Union officials are devoted to workers

Đình Trọng |

Many trade union officials in Binh Duong have always pondered, built plans, and proposed policies to care for and improve the lives of workers.

Continuous efforts to bring more rights to female workers

In Thuan An city, Binh Duong province, Ho Chang Vina Company Limited (specializing in manufacturing and processing hats) has 479 employees. This is a company that fully implements labor policies and laws, always creating favorable conditions for workers to do work suitable to their abilities and health.

The company is fair in paying salaries according to skills, training to improve skills and increase income for workers . Notably, the company has many benefits for female employees such as maternity benefits, child care benefits, child care cost support, and periodic health check-ups for employees...

Enterprises and grassroots trade unions also fully carry out hospitality and sickness visits (240 cases from 2019 - 2023). On International Women's Day, Mid-Autumn Festival, major annual holidays... there are gifts for workers; Particularly difficult cases at the facility are helped by donations.

The above results are thanks to the active activities of the company's grassroots trade union and the personal efforts of Ms. Le Ha Tien - Member of the Executive Committee of the Grassroots Trade Union and Head of the Grassroots Women's Committee from 2015 to present.

Over the past years, Ms. Le Ha Tien has actively advised and helped the Grassroots Trade Union Executive Committee implement regimes, policies and laws related to workers.

Ms. Tien also has many small but sophisticated initiatives to create a comfortable working space for workers, such as proposing rain umbrellas to help workers move around the company conveniently; Initiative to create recliners for pregnant female workers (supports health, reduces back pain due to prolonged sitting at work)...

“The lives of workers are still difficult, especially female union members. Through the union's activities at the company, I want to help female union members overcome difficulties and rise in life. This is also the motivation for me to continue in women's work..." - Ms. Tien shared.

Happy that union members have additional benefits

At Shyang Hung Cheng Co., Ltd., Ms. Nguyen Ngoc Yen Huong - Head of Human Resources and Head of the company's Grassroots Women's Trade Union Committee - has made many contributions to building the worker movement, creating more rights and benefits. for workers.

During her work, Ms. Nguyen Ngoc Yen Huong has developed policies and activities focusing on factors related to female workers (the company has up to 70% female workers). Notably, Ms. Huong succeeded in including in the labor agreement the content of the company providing milk support for pregnant female employees. She also regularly advises and contributes ideas to the company's trade union Executive Committee so that the program at the facility runs smoothly.

As Head of the Women's Department, Ms. Huong participated with the factory in resolving issues related to female workers, helping to build harmonious labor relations at the factory.

Develop programs and activities to care for female workers such as: Giving gifts 8.3; flower arrangement, cuisine 10.20. Organize thematic classes: Reproductive health care, gender equality, anti-domestic violence; flower arranging class; makeup classes; aerobics class; Coordinate with hospitals to provide free reproductive health examination and testing for female workers...

“Even though my professional work is busy, I always take time to think and plan activities to care for female workers. When my plans and programs are implemented, bringing joy and welfare to union members, I feel happy to have brought what others expect. With that meaning, it helps me forget the hardships" - said Ms. Nguyen Ngoc Yen Huong - Head of Human Resources Department of Shyang Hung Cheng Co., Ltd.

Đình Trọng

Quảng Nam tôn vinh 116 cán bộ công đoàn, công nhân tiêu biểu

Hoàng Bin |

Ngày 20.8, LĐLĐ Quảng Nam tổ chức hội nghị tuyên dương Chủ tịch công đoàn cơ sở, Nghiệp đoàn cơ sở giai đoạn 2021-2023; công nhân lao động tiêu biểu năm 2024.

Khai giảng lớp lý luận, nghiệp vụ cho cán bộ Công đoàn Lào

Kiều Vũ |

Hà Nội - Ngày 19.8, Trường Đại học Công đoàn khai giảng lớp tập huấn lý luận và nghiệp vụ công tác Công đoàn dành cho cán bộ Công đoàn Lào năm 2024.

Tập huấn nghiệp vụ đấu thầu cho cán bộ công đoàn ở Ninh Bình


Ngày 17.8, Công đoàn các khu công nghiệp tỉnh Ninh Bình tổ chức lớp tập huấn nghiệp vụ đấu thầu, tuyên truyền về an toàn giao cho cán bộ công đoàn.

Biểu dương nhiều nữ cán bộ Công đoàn tiêu biểu ở Đắk Lắk


Đắk Lắk - Liên đoàn Lao động tỉnh Đắk Lắk đã biểu dương nhiều cán bộ Công đoàn tiêu biểu, có thành tích đặc biệt xuất sắc trong năm 2024.

Tập huấn công tác tuyên giáo cho hơn 300 cán bộ công đoàn


Ngày 16.8, LĐLĐ tỉnh Ninh Bình tổ chức hội nghị tập huấn công tác tuyên giáo công đoàn cho hơn 300 cán bộ công đoàn.

Tập huấn bồi dưỡng nghiệp vụ cán bộ Công đoàn cơ sở năm 2024

Mai Lý (LĐLĐ huyện Cái Bè) |

Ngày 15.8, Liên đoàn Lao động (LĐLĐ) huyện Cái Bè (tỉnh Tiền Giang) tiếp tục tổ chức Hội nghị tập huấn nghiệp vụ công đoàn cho hơn 400 cán bộ công đoàn cơ sở.

Gần 2.600 cán bộ công đoàn Hà Tĩnh được tập huấn nghiệp vụ


Ngày 15.8, LĐLĐ tỉnh Hà Tĩnh tổ chức hội nghị trực tuyến tập huấn nghiệp vụ công đoàn cho gần 2.600 cán bộ công đoàn.

Tuyên Quang chịu nhiều thiệt hại sau vụ vỡ đập bùn thải ở Bắc Kạn

Việt Bắc |

Vụ vỡ đập bùn thải ở huyện Chợ Đồn, Bắc Kạn đã khiến lượng lớn chất thải tràn theo dòng suối về tỉnh Tuyên Quang, gây thiệt hại cho sản xuất, chăn nuôi.

Quang Nam honored 116 outstanding union officials and workers

Hoàng Bin |

On August 20, the Quang Nam Confederation of Labor held a conference to commend the Chairman of the grassroots trade union and the Grassroots Trade Union for the period 2021-2023; Typical workers in 2024.

Opening theory and professional class for Lao Trade Union officials

Kiều Vũ |

Hanoi - On August 19, Trade Union University opened a theoretical and professional training course on Trade Union work for Lao Trade Union officials in 2024.

Training on bidding skills for union officials in Ninh Binh


On August 17, the Trade Union of Industrial Parks in Ninh Binh province organized a training course on bidding skills and safety propaganda for union officials.

Praise many outstanding female trade union officials in Dak Lak


Dak Lak - Dak Lak Provincial Labor Confederation has praised many outstanding Trade Union officials with particularly outstanding achievements in 2024.

Training on propaganda work for more than 300 union officials


On August 16, the Confederation of Labor of Ninh Binh province organized a training conference on union propaganda work for more than 300 union officials.

Professional training for grassroots Trade Union officials in 2024

Mai Lý (LĐLĐ huyện Cái Bè) |

On August 15, the Confederation of Labor (Confederation) of Cai Be district (Tien Giang province) continued to organize a trade union professional training conference for more than 400 grassroots union officials.

Nearly 2,600 Ha Tinh union officials received professional training


On August 15, the Confederation of Labor of Ha Tinh province organized an online conference to train trade union skills for nearly 2,600 union officials.