024-2025 school year at public educational institutions in the province, in addition to the prescribed revenues, educational institutions can implement voluntary revenues.

Sponsorships and voluntary contributions include: Sponsorships for educational institutions, operating expenses of the Parents' Association, union funds, and team funds.

To implement funding for educational institutions, schools need to follow 6 steps correctly.

Accordingly, before implementation, educational institutions need to compile statistics, review, and evaluate the current status of the unit's existing facilities into asset groups to develop a plan. Before organizing a fundraising campaign, it is necessary to report to the Department of Education and Training (for kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools) or the Department of Education and Training (for high schools and other educational institutions under the department) and get approval. The entire plan must be made public at a meeting with parents and call for funding according to the plan.

During the implementation process, educational institutions must establish a team to receive funding and make a plan for using the funding. After completing the work, educational institutions must publicly post and report the financial settlement and implementation results to parents of students, organizations and individuals who have contributed funding.

According to the Department's instructions, sponsorship must ensure the principles of voluntariness, publicity, and transparency. Schools must not force, must not stipulate an average sponsorship level, must not stipulate a minimum sponsorship level, and must absolutely not assign sponsorship mobilization targets to each class (or each homeroom teacher).

In addition, do not take advantage of education funding to force contributions and do not consider fundraising as a condition for providing education and training services (or a condition for competitive assessment and ranking).

There is no regulation on the average level of support for parents of students.

In preparation for the new school year 2024-2025, in order to strengthen the management of revenue and expenditure, the Hanoi Department of Education and Training informed that for the operating expenses of the parent-teacher association, schools shall comply with the provisions of Circular No. 55/2011/TT-BGDDT dated November 22, 2011 of the Ministry of Education and Training promulgating the charter of the parent-teacher association.

During the implementation process, the Hanoi Department of Education and Training notes that it is absolutely forbidden to take advantage of the name of the parents' representative board to collect fees other than those specified in Circular No. 55/2011/TT-BGDDT.

The parents' representative board is only allowed to collect fees that directly serve the activities of the parents' representative board, and is not allowed to collect the following 7 fees: Protecting school facilities, ensuring school security; supervising students' vehicles; cleaning classrooms and schools; rewarding school administrators, teachers and staff; purchasing machinery, equipment and learning materials for schools, classrooms or for school administrators, teachers and staff; supporting management work, organizing teaching and learning and educational activities; repairing, upgrading and constructing new school facilities.

The collection and expenditure of funds by the parents' representative committee must ensure the principles of transparency and democracy. After spending, the financial settlement must be publicly reported at the class-wide parent-teacher meetings and the school-wide parent-teacher meetings; there is no regulation on the average level of financial support for parents.

Vân Trang

Mức hỗ trợ trẻ mầm non là con công nhân năm 2024

Vân trang |

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Support level for preschool children of workers in 2024

Vân trang |

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Vân Trang |

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Vân Trang |

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