Ấp ám tình nghĩa công đoàn


Tổ chức công đoàn Tổng Công ty Khoáng sản và Thương mại Hà Tĩnh (Mitraco) đã trở thành tổ ấm thân thương của hàng nghìn công nhân lao động.

In 2023, Mitraco celebrates its 20th anniversary. Photo: CSCC.
Năm 2023, Mitraco kỷ niệm 20 năm thành lập. Ảnh: Anh Tuấn

Trách nhiệm, trăn trở với công đoàn, công nhân lao động

Hơn 30 năm đi làm, trong đó có 20 năm gắn bó với hoạt động công đoàn, từ lãnh đạo đơn vị thành viên lên lãnh đạo Tổng Công ty, ông Võ Văn Lưu - Phó Tổng Giám đốc, Chủ tịch Công đoàn Mitraco, Phó Chủ tịch Công đoàn ngành Công Thương tỉnh Hà Tĩnh nhớ nhất là hoạt động công đoàn trong thời điểm khó khăn chưa từng có tiền lệ, đó là thời điểm vừa xảy ra dịch bệnh gia súc tại đơn vị thành viên, vừa bùng phát dịch bệnh Covid-19.

“Lúc đó khó khăn lắm, gần 3 năm trời chống chọi với hai loại dịch bệnh, tưởng chừng như phải đóng cửa trang trại. Tại Công ty CP Chăn nuôi Mitraco, hầu hết người lao động phải cách ly trong trang trại, vài tháng mới được về nhà và phải tuân thủ các quy định nghiêm ngặt về phòng chống dịch bệnh. Có nhiều người vợ ốm, con đau, bố, mẹ mất hoặc nhiều việc trọng đại khác cũng không thể về nhà. Tinh thần của họ rất bí bách, lo lắng”, ông Võ Văn Lưu kể

Lãnh đạo Tổng Công ty, Công đoàn đã thấu hiểu, động viên, chia sẻ với điều kiện sản xuất kinh doanh khó khăn của đơn vị, với đời sống của người lao động; đề nghị, động viên đơn vị nỗ lực duy trì chế độ chính sách cho người lao động trong thời điểm hết sức khó khăn.

Ông Võ Văn Lưu - Phó Tổng Giám đốc, Chủ tịch Công đoàn Mitraco, Phó Chủ tịch Công đoàn ngành Công Thương tỉnh Hà Tĩnh chia sẻ về hoạt động công đoàn.

Thấy điều kiện làm việc của công nhân lao động khó khăn, thiệt thòi nên vào dịp Tết nguyên đán năm 2022, Công đoàn Mitraco đã chỉ đạo Công đoàn Công ty CP Chăn nuôi Mitraco tổ chức chương trình Tết Sum vầy thật ấm cúng cho người lao động tại hai Trung tâm Thạch Vĩnh và Kỳ Phong.

Hôm tổ chức chương trình, thời tiết rét đậm, rét hại, từ ngoài cổng vào khu vực tổ chức, Chủ tịch Công đoàn Mitraco và anh em trong đoàn phải tuân thủ quy định tắm hai lần, thay trang phục để đảm bảo sát khuẩn.

“The union has never organized an event that was so difficult and unforgettable. We were very touched when the workers shared that they did not think that the Corporation's Trade Union would come to visit and encourage them in difficult and epidemic conditions. That day, we shared a lot about work and life; The campfire in the cold, lonely night, the happy dances warmed everyone's hearts," Mr. Luu said.

Cozy Tet Reunion program at Mitraco Livestock Joint Stock Company. Photo: CSCC.
Cozy Tet Reunion program at Mitraco Livestock Joint Stock Company. Photo: Anh Tuan

According to the Chairman of Mitraco Trade Union, over many generations, the Corporation has always preserved and promoted the tradition of valuing workers and valuing the trade union organization; build a working environment of solidarity, love, and mutual help, from hardship until stable development; Actively participate in local charity and social activities. This is a cultural feature of the Corporation.

The Corporation's leaders and the union always care for and care for the workers. Photo: CSCC.
The leaders of the Corporation and the Trade Union always care for and care for the workers. Photo: Anh Tuan

Mitraco operates in many fields, with 12 member units and nearly 1,000 employees. The current leaders of the Corporation are quite young, belonging to the 8x generation, always close to, respect and care for workers. When busy with directing production and business activities and unable to be present at activities and events related to taking care of workers, leaders always advise and remind "thanks to the union". . And in union activities, the Chairman of Mitraco Trade Union is often present, a union official who is agile, close, and friendly with workers.

Over the past years, Mitraco Trade Union has advised, proposed, and negotiated with the Corporation's leaders to implement many policies beneficial to workers. Along with that, the union advises on the implementation of meaningful and humane programs such as: Establishing a "Love Fund" to support union members with serious illnesses and especially difficult family circumstances, in 2023, The fund has raised more than 700 million VND; donate savings books, support capital for family economic development, support construction and repair of houses for workers in difficult circumstances; On the occasions of Workers' Month, Tet Reunion, Vietnam Trade Union's founding day, Vietnam Businessmen's Day, Corporations and Trade Unions always organize to honor and visit union members and workers.

Every year, the Corporation's office and member units organize tours and vacations for workers. In the first 6 months of the year alone, the average income of employees across the Corporation reached 9.6 million VND/person/month.

Mitraco's employees have stable jobs and income. Every year, trips and vacations are organized. Photo: CSCC.
Mitraco's employees have stable jobs and income. Every year, trips and vacations are organized. Photo: Anh Tuan

The union is there when sick and in difficulty

After 21 years of construction and development, Mitraco's scale and fields of operation have continuously expanded, the number of employees has also increased and among the current nearly 1,000 employees, there are many who have been and are being hired by the company. , the union takes care of and helps to overcome difficulties step by step.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Loi, a worker at Ha Tinh Agriculture and Forestry Joint Stock Company, a member unit of Mitraco, burst into tears when talking about her "suffering" situation and "being visited by the union again and again." .

Ms. Loi's husband used to work as a worker for a Mitraco-affiliated factory, but unfortunately suffered from a serious illness and passed away early. Ms. Loi had to take care of her four children alone and her mother-in-law was often sick. Seeing her difficult situation, the Corporation arranged for her to work as a worker at Ha Tinh Agriculture and Forestry Joint Stock Company. After more than 20 years working at the company, she has always been a hard-working and exemplary worker.

Hundreds of workers in difficult circumstances have been supported from donations from union members and workers throughout the Corporation. Photo: CSCC.
Hundreds of workers in difficult circumstances have been supported from donations from union members and workers throughout the Corporation. Photo: Anh Tuan

More than half of her life has been hard, and when it seemed like it was time to lighten the burden on her shoulders when her children were studying and getting married, many events happened to her. Her youngest son died in an accident, leaving her with a small child, and she took care of him and her elderly mother.

Recently, her health deteriorated. She went to the doctor and was found to have metastatic thyroid cancer. Losing nearly 9kg in just one month, Ms. Loi's spirit almost collapsed. Surrounded by difficulties and sadness, she still tried to work to have money to make ends meet. The whole family could only look at her salary.

Knowing Ms. Loi's situation, the Corporation's Trade Union and member Trade Unions of Ha Tinh Agriculture and Forestry Joint Stock Company visited, encouraged and supported her to overcome the difficulties ahead.

To create favorable conditions for her, the company arranged for her to do a more suitable job, ensuring her income and policies. In addition, the company and trade union also called and mobilized all workers and sponsors to support her further; asked the Provincial Labor Federation to support her in building a Trade Union Shelter with an amount of 50 million VND.

Ms. Loi shared: “For many years, my family's situation has been constantly difficult, the company and union have visited and supported many times; During holidays and Tet, the company always pays attention and prioritizes giving gifts to her family. Now that she's sick like this, everyone is worried about her. The children in the union Executive Committee always find ways to help her. I don't know how to repay these kindnesses."

Sharing the same difficult situation of workers, even though he is a man, Mr. Le Manh Hung, a worker of Ha Tinh Agriculture and Forestry Development Joint Stock Company, also choked up when talking about the difficulties he went through.

He was born into a poor farming family in Duc Tho district. His father was a seriously wounded soldier and passed away early, so he and his two younger sisters had to help their mother take care of family life. At the age of 26, he got married. Five years after giving birth to his first daughter, his wife was often sick and had to be treated in hospitals for long periods of time. When their second son was born, the joy did not last long when he and his wife were surprised to learn that their son had autism and hyperactivity. I don't know how many times he felt sad when he saw the house degraded and dilapidated, his wife sick and in pain, his children acting out of control and his old mother struggling to work as a maid. Every month, he collects the money he makes, then borrows from relatives and friends to take his wife and children to different places for treatment.

Sympathizing with his situation, the company always created favorable conditions for him at work, the union always gave gifts to visit, encourage and mobilize workers in the company to donate and support.

Mitraco Trade Union and member union of Ha Tinh Agriculture and Forestry Joint Stock Company gave support to Mr. Le Manh Hung's family. Photo: CSCC.
Mitraco Trade Union and member union of Ha Tinh Agriculture and Forestry Joint Stock Company gave support to Mr. Le Manh Hung's family. Photo: Anh Tuan

In 2020, the company union asked the Provincial Confederation of Labor to support him in building a "Trade Union Warm" house. The company also provided him with additional support and encouraged workers to support and lend money so he could have a permanent house. to stay. Each specific job, each love and support from the company, the union, and the workers have helped him gradually overcome difficulties, stabilize his life, work with peace of mind, and stick with the company.

Mr. Le Manh Hung shared: "If it weren't for the company, I don't know how I would go through difficult and deadlocked days. I can only say that I am very appreciative and grateful."

Every year, Mitraco enthusiastically organizes sports tournaments, creating a fun playground for workers. Photo: CSCC.
Every year, Mitraco enthusiastically organizes sports tournaments, creating a fun playground for workers. Photo: Anh Tuan

Mr. Le Viet Thao - General Director of Mitraco shared: "Mitraco always considers workers as precious capital. And we always thank the Corporation's union and member grassroots unions for always closely taking care of workers; accompanying and greatly helping the Corporation in building stable labor relations, ensuring jobs, and improving the material and spiritual life of workers. The union's proposals and meaningful actions have contributed to the good traditions of the Corporation, leaving unforgettable feelings and impressions on the workers."

Leaders of the Corporation and trade unions praised workers for their outstanding achievements in emulation movements on the occasion of Workers' Month and Action Month on OSH. Photo: CSCC.
Leaders of the Corporation and the union praised workers for their outstanding achievements in emulation movements on the occasion of Workers' Month and Action Month on OSH. Photo: Anh Tuan

“Trade unions and workers contribute greatly to the development of businesses. On the occasion of the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Vietnam Trade Union, I would like to send my sincere thanks and best wishes to all union officials, union members, and employees of the Corporation. We hope that our efforts will achieve the highest results, and together we will work together to build a strong and sustainable development of the Corporation," said Mr. Le Viet Thao.


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