Children go to school, parents of workers are worried

Nhóm PV |

As their children enter the new school year, most workers are worried about rising tuition costs , traffic safety concerns, and the possibility of their children getting sick when they return to class.

Many payments to make

Ms. Pham Thi Mo (37 years old) - a worker in Nam Dinh shared: "I have two sons in grade 9 and grade 10. These are two extremely important milestones for the children, so it costs a lot of money for the new school year ."

The female worker said that tuition fees could increase by one and a half times compared to last year; health insurance fees also increased by nearly 400,000 VND. The second child is preparing an additional 200,000 VND/month for extra classes to review for the high school entrance exam. For the older child, books, uniforms, and clothes must be new, so it is even more expensive.

Since July, Ms. Mo and her husband have taken 7 million VND from their monthly salary to buy their eldest son a 50cc motorbike to go to school. When planning for this, the family had to tighten their spending, cut down on expenses...

Ms. Bui Thi Loan (28 years old, from Lac Son, Hoa Binh), a worker at Doosung Teach Company - Luong Son Industrial Park, said: "My salary is 6 million VND/month, apart from food and rent, it is not enough to pay for school fees because my eldest child has just started first grade, so I have to pay many other fees. In particular, the increased cost of books and school supplies makes me worry even more."

Similarly, Ms. Nguyen Thi Thoa (38 years old, from Da Bac, Hoa Binh province, working at Cap Global Company - Luong Son Industrial Park) expressed: "My family has two children studying in grade 8 and grade 12. In addition to normal expenses, tuition fees and contributions have increased, not to mention the current higher price of textbooks. I have to borrow money to prepare for my children to be able to go to school."

Ms. Pham Thi Ngoc (30 years old) - a worker in Thai Nguyen said: "At the end of the school year, parents are notified separately about the fees for school facilities. In addition, the school also announced that the new school year's tuition and allowances may increase compared to last year" - Ms. Ngoc confided.

The female worker said that tuition fees are expected to increase by 50,000 VND/month/child, and child support by 80,000 VND/month/child. Because she cannot go home to cook lunch for her children, this amount alone will cost at least 1.5 million VND/month.

According to Ms. Ngoc, the amount of 8 million VND prepared for the children at the beginning of the new school year is probably not enough. Compared to her salary of more than 9 million VND and her husband's salary of 10 million VND, this number really makes her have to consider many things.

In addition to money, Ms. Ngoc is also worried about the risk of her child getting sick when meeting and interacting with friends. "My youngest child has never been able to avoid getting sick when returning to class with his friends. Mild cases can cause him to get sick for a few days, severe cases can require him to be hospitalized for a week to recover, which greatly affects my work and my children's studies," Ms. Ngoc said.

The female worker shared that the most common illnesses her children get when starting a new school year are bronchitis, pneumonia, pink eye, and hand, foot, and mouth disease. Therefore, in addition to the annual health insurance, at the beginning of the school year, Ms. Ngoc has to buy student health insurance as a precaution...

Try for the future

Ms. Nguyen Thi Tuyet (42 years old, in Luong Son, Hoa Binh province, working at Transon Company - Luong Son Industrial Park) shared that her family has two children of school age and she is working as a worker near her home with a salary of about 8 million/month, her husband is a local construction worker with an unstable income.

Ms. Tuyet has one child in 8th grade and one in college. According to Ms. Tuyet, despite the difficulties, the family still tries, accepts to work overtime to have enough money to cover expenses and hopes that the children will study hard to have a brighter future.

On September 3, speaking with a reporter from Lao Dong Newspaper, Ms. Dinh Thi Huong - Deputy Director of the Department of Education and Training of Hoa Binh province - said that according to the plan on September 5, all schools in the province will hold the opening ceremony.

Nhóm PV

Mức thu học phí mới nhất đối với trẻ học mầm non ở Hưng Yên

Hà Anh |

Quy định mới nhất về mức thu học phí đối với giáo dục mầm non, giáo dục phổ thông công lập trên địa bàn tỉnh Hưng Yên.

Kỳ nghỉ lễ 2.9 của công nhân tại nhà trọ

Hân Phương |

Lễ Quốc khánh 2.9 năm nay, nhiều công nhân xa quê chọn cách nghỉ lễ ở tại nhà trọ hoặc đi làm 8 tiếng ở công ty.

Công nhân miệt mài làm việc trên công trường cao tốc


Trong những ngày nghỉ Lễ Quốc khánh 2.9 trên đại công trường cao tốc Đắk Lắk vẫn có rất nhiều công nhân lao động "vượt nắng, thắng mưa" để làm việc.

Những chuyên ngành sinh viên được miễn 100% học phí

Vân Trang |

Dưới đây là những ngành học sinh viên được miễn 100% học phí.

Mức thu học phí ở Cần Thơ từ 32.000 - 75.000 đồng/tháng


Sở Giáo dục và Đào tạo (GDĐT) TP Cần Thơ vừa có hướng dẫn thu, quản lý học phí và các khoản thu đầu năm học 2024 - 2025 của các cơ sở giáo dục công lập.

Đắk Mil miễn 100% học phí cho người dân học nghề


Đắk Nông - Các học viên khi tham gia học nghề tại Trung tâm Giáo dục nghề nghiệp – Giáo dục thường xuyên huyện Đắk Mil sẽ được miễn 100% tiền học phí.

Điểm chuẩn, học phí 3 trường Y hàng đầu ở TPHCM năm 2024

Nguyên Chân |

Điểm chuẩn ở 3 trường Y hàng đầu tại TPHCM dao động từ 21,35 đến 27,8 điểm; học phí từ khoảng 41,8 đến 84,7 triệu đồng/năm.

Chi tiết các đối tượng được miễn học phí năm học 2024 - 2025

Khánh Linh |

Bạn đọc Bùi Thị Thu Hiên (Hòa Bình) hỏi: "Những đối tượng nào được miễn học phí trong năm học 2024 - 2025?".

Đối tượng nào được miễn, giảm học phí năm học 2024 -2025?


Mùa khai giảng năm học 2024 – 2025 sắp bắt đầu. Một trong những vấn đề được nhiều phụ huynh, sinh viên, học sinh quan tâm là quy định về miễn, giảm học phí.

Người được hỗ trợ chi phí học tập năm học 2024 -2025

Nam Dương |

Bạn đọc có email hỏi: Năm học 2024 - 2025, những đối tượng nào được hỗ trợ chi phí học tập?

Latest tuition fees for preschool children in Hung Yen

Hà Anh |

Latest regulations on tuition fees for public preschool and general education in Hung Yen province .

Workers' 2.9 holiday at the boarding house

Hân Phương |

On National Day, September 2nd this year, many workers far from home chose to stay at their motels or work 8 hours at the company.

Workers work hard on the highway construction site


During the National Day holiday on September 2nd, at the large highway construction site in Dak Lak , there were still many workers "braving the sun and rain" to work.

Majors for which students are exempted from 100% tuition fees

Vân Trang |

Below are the majors that students are exempted from 100% tuition fees .

Tuition fees in Can Tho range from 32,000 - 75,000 VND/month


The Department of Education and Training (GDĐT) of Can Tho City has just issued guidance on collecting and managing tuition and fees at the beginning of the 2024 - 2025 school year of public educational institutions.

Dak Mil offers 100% tuition exemption for vocational trainees


Dak Nong - Students participating in vocational training at the Vocational Education Center - Continuing Education of Dak Mil district will receive 100% tuition exemption.

Benchmark scores and tuition fees for the top 3 medical schools in Ho Chi Minh City in 2024

Nguyên Chân |

Standard scores at the top 3 medical schools in Ho Chi Minh City range from 21.35 to 27.8 points; Tuition fees range from about 41.8 to 84.7 million VND/year.

Details of subjects eligible for tuition exemption for the 2024 - 2025 school year

Khánh Linh |

Reader Bui Thi Thu Hien (Hoa Binh) asked: "Who are eligible for tuition exemption in the 2024 - 2025 school year?".

Who is eligible for tuition exemption or reduction for the 2024-2025 school year?


The opening season of the 2024 - 2025 school year is about to begin. One of the issues that many parents, students and students are concerned about is the regulations on tuition exemption and reduction .

People who are supported with study expenses for the 2024 - 2025 school year

Nam Dương |

A reader with the email asked a question: In the 2024 - 2025 school year, who will be supported with study expenses ?