Opening of Petroleum Culture Week 2024

Đền Phú |

On August 23, Vietnam Oil and Gas Group held the opening ceremony of Petroleum Culture Week 2024.

The 15th Petroleum Culture Week (VHDK) in 2024 takes place enthusiastically with occasions to celebrate major holidays of the country and the Oil and Gas industry such as the August Revolution and the National Day of the Socialist Republic. Vietnamese meaning (2.9); 65 years of Vietnam Oil and Gas industry fulfilling Uncle Ho's wish (July 23, 1959 - July 23, 2024); 49 years since the founding of Vietnam Oil and Gas Group - Petrovietnam (September 3, 1975 - September 3, 2024).

Delegates attended the program. Photo: Phu Temple
Delegates attended the program. Photo: Phu Temple

Attending the ceremony were Mr. Le Manh Hung - Chairman of Vietnam Oil and Gas Group; Ms. Nghiem Thuy Lan - Chairwoman of the Vietnam Petroleum Trade Union and the group's delegates at more than 30 online demand points throughout the industry.

Speaking at the program, Ms. Nghiem Thuy Lan said that the past 5 years have been the most difficult period for the group due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, dual crises, and a sharp decline in world oil prices. The group's leaders have determined that recreating and enhancing Petrovietnam culture is one of the key tasks, a driving force to create strength, solidarity, and unity for Petrovietnam to develop.

Comrade Nghiem Thuy Lan, Chairman of the Vietnam Petroleum Trade Union, spoke at the program. Photo: Phu Temple
Ms. Nghiem Thuy Lan - Chairwoman of the Vietnam Petroleum Trade Union spoke at the program. Photo: Phu Temple

With the necessity of target management for the development of the group, the Vietnam Petroleum Trade Union launched and signed the emulation contract "Completing the Group's management plan in 2024", striving to complete the Group's management plan in 2024. into targets for the emulation program "Petroleum Innovation" for the period 2024 - 2028 with over 5,000 targets and technical innovation solutions with beneficial value. In 2024, strive for 1,200 targets that bring value to units and the Group.

With tradition, the Trade Union accompanies the organization of Petroleum Cultural Week, which is widely awaited by employees through many cultural and sports activities, support activities, and visits to workers. activities, social security activities are imbued with the love of "Oil and Gas People".

Vietnam Petroleum Trade Union gives gifts to workers. Photo: Phu Temple
Vietnam Petroleum Trade Union gives gifts to workers. Photo: Phu Temple

In 2024, activities to respond to the Petroleum Culture Week throughout the industry include peak propaganda activities, seminars, thematic activities "One team, one goal" and the Petrovietnam Culture Regeneration Project. ; Organize visits, support, and give gifts to oil and gas workers in difficult circumstances, express gratitude to generations of officials who have contributed to building the industry, organize regional oil and gas sports festivals, and cultural learning competitions. oil and gas, clip creation competition "I love Petrovietnam", awarding prizes for building grassroots cultural life.

The series of activities responding to VHDK Week not only brings a cultural atmosphere of joy, excitement, solidarity, cohesion, and gratitude, lights the spiritual fire of oil and gas people, and carries the unique brand of oil and gas people. gas industry, but VHDK Week is also a place where all leaders and employees of oil and gas vow to commit to working together, promoting their pioneering role and responsibility in well performing all assigned tasks, building the environment. Work professionally and happily, creating solidarity as one block - one team, to achieve common goals, helping PVN overcome difficulties, develop sustainably, and elevate the Petrovietnam brand to reach out to the region. region and the world.

Petroleum Culture Week is even more important and right on the occasion of the Conference implementing Conclusion No. 76 dated April 24, 2024 of the Politburo on the implementation of Resolution No. 41 dated July 23, 2015 on War orientation. Vietnam Oil and Gas industry development strategy to 2025, vision to 2035 and some orientations for the new development period.

In the new context, new challenges of digital transformation, energy transition, green economy, digital economy trends. Conclusion 76 has a particularly important meaning, helping to open new spaces, new periods, new fields, and new opportunities for the development of the Oil and Gas industry.

Đền Phú

Trao giải Hội thao ngành Dầu khí năm 2024 khu vực phía Nam

Kiều Vũ |

Ngày 12.8, Công đoàn Dầu khí Việt Nam cho biết đã tổ chức trao giải cho các tập thể, vận động viên xuất sắc của Hội thao ngành Dầu khí năm 2024 khu vực phía Nam.

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Khai mạc Hội thao ngành Dầu khí khu vực phía Nam năm 2024

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Vũng Tàu - Ngày 10.8, Công đoàn Dầu khí Việt Nam khai mạc Hội thao ngành Dầu khí khu vực phía Nam năm 2024.

Quy hoạch xây dựng nhà mới cho 37 hộ dân Làng Nủ

Đinh Đại |

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Rất nhiều du khách cảm thấy chưa hài lòng, thậm chí chê đắt trước thông tin di tích quốc gia Ga Đà Lạt (Lâm Đồng) sẽ tăng giá vé gấp 10 lần.

Giãn nợ, giảm lãi suất để hỗ trợ người dân, doanh nghiệp ổn định sản xuất

Tuyết Lan - Kim Khánh |

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Công đoàn hỗ trợ hàng trăm lao động thắng kiện

Tường Minh |

Được 62 lao động ủy quyền, LĐLĐ thành phố Đà Nẵng khởi kiện và thắng kiện Công ty CP Dệt Hòa Khánh. Vụ việc đã mang đến sự tự tin hơn cho tổ chức Công đoàn trong nỗ lực đồng hành, bảo vệ người lao động.

Nước lũ rút, nhiều bệnh đã hiện hữu

Lệ Hà |

Vệ sinh môi trường, phòng, chống dịch bệnh sau mưa bão là một trong những việc cần làm sau khi mưa rút. Bệnh người dân vùng mưa lũ dễ mắc phải là đau mắt, bệnh ngoài da và tiêu hóa.