"Sprinting" on the construction site of 500kV circuit 3 line


Thanh Hoa - These days, despite the sun and rain, engineers and workers in the electricity industry are "sprinting" to construct the 500kV circuit 3 line.

Working through sun and rain

As noted by Labor in recent days, at many column foundation locations of the 500kV circuit 3 line (through Thanh Hoa), engineers and workers in the electricity industry are rushing, "racing against time" to Construction of project items.

Engineers and workers of the electricity industry strive to construct the column foundation of the 500kV circuit 3 line (section passing Dong Son district, Thanh Hoa province). Photo: Quach Du
Engineers and workers of the Electricity industry strive to construct the column foundation of the 500kV circuit 3 line (section passing Dong Son district, Thanh Hoa province). Photo: Quach Du

While quickly constructing at the foundation position of column No. 173 (section passing Dong Hoang commune, Dong Son district, Thanh Hoa province), Mr. Hoang Xuan Sy (56 years old) - Thua Thien Hue Power Transmission officer - said, he is one of dozens of Electricity industry officials from Thua Thien Hue to Thanh Hoa supporting the construction of 500kV circuit 3 line.

“We have been going to Thanh Hoa to strengthen for more than 2 months now. The time we left was right during the period of unfavorable weather, some times the heat was extremely harsh, some times it rained continuously. Working in such weather made it quite difficult for us. However, because of the common progress, everyone tried to work hard, regardless of the weather" - Mr. Sy shared.

Also according to Mr. Sy, now is the sprint phase to complete the remaining column foundation items, so the team members are even more enthusiastic, working in 3 shifts of 4 teams to complete the workload as scheduled. go out.

Sharing the same sentiment as Mr. Sy, Mr. Van Ngoc Sang - Team Leader of Phu Loc Power Transmission Team, Thua Thien Hue Power Transmission - said that for about the past half month, the weather in Thanh Hoa has been raining continuously, even sometimes. It was pouring rain that day, so it had a significant impact on construction work at the construction site.

Thua Thien Hue electricity industry officials "brave the sun" constructing at the foundation position of column No. 173 (in Dong Hoang commune, Dong Son district, Thanh Hoa).
Thua Thien Hue Electricity Department staff "brave the sun" to construct at the foundation position of column No. 173 (in Dong Hoang commune, Dong Son district, Thanh Hoa).

“In general, for us, work is hard whether it's rain or shine. When it's sunny, we're tired and dehydrated. When it rains heavily, we have to stop, and when the rain stops, we run out to work again. In addition, construction in terrain such as hills and fields makes it more difficult," said Mr. Sang.

Also according to many officials and workers in the electricity industry from the southern provinces who have come to Thanh Hoa, they have not been able to go home for many months, and they somewhat miss their wives, children, and families. Therefore, their late hope is to make efforts to quickly complete the project and return to their families, wives and children.

Remove difficulties

It is known that regarding the problems and difficulties in the process of constructing the 500kV circuit 3 line through Thanh Hoa province, recently, Vietnam Electricity Group and Thanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee had a working session on the project. project construction support.

At this meeting, the Central Power Project Management Board - representative of the investor proposed that Thanh Hoa province continue to support propaganda and urge households with remaining houses and projects to dismantle and relocate. exit the safety corridor and salvage and clear the remaining trees.

Hastily installing equipment on the construction site of 500kV circuit 3 line (through Dong Son district, Thanh Hoa province). Photo: Quach Du
Hastily installing equipment on the construction site of 500kV circuit 3 line (through Dong Son district, Thanh Hoa province). Photo: Quach Du

At the same time, pay attention to support the approval of compensation plans for the remaining foundation locations and corridors; support in resolving related problems and issues arising during the construction process, including related to the return of public service roads, inter-village and inter-commune roads and organizing to ensure security and order for construction for cases of intentionally obstructing construction.

In particular, the investor proposed that Thanh Hoa direct the People's Committee of Nhu Thanh district to complete a plan to ensure construction security for wire pulling work (at about columns 70-71 and 71-72 through Thanh Ky commune). because the households received compensation according to the approved plan but prevented the construction unit from pulling the rope; Nghi Son Town People's Committee resolved problems in some locations where people petitioned not to be compensated for site clearance due to overlapping areas.

In response to the investor's proposal, the representative of the People's Committee of Thanh Hoa province pledged that the locality will mobilize the maximum resources to accompany the investor and construction units, determined to complete the project. in accordance with the instructions of the Prime Minister.


Công nhân ngành điện “đội mưa” thi công đường dây 500kV


Thanh Hóa - Bất chấp thời tiết mưa, những ngày qua các cán bộ kỹ sư, công nhân ngành điện vẫn miệt mài thi công trên công trường đường dây 500kv mạch 3.

Hoàn thành đường dây 500kV mạch 3 dịp kỷ niệm Quốc khánh


Thủ tướng Chính phủ yêu cầu hoàn thành dự án đường dây 500kV mạch 3 chào mừng kỷ niệm 79 năm Cách mạng tháng Tám và Quốc khánh 2.9.

Động viên người lao động thi công đường dây 500kV mạch 3

Lương Nguyễn |

Ngày 21.7, đoàn công tác của Tổng LĐLĐVN đến tặng quà người lao động thi công đường dây 500kv mạch 3 Quảng Trạch - Quỳnh Lưu, khu vực tỉnh Nghệ An.

Bị thu hồi, trung tâm nông nghiệp ngang nhiên tập kết quặng

Lam Thanh |

Thái Nguyên - Hoạt động kém hiệu quả, Trung tâm Nông nghiệp ứng dụng công nghệ cao tại TP Thái Nguyên thành bãi chứa quặng, vật liệu xây dựng.

Đào Nhật Tân chết rũ vì bão, nông dân mất trắng hàng tỉ đồng

Minh Thương |

Hà Nội - Sau bão lũ, hàng loạt hộ dân tại làng đào Nhật Tân (quận Tây Hồ) mất trắng cả vườn đào ươm cho vụ Tết, thiệt hại hàng tỉ đồng.

Ứng phó bão số 4, chủ động với các tình huống xấu nhất xảy ra


Thủ tướng Chính phủ yêu cầu quyết liệt ứng phó bão số 4 theo phương châm "bốn tại chỗ", chủ động xử lý các tình huống xấu nhất có thể xảy ra.

Cầu trên tuyến nối Hòa Bình với Hà Nội bị nứt gãy, sụt mố

Minh Nguyễn |

Hòa Bình - Cầu Ngòi Móng trên tỉnh lộ 445 (tuyến đường nối thành phố Hòa Bình) bất ngờ bị nứt, sụt mố cầu lúc nửa đêm, may mắn không gây thiệt hại về người.

Một số tỉnh cho học sinh nghỉ học tránh bão


Áp thấp nhiệt đới mạnh lên thành bão số 4, tỉnh Thừa Thiên Huế thông báo cho học sinh toàn tỉnh nghỉ học ngày 19.9 để tránh bão. Tại Quảng Trị, một số địa phương, trường học đã cho học sinh nghỉ học.

Electricity industry workers "wear the rain" to construct a 500kV line


Thanh Hoa - Despite the rainy weather, in recent days, engineers and workers of the electricity industry have been diligently working on the construction site of the 500kv circuit 3 line.

Completed the 500kV 3rd circuit line on the occasion of the National Day celebration


The Prime Minister requested the completion of the 500kV circuit 3 line project to celebrate the 79th anniversary of the August Revolution and National Day September 2.

Encourage workers to construct 500kV circuit 3 line

Lương Nguyễn |

On July 21, the working group of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor came to give gifts to workers constructing the 500kv line 3 of Quang Trach - Quynh Luu, Nghe An province.