HCMC is about to clear 2,260 houses with new compensation prices


TPHCM - The Xuyen Tam canal renovation project will clear more than 2,200 houses in Binh Thanh district and 138 houses in Go Vap district under the new policy according to the Land Law of 2024.

HCMC will spend more than 9,600 billion VND to renovate Xuyen Tam canal (Binh Thanh and Go Vap districts), with the main canal route nearly 6.7 km long from Nhieu Loc - Thi Nghe canal to Vam Thuat river and three branches over 2.2 km long (Son bridge, Binh Trieu and Binh Loi branches).

To carry out the project, about 2,260 houses along the canal will have to be cleared, mainly in Binh Thanh district with about 2,122 houses, and Go Vap district with 138 houses.

Recently, the HCMC Department of Natural Resources and Environment proposed that the HCMC People's Committee base on the 2024 Land Law to immediately carry out compensation, support, and resettlement work for the renovation project of Xuyen Tam canal.

Accordingly, for land that has been encroached upon and self-converted for use, no compensation will be given but support for the land will be calculated. For land used before July 1, 2014, support will be given at 70% of the residential land compensation price. This support level is uniformly applied regardless of whether a part or the whole is reclaimed. For land used after July 1, 2014, no support will be given. The area of land to be supported is the part with houses, structures, and architecture.

Thousands of houses along Xuyen Tam canal will be compensated according to the 2024 Land Law. Photo: Anh Tu
Thousands of houses along Xuyen Tam canal will be compensated according to the 2024 Land Law. Photo: Anh Tu

The resettlement policy is also proposed to be more beneficial for the people compared to before. Accordingly, in cases where the entire house and residential land are reclaimed and eligible for residential land compensation, resettlement will be provided with land plots or social housing.

Households whose entire house and residential land are reclaimed but are not eligible for residential land compensation may be provided resettlement with land plots or social housing, depending on the case.

The Department of Natural Resources and Environment also proposed that the HCMC People's Committee apply regulations to support households with land and houses along and on the canal with enough money to buy a minimum resettlement plot. Additionally, households are also proposed to be supported with installment payments for houses in the resettlement area for up to 15 years.

Xuyen Tam is one of the most polluted canals in HCMC. Photo: Anh Tu
Xuyen Tam is one of the most polluted canals in HCMC. Photo: Anh Tu

According to the Department of Natural Resources and Environment, in Go Vap district, there are 138 affected cases, and the district is currently implementing according to the 2013 Land Law and deploying in two phases. The first phase is applied to cases that agree to receive money ahead of schedule, and the district has mobilized 43 cases.

The project in Binh Thanh district has not yet carried out land reclamation work, so it will be implemented according to the 2024 Land Law.

For 95 cases that have not yet issued land reclamation decisions in Go Vap district, if compensation, support, and resettlement policies and regulations are applied according to the 2013 Land Law, it is likely that there will be no agreement. The reason is that within the same project, Binh Thanh district will apply the 2024 Land Law with better policies compared to Go Vap district.

Therefore, the 95 cases in Go Vap district need to apply the 2024 Land Law like Binh Thanh district to be consistent and avoid complaints.

For the 43 cases in Go Vap district that have agreed in the first phase, according to regulations, these cases have already issued land reclamation decisions, and compensation, support, and resettlement plans have been approved, so they will continue to be implemented according to that plan.

However, these cases have complied well with the State's policies, so the Department of Natural Resources and Environment proposed that the above policy be applied to all 43 agreed cases in Go Vap district.

Xuyen Tam canal will be dredged to a depth of 3.5 m, a width of 20-30 m, along with a synchronized wastewater and rainwater collection system. Roads will be built on both sides, each side with two 6 m wide lanes, 3-4 m sidewalks, along with parks and green spaces; lighting systems...

The project through Go Vap district is expected to start in August 2024, and through Binh Thanh district in April 2025. The entire project is expected to be completed in 2028, helping to improve urban areas, reduce pollution, and flooding in the area.


Rạch ô nhiễm bậc nhất TPHCM sẽ ra sao khi chi 9.600 tỉ đồng cải tạo?


TPHCM - Rạch Xuyên Tâm đi qua quận Bình Thạnh và Gò Vấp, dài hơn 8,8 km sẽ được chi hơn 9.600 tỉ đồng để nạo vét, kè bê tông, làm đường hai bên,... giúp chỉnh trang đô thị, giảm ô nhiễm và ngập nước cho khu vực.

Cải tạo rạch ô nhiễm nhất TPHCM, dân mong tiền bồi thường đủ mua nhà mới


Trước thông tin TP Hồ Chí Minh lên kế hoạch khởi công cải tạo rạch Xuyên Tâm từ năm 2024, người dân sống dọc hai bên con rạch này vui mừng vì sắp thoát khỏi cảnh sống chung với ô nhiễm. Điều họ còn băn khoăn là mức giá bồi thường, khu tái định cư gần hay xa, tiền bồi thường có đủ mua nhà tái định cư hay không.

Cuộc sống bên rạch Xuyên Tâm: Ngày ngày đẩy rác, đêm ngủ chuột bu vào nhà


TPHCM - Rạch Xuyên Tâm là một trong những nơi ô nhiễm nặng nề của TPHCM. Nhiều năm qua, người dân ở đây bao năm nay buộc phải thích nghi với cuộc sống ô nhiễm bên cạnh lượng rác thải ngày một chất chồng, mòn mỏi chờ đợi ngày dự án cải tạo đã trì hoãn gần 20 năm được khởi công.

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