Opening of the Military-level Competition for Excellent Grassroots Trade Union Chairmen

Kiều Vũ |

Hanoi - On October 7, the Political Directorate of the Vietnam People's Army opened the 2024 Army-wide Competition for Excellent Grassroots Trade Union Chairmen.

Attending the event were Lieutenant General Le Quang Minh - Vice Chairman of Political Directorate of the Vietnam People's Army; Mr. Ngo Duy Hieu - Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor; leaders and commanders of agencies and units and 38 Chairmen of grassroots trade unions along with nearly 600 union officials and members selected from 38 units throughout the army.

Implementing the Plan of the Political Directorate, in the past time, agencies and units throughout the army have organized competitions from the grassroots level to the level directly under the Central Military Commission - Ministry of National Defense. Union officials have devoted much enthusiasm and made every effort to participate in the competitions at all levels, achieving the highest results; creating a vibrant competitive atmosphere in agencies, units, and enterprises and being the basis for units to select the most excellent union presidents to compete in the military-level competition.

The 2024 Military-level Excellent Grassroots Trade Union President Competition with the theme "Courage, Intelligence - Passion, Affection", includes 4 parts: Knowledge, Greeting, Handling situations and Talent.

Mot tiet muc du thi. Anh: Quoc Vinh
A contest performance. Photo: Quoc Vinh

This is an opportunity to evaluate the quality and comprehensive capacity of the Trade Union staff in general and the Chairmen of the grassroots Trade Union in particular; to foster and improve awareness and knowledge for Trade Union officials, members, and workers about the position, role, functions, and tasks of the Trade Union organization; the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's policies and laws; Resolutions and Charters of the 13th Vietnam Trade Union, and the 5-year Action Program of the Military Trade Union (2023-2028).

The contest is a key activity with practical significance to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Vietnam People's Army, the 35th anniversary of the National Defense Day, and the 80th anniversary of the Traditional Day of the Political Directorate of the Vietnam People's Army.

Kiều Vũ

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Director of Department of Health becomes Vice Chairman of Phu Tho


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Technical Directorate Competition for Excellent Grassroots Union President

Kiều Vũ |

Hanoi - On September 12, the Technical Directorate, Ministry of National Defence organized the 2024 Competition for Excellent Grassroots Trade Union Chairmen.

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong's instructions became the Army Trade Union's motto

Đại tá Nguyễn Đình Đức - Ủy viên Đoàn Chủ tịch Tổng LĐLĐVN, Trưởng ban Công đoàn Quốc phòng |

The sharing of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong before the 9th Congress of Military Trade Union Delegates (2018-2023) is considered by the National Defense Trade Union as a precept and taken as a guideline of action.

Tăng cường kiểm tra, giám sát việc chấp hành Điều lệ Công đoàn Việt Nam

Linh Long |

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