The real estate market in Ninh Binh is growing again


The removal of legal difficulties has contributed to promoting the real estate market in Ninh Binh to grow again after a long period of quiet.

After a period of quiet, from April 2024 until now, the real estate market has prospered again. Land use rights auctions organized by property auction centers in Ninh Binh province attract a large number of people and investors to participate.

Most land use rights auctions earn the State budget tens of billions of dong higher than the initial starting price.

On July 13, at the Cultural House Hall of the People's Committee of Nhu Hoa commune, (Kim Son district, Ninh Binh), the Ninh Binh Provincial Asset Auction Service Center organized an auction of property rights to use 134 plots of land. Rural residential land belongs to the detailed planning for building rural residential areas in hamlet 7, hamlet 9, Nhu Hoa commune.

The auction attracted nearly 300 investors inside and outside Ninh Binh province with over 800 qualified applications to participate. After 3 rounds of bidding, the winning customers of 134/134 land plots were identified. The total starting price of 134 plots of land is over 110.7 billion VND, the total auction value is nearly 130 billion VND, exceeding the starting price of nearly 20 billion VND.

Previously, on June 14, Ninh Binh Provincial Property Auction Service Center held a meeting to announce the results of the auction of use rights of 92 plots of land planned for housing construction in Dong Ha residential area, Ninh commune. Phuc, Ninh Binh city with 629 applications from nearly 200 investors inside and outside Ninh Binh province participating.

The total starting price for the above 92 plots of land is over 61 billion VND, the total auction value is over 77.6 billion VND, exceeding the starting price of over 15.7 billion VND.

According to Ninh Binh Provincial Property Auction Service Center, from now until the end of July and early August 2024, the Center will continue to organize auctions of hundreds of land plots in districts and cities in Ninh Binh province.

Mr. Dinh Nam Thang - Director of Ninh Binh Provincial Tax Department said that in the first 6 months, land use fee collection in Ninh Binh province reached 1,416.1 billion VND; reaching 49.7% of the ordinance estimate, 38.3% of the estimate assigned by the People's Council of Ninh Binh province and equal to 700.4% compared to the same period in 2023.

According to Mr. Thang, the main reason is that the real estate market in districts and cities in Ninh Binh province in the first 6 months of the year showed many signs of improvement and growth after a long period of freezing. The Government's adoption of three important laws including: Land Law 2024, Real Estate Business Law 2023 and Housing Law 2023 has removed many legal difficulties and had a positive impact on the recovery process. of the real estate market of the country in general and Ninh Binh province in particular.

Besides, in order to promote and remove difficulties for the real estate market in the area, Ninh Binh Provincial People's Committee assigned the Department of Construction, Department of Planning and Investment, Department of Natural Resources and Environment and People's Committees of districts and cities to Cities in the province proactively focus on implementing solutions to promote safe, healthy and sustainable development of the real estate market.


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