Mr. Michael Papanicola - General Secretary of the International Union of Timber and Construction Workers (UITBB), General Secretary of the Cyprus Construction, Timber and Mining Trade Union led the delegation to visit and work with the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor.
At the reception, Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Huynh Thanh Xuan emphasized that along with the traditional friendship between the two countries, the friendship and cooperation between the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor and the Cyprus General Confederation of Labor (PEO) are increasingly strengthened.
Mr. Huynh Thanh Xuan said that the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor is focusing on implementing projects and action programs to implement the Resolution of the 13th Congress of Vietnam Trade Union, term 2023-2028, focusing on 3 breakthroughs:
The first is to promote dialogue and collective bargaining, focusing on wages, bonuses, working hours, rest hours, and occupational safety and hygiene. The target by the end of the term is that at least 83% of enterprises and units with trade unions that meet the conditions prescribed by law will be able to negotiate and sign collective labor agreements in accordance with the law.
The second is to focus on developing union members and establishing grassroots unions in non-state enterprises. The target by the end of the term is to have 15 million union members nationwide and establish grassroots organizations in 100% of enterprises with 25 or more employees.
Third is to build a team of grassroots union chairmen that meet the requirements of the task, especially union chairmen in non-state enterprises. The target is that 100% of newly elected grassroots union chairmen receive appropriate training and development.
To promote the relationship between the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor and PEO as well as between the Construction, Wood and Mining Trade Union of the Republic of Cyprus and the Vietnam Construction Trade Union, Mr. Huynh Thanh Xuan proposed that Mr. Micalit Papanicola continue to pay attention and create conditions to promote bilateral relations between the two industry unions, through delegation exchange activities and research to have specific and effective cooperation activities in the coming time.
At the same time, support Vietnam Trade Union in general and Vietnam Construction Trade Union in particular in international forums.
Mr. Michael Papanicola said that in the face of difficulties such as the COVID-19 pandemic affecting PEO's operations, or the world war causing price increases that affected the lives of union members, PEO successfully fought to demand legitimate rights for union members and workers, until their salaries were increased.
Through the working session, Mr. Michael Papanicola hopes to learn more experience from the General Confederation to develop union members.
"We look forward to better cooperation with the Vietnam Trade Union organization," affirmed Mr. Mi-ca-lit Papa-ni-cola.