Union members and banking workers enjoy Union Meal

Linh Nguyên |

The grassroots trade unions in the banking industry are actively organizing trade union meals . Each trade union meal is not only for union members and employees to enjoy but also an opportunity for unit leaders and union members and employees to share, understand and strengthen solidarity.

Giving gifts to disadvantaged workers at the Trade Union Meal

The National Printing Factory's Trade Union organized a Trade Union Meal with the participation of the leaders, the Factory's Trade Union Executive Committee and all officers, employees, union members and workers of the National Printing Factory.

The Union Meal brought joy to the staff, employees, union members and workers. Because, on normal days, meals are nutritious enough, with the Union Meal the menu is more diverse than usual. Moreover, the Union Meal also brings joy to the staff, employees, union members and workers and is also an opportunity for everyone, including the leadership team of the agency and unit, to share and confide, creating an atmosphere of solidarity and understanding.

According to many union members and workers, the Union Meal is one of the activities that builds trust and makes them feel more attached to the Union organization. In particular, at the Union Meal of the National Printing Factory, the Union of the National Printing Factory presented 30 gifts to union members in difficult circumstances to share and encourage workers to work hard and improve their lives.

Along with the Union Meal, the giving of gifts to union members in difficult circumstances has shown the Union's concern and closeness to the workers. Therefore, union members and workers of the Factory shared that they believe that the Union will continue to do a good job of taking care of the material and spiritual life and will aim to build long-term welfare programs for union members and workers.

At the State Bank of Vietnam, Quang Nam Province Branch, the Union coordinated to organize a Union Meal for all union members of the branch. The special thing is that within the framework of the program, union members participated in exchange activities, cultural performances and enjoyed delicious dishes, creating a meaningful meal. The warm and joyful atmosphere of the program left a deep impression on each union member and employee participating.

Thank you to the workers for their companionship and commitment.

Responding to the Union Meal program, the grassroots Unions at Ocean Commercial Limited Liability Bank (OceanBank) coordinated with the unit's leaders to organize a Union Meal for nearly 2,000 employees. This meaningful activity received enthusiastic support from the Company's Board of Directors and all employees.

This is also an opportunity for leaders of the Trade Unions to discuss with employees about the achievements of the company; acknowledge the efforts of the staff, and thank all staff for "Accompanying and connecting" to create a strong and united collective. The Trade Union meal has created a close atmosphere; overcoming geographical distance to bring people closer together, understand and sympathize with each other more, contributing to building OceanBank to become the best workplace, the second home of each staff.

Linh Nguyên

Bữa cơm Công đoàn sau giờ bốc xếp ở nghiệp đoàn

Duy Tuấn |

Bình Thuận - Đoàn viên Nghiệp đoàn bốc xếp Chí Công cùng nhau ăn bữa cơm Công đoàn vui tươi sau giờ làm việc.

Bữa cơm Công đoàn trên ngã ba sông Châu Đốc

Kim Phụng |

Bữa cơm Công đoàn được cho là hiếm có khi được tổ chức tại nơi có phong cảnh đẹp bên dòng sông ba ngã ở TP Châu Đốc (An Giang).

100 công nhân ở Phú Yên tham gia "Bữa cơm Công đoàn"

Hoài Luân |

Phú Yên - Ngày 30.8, Công đoàn Cơ sở (CĐCS) Công ty TNHH Harry& phối hợp Ban giám đốc Công ty tổ chức "Bữa cơm Công đoàn" cho công nhân tại đơn vị.

Nhiều hoạt động ý nghĩa tại Bữa cơm Công đoàn ở An Giang

Thanh Mai |

Tại Bữa cơm Công đoàn, tổ chức Công đoàn ở An Giang đã triển khai nhiều hoạt động thiết thực và ý nghĩa cho đoàn viên, người lao động.

Thêm vị ngon trong Bữa cơm Công đoàn An Giang

Lục Tùng |

Với việc đến từng bàn ân cần thăm hỏi và tặng quà, lãnh đạo LĐLĐ tỉnh An Giang đã mang đến Bữa cơm Công đoàn thêm vị ngon tinh thần.

Bữa cơm Công đoàn 90.000 đồng ở trung tâm tâm thần Hoài Nhơn

Xuân Nhàn |

Lần đầu tiên, Bữa cơm Công đoàn được tổ chức ở Trung tâm Nuôi dưỡng người tâm thần Hoài Nhơn, Bình Định.

Tổ chức Bữa cơm công đoàn cho hơn 9.700 người lao động

Phương Dung |

Tây Ninh - Ngày 27.8, Công đoàn cơ sở và Ban Giám đốc Công ty TNHH Pou Hung Việt Nam tổ chức “Bữa cơm công đoàn” cho hơn 9.700 công nhân lao động.

Vinafco lãi 2,8 tỉ, chưa bồi thường vụ rơi pin xuống biển

Lục Giang |

Vinafco đang phối hợp cùng các chủ hàng, công ty bảo hiểm và các cơ quan chức năng giải quyết sự cố vụ 37 container rơi xuống biển, trong đó có hơn 10 tấn pin.

Union meal after loading and unloading hours at the union

Duy Tuấn |

Binh Thuan - Members of the Chi Cong Stevedoring Union enjoy a happy union meal together after work.

Union Meal at Chau Doc River Fork

Kim Phụng |

The Union meal is considered rare when it is held in a place with beautiful scenery by the three-forked river in Chau Doc city ( An Giang ).

100 workers in Phu Yen participate in "Union Meal"

Hoài Luân |

Phu Yen - On August 30, the Trade Union of Harry& Co., Ltd. coordinated with the Company's Board of Directors to organize a "Trade Union Meal" for workers at the unit.

Many meaningful activities at the Trade Union Meal in An Giang

Thanh Mai |

At the Trade Union Meal , the Trade Union organization in An Giang implemented many practical and meaningful activities for union members and workers.

Add more deliciousness to An Giang Trade Union Meals

Lục Tùng |

By visiting each table with care and giving gifts, the leaders of An Giang Provincial Labor Federation brought more spiritual flavor to the Union Meal .

Trade union meal 90,000 VND at Hoai Nhon psychiatric center

Xuân Nhàn |

For the first time, the Trade Union Meal was held at Hoai Nhon Mental Care Center, Binh Dinh.

Organized union meals for more than 9,700 workers

Phương Dung |

Tay Ninh - On August 27, the Grassroots Trade Union and the Board of Directors of Pou Hung Vietnam Co., Ltd. organized a " Union Meal " for more than 9,700 workers.