What will Gareth Southgate do next?


There aren't many options for Gareth Southgate if he returns to coaching.

For the first time in 8 years, the English Football Association (FA) has to search for a new coach after Gareth Southgate resigned.

Southgate leaves his role with a strong legacy. Although his tenure failed to bring football home, he came closer than anyone before him.

Twice his England team was defeated in the EURO final, and the defeat to Spain in EURO 2024 was the 102nd match - also Southgate's last match as coach of the "Three Lions".

Of course, when a page in Southgate's history has closed, people are more interested in who will take over this hot seat. Very little discussion has mentioned the future of the former England captain.

Southgate gave no hint of what's next in his career plans in his 331-word statement confirming his departure from the England job. But it is believed that the former national team defender will not return to coaching as soon as the 2024-2025 season begins in mid-August.

What then? Will you continue to work at the team or club level? Go abroad or stay in the UK?

After what Southgate has done for England , it is unlikely that he will be approached by a top national team. Perhaps, his philosophy is suitable for many average football backgrounds, but whether the 53-year-old coach accepts it or not is the issue.

At the club level, too, there is hardly any top club outside of England that needs his services.

If Southgate decides to return to work after his break, it will almost certainly be in some domestic capacity given his tenuous links with Premier League clubs.

INEOS are said to have considered before EURO 2024 the possibility of selecting Southgate but ultimately stuck with Erik ten Hag. However, should the Dutch coach struggle next season, Southgate is a name to keep an eye on at Manchester United.

There is also a situation where Newcastle is looking for a new coach if Eddie Howe is chosen to succeed Southgate.

His previous association with Crystal Palace may open the door if Oliver Glasner cannot make a stellar start to his tenure.

Southgate also spent 5 years playing for Middlesbrough, the team currently playing in the Championship. Another former club, Aston Villa, may not be interested in him any time soon.

Southgate's only experience as a club manager was at Middlesbrough after finishing his playing career at North East. Southgate made 160 appearances for Boro between 2001 and 2006 before becoming their manager at the start of the 2006-2007 season.

That role wasn't exactly successful as Southgate ended his three-year tenure with a win rate of 29.8%. Boro finished 19th in the Premier League in the final season and were relegated. He was fired in October 2009 despite a good start to the 2009-2010 season.

Before England, Southgate led the U21 team from 2013 to 2016. He also worked at the FA as head of development in 2011, so it is also possible that he will return to this organization if not coaching. trainer.


Người kế nhiệm Gareth Southgate có thể không phải người Anh


Huấn luyện viên tiếp theo của đội tuyển Anh thay Gareth Southgate sẽ là người phù hợp nhất cho công việc này bất kể quốc tịch của họ.

HLV Gareth Southgate từ chức sau thất bại của tuyển Anh ở EURO 2024

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