Abandon unemployment benefits without pension?

Mạnh Cường |

In the draft revised Employment Law, the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs has added cases in which workers who have not received pensions are not entitled to unemployment benefits.

According to records, most workers do not agree with this proposal.

Ms. Hoang Thi Thanh (49 years old, Nam Dinh) - a fabric cutter said that the proposal is like depriving the rights of social insurance participants. Ms. Thanh even said that the proposal will affect the time of social insurance payment of workers.

"I can do it for 20 years, but waiting until I'm 60 years old to receive my pension is uncertain. If I don't receive unemployment benefits when I quit my job, it's a disadvantage," Ms. Thanh said.

The female worker shared that she has now paid social insurance for 17 years. Ms. Thanh said that, during the process of paying social insurance, there is always a separate deduction to the unemployment insurance fund. enjoy.

"The insurance payment period is long but workers only receive a maximum of 12 months of unemployment benefits, which is very disadvantageous. This benefit should not be cut in any case" - Ms. Thanh recommended.

According to Ms. Thanh, this is the thinking of many workers, not just herself.

With this new proposal, Mr. Pham Thanh Binh (33 years old) - a worker at an electronic components company in Hanoi expressed: "I have paid unemployment insurance for more than 10 years, so if I do not receive this benefit, , where do I get money to ensure my life when I have no job?

Mr. Binh proposed that employees should be allowed to receive a full 12 months of unemployment benefits even if they are eligible for retirement but have not yet received a pension. If the time off from work is when you start receiving pension, you will still be entitled to it.

The current Employment Law stipulates that employees who are paying unemployment insurance are entitled to unemployment benefits when terminating the labor contract, or working contract, except for the following cases: The employee unilaterally terminates the contract. Illegal labor contracts and work contracts; receive monthly pension and disability allowance.

In the revised Draft Employment Law, the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs adds a number of cases that are not eligible to receive benefits, including: People who unilaterally terminate labor contracts illegally; People who are fired or forced to quit their jobs by disciplinary action; pensioners; Employees are eligible for pension but have not yet received pension when terminating their labor contract or working contract.

Unemployment insurance policy has been implemented since 2009, the participating groups are formal sector workers with contracts, payment is based on the principle of contribution and benefit.

The revised Employment Law document is expected to be submitted to the National Assembly for comments at the October 2024 session.

Mạnh Cường

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