Proactively resolve conflicts quickly and promptly take care of employees

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According to the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, from the beginning of the year until now, there have been nearly 40 collective work stoppages nationwide. The main reason is due to enterprises delaying salary and bonus payments, violating regimes and policies towards workers; Employees do not agree with the company's conditions and bonus levels. Faced with the above situation, trade unions at all levels promptly coordinated with the authorities to support the parties to negotiate, dialogue, and find solutions... thereby ensuring the rights of employees.

Focus on protecting rights and taking care of employees

In early July 2024, many businesses encountered difficulties, did not properly handle labor contract procedures, and did not pay social insurance for employees... leading to the risk of labor disputes. In addition, there is also a potential risk of disputes related to the adjustment of a 6% increase in the regional minimum wage.

Therefore, the Confederation of Labor of Binh Duong province has stepped up propaganda work to help businesses adjust the regional minimum wage. Ms. Nguyen Kim Loan - Chairwoman of the Confederation of Labor of Binh Duong province said that the unit has asked the union levels to focus on taking care of and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of workers. Coordinate with review agencies to ensure businesses comply with regulations on increasing the regional minimum wage of 6% for employees.

Since July 1, a number of labor disputes have occurred in Binh Duong province because businesses have not adjusted the regional minimum wage according to regulations. Immediately, the direct grassroots union and the provincial union went to the factory to dialogue and negotiate with the business.

Provincial union officials explained to business owners about the new regulations, labor recruitment context, spending levels and employee life. After discussing with the union, businesses have adjusted the regional minimum wage for employees. Therefore, labor dispute stoppages usually only take place in one session or one day. This not only protects the rights of employees but also avoids affecting the enterprise's production.

On August 25, the Labor Confederation of Binh Duong province said that the Provincial Trade Union had just mobilized Nam Kim Construction Investment Joint Stock Company (part of Kim Oanh Group) to give 950 gifts to workers of Hoang Import-Export Joint Stock Company. Sinh (Hoa Phu ward, Thu Dau Mot city). Sponsors have provided necessities for workers including rice, instant noodles, sugar, cooking oil, fish sauce, soy sauce...

According to records, this is the 4th time the Binh Duong Provincial Labor Confederation has mobilized to support and take care of employees when a work stoppage dispute occurs due to unpaid wages from the enterprise. Previously, at the end of July 2024, hundreds of workers at Hoang Sinh Import-Export Joint Stock Company stopped working and asked the company to repay four consecutive months of salary.

Identifying workers in difficulty, the Binh Duong Confederation of Labor provided emergency support to the workers. On the night of July 31, the Labor Confederation of Binh Duong province provided necessities to support workers. At the same time, the union directly went to the enterprise, negotiated, and asked the enterprise to find a plan to pay wages to employees.

According to Ms. Nguyen Kim Loan - Chairwoman of Binh Duong Province's Confederation of Labor, the unit has mobilized all forces, both resolving disputes and providing necessities for workers in the company.

In addition, the trade union ministries also sent out motels to support the company's employees in difficulty. As a result, initially, this business paid 2 months' salary to workers. Binh Duong Provincial Labor Federation provided 2 more monetary supports of 1 million VND/person to nearly 1,000 workers. Currently, the unit is still closely monitoring developments in labor relations at this enterprise.

Firmly grasp the situation of employees right from the grassroots level

Talking to reporters, Ms. Tran Thi Thanh Ha - Member of the Presidium, Head of the Labor Relations Committee of the General Confederation of Labor said that to prevent and resolve labor disputes, the Union needs to continue to firmly grasp the situation. workers right from the grassroots.

“To grasp the thoughts and aspirations of employees, trade union officials need to use diverse, flexible and regularly innovated methods to suit each content, purpose, and situation with both contents. Both sides really care. Trade unions can apply some forms of information capture such as conducting quick meetings before work shifts, workers raise demands and proposals to the employer for the union to gather. , make recommendations to employers; widely publicize hotline numbers of the steering committee, working group, and management board of industrial parks; Set up mailboxes in production workshops to receive requests, wishes and problems in implementing regimes and policies related to the rights and interests of employees. When receiving information from workers, the Communist Party of Vietnam coordinates with agencies directly grasping the situation to present the workers' requests, negotiate and propose specific solutions with business owners to have solutions to ensure protect legitimate rights for employees..." - Ms. Tran Thi Thanh Ha said.

According to the leaders of the Labor Relations Board, doing this job well will help the union detect conflicts and frustrations of employees that are the cause of labor disputes, thereby building a dialogue plan with businesses. to resolve conflicts, and at the same time report to the superior trade union for support if necessary.

Along with that, trade unions need to effectively use communication channels to propagate to officials, union members, and employees about resolving labor disputes. Propaganda content should focus on issues related to the rights and responsibilities of employees and employers, working conditions of employees, welfare regimes for employees, compliance with labor laws, and employers' trade unions. …

“Doing a good job of propaganda, dissemination, and legal advice for union members and workers, especially workers in industrial parks, export processing zones, and economic zones, will raise awareness for workers, thereby forming ideas. ways to implement the law, minimizing possible labor disputes" - Ms. Tran Thi Thanh Ha commented.

In addition, union officials need to continue to raise comprehensive awareness for workers. Focus on improving the quality and promoting the role of Communist Party union officials and core workers in understanding and solving workers' problems, especially issues related to political security and public order. whole society.

When a situation occurs, you must stay close to the area and firmly grasp the business; proactive and flexible in handling; Actively advise with party committees and authorities, closely coordinate with all levels, sectors and businesses; Strictly implement the information and reporting regime.

đình trọng - hà anh

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Hà Anh |

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283 đề tài sáng kiến của các cấp Công đoàn Giồng Riềng


Các cấp Công đoàn của huyện Giồng Riềng (Kiên Giang) đã nỗ lực, phấn đấu hoàn thành tốt các nhiệm vụ được giao trong 6 tháng đầu năm 2024.

Lồng ghép "Tăng trưởng xanh" với các hoạt động của các cấp Công đoàn

Thành An |

Bà Rịa - Vũng Tàu - Hoạt động Công đoàn lồng ghép với các nội dung phù hợp của chiến lược Tăng trưởng xanh tại cơ quan, đơn vị phải mang tính thuyết phục, khả thi cao và đến được với người lao động để chuyển thành ý thức và hành động tự giác.

Các cấp công đoàn ở Quảng Ngãi tích cực chăm lo cho lợi ích đoàn viên


Các cấp công đoàn ở Quảng Ngãi đã không ngừng sáng tạo, triển khai nhiều cách làm mới để chăm lo cho lợi ích của đoàn viên.

Phó Thủ tướng Thường trực Nguyễn Hòa Bình nhận thêm nhiệm vụ


Phó Thủ tướng Thường trực Chính phủ Nguyễn Hòa Bình được phân công là Tổ trưởng Tổ công tác cải cách thủ tục hành chính của Thủ tướng Chính phủ.

Nước màu đỏ tràn vào khu dân cư ở Hà Nội


Dòng nước màu đỏ tràn vào khu tập thể Phú Minh (phường Cổ Nhuế 2, quận Bắc Từ Liêm, Hà Nội) khiến người dân lo lắng.

Dự báo cường độ áp thấp nhiệt đới khi mạnh lên thành bão số 4


Cơ quan khí tượng cho biết, khi áp thấp nhiệt đới mạnh lên thành bão số 4 sẽ có cường độ cấp 8 - 9.

How much % of mandatory health insurance must employees pay?

Hà Anh |

Hanoi Social Insurance Agency advises employees on mandatory health insurance premiums.

The Railway industry has no labor disputes

Hà Anh |

The Vietnam Railway Union has coordinated well to implement grassroots democracy; The legal and legitimate rights and interests of union members and workers are guaranteed.

283 initiative topics of Giong Rieng Trade Union at all levels


The Trade Union levels of Giong Rieng district (Kien Giang) have made efforts and strive to successfully complete assigned tasks in the first 6 months of 2024.

Lồng ghép "Tăng trưởng xanh" với các hoạt động của các cấp Công đoàn

Thành An |

Bà Rịa - Vũng Tàu - Hoạt động Công đoàn lồng ghép với các nội dung phù hợp của chiến lược Tăng trưởng xanh tại cơ quan, đơn vị phải mang tính thuyết phục, khả thi cao và đến được với người lao động để chuyển thành ý thức và hành động tự giác.

Các cấp công đoàn ở Quảng Ngãi tích cực chăm lo cho lợi ích đoàn viên


Các cấp công đoàn ở Quảng Ngãi đã không ngừng sáng tạo, triển khai nhiều cách làm mới để chăm lo cho lợi ích của đoàn viên.