Workers are miserable because the company owes them 4 consecutive months of salary

Đình Trọng |

In recent days, workers have reported to Lao Dong Newspaper about being owed wages for a long time by Hoang Sinh Import-Export Joint Stock Company (Hoa Phu Ward, Thu Dau Mot City, Binh Duong Province) . This caused workers to stop working for 4 days and this is the second consecutive stoppage in 1 month.

Suffering from being owed 4 consecutive months of salary

According to workers , the company has been late for 4 consecutive months of salary. "The company has only paid me 1 month's salary, but it is still 4 months late" - Mr. Nguyen Van Hai (born in 1975, from An Giang) said. Similarly, Mr. Vo Hoang Ut Oanh (50 years old, from Kien Giang) said: "The company promised to pay the workers on July 29, but in the afternoon of August 1, they still have not paid any money for the past 4 months. I was very anxious and impatient. I couldn't bear to stay at the boarding house, so I went to the company to see if the business owner would solve the problem for the workers."

According to records, Hoang Sinh Company has about 1,000 employees, most of whom live in the company's dormitory, the rest live outside. The company's salary delay of 4 months left workers without money to cover their living expenses and had to take out loans to make ends meet. Many people no longer have money to pay the innkeeper, and are in dire straits when the innkeeper does not allow them to stay.

Mr. Vo Hoang Ut Oanh, sadly shared: "I was poor and had to leave my hometown to come to Binh Duong to make a living. Now that the company owes me salary, I am facing many difficulties and have to ask for rent. Due to prolonged debt, the innkeeper refused and kicked him out of the room. I had to borrow 1 million VND and pay interest of 100,000 VND/month. Until now I have not been paid, I have no money to buy rice to eat."

Mr. Nguyen Van Hai also had no money left to pay for accommodation or food. "The company hasn't paid us salaries, we have been in debt to the landlord for many months, now the landlord has kicked us out of the hostel" - Mr. Hai said angrily.

Meanwhile, Ms. Huynh Thi Ngoc Lien (born 1975, from Vinh Long) expressed: "My husband works at the lake for a few days a week, both of us rely on that for a living, but I am owed salary by the company." for 4 months now. I also have to owe money for accommodation, and my husband takes care of food. I hope the company will pay us so we can hold on in Binh Duong."

The union provides emergency support to workers

Because the company continuously promised to pay salaries, but failed many times, making it impossible for workers to manage. Faced with this situation, Binh Duong province's union stepped in to provide emergency support to workers.

On August 1, Ms. Nguyen Kim Loan - Chairwoman of Binh Duong Province's Confederation of Labor - said that the unit had mobilized all forces, providing necessities for workers in the company, in addition to dispersing boarding houses to support workers. Support the company's employees in difficulty.

On August 1, the Labor Confederation of Binh Duong province supported each worker with 500,000 VND from socialization funds. Next Monday (August 5), the union continues to mobilize socialization to provide additional support to workers of 500,000 VND each.

The Provincial Labor Federation continues to mobilize notebooks, notebooks, and necessities to support children of workers in difficult circumstances. At the same time, connect with localities to encourage boarding house owners to share and not kick workers out of the boarding house.

The leader of Binh Duong Province's Confederation of Labor also said that they will support job introduction for workers in the near future in Binh Duong. There are currently other businesses recruiting workers.

According to records, by noon on August 1, most workers went to the company to receive support money from the Binh Duong Trade Union. Receiving support, all workers are happy. The workers said that with this money they will buy rice and food to survive in the coming time.

Closely monitor salary payments to employees

Regarding workers being owed wages, Ms. Nguyen Kim Loan said that during the past 3 months, the union has always followed closely to negotiate and request the company to resolve salary payments for workers. However, the business cited difficulties as the reason for the delay in paying workers.

The current plan for paying salaries to employees is that businesses will find a source of money (from tax refunds, about 23 billion VND) to pay part of salaries to employees in August 2024. The Provincial Trade Union Organization will closely monitor businesses finding financial sources to pay workers' salaries. Regarding social insurance, the union and departments and branches will closely monitor the implementation of social insurance contributions by enterprises to protect the rights of workers.

Đình Trọng

Hỗ trợ 1 triệu đồng/người cho công nhân bị nợ lương 4 tháng


Sau khi hỗ trợ nhu yếu phẩm, trưa nay, Công đoàn tỉnh Bình Dương tiếp tục trao hỗ trợ tiền mặt cho công nhân bị công ty nợ 4 tháng lương.

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Bí thư Bình Định truy trách nhiệm vụ nợ lương, chế độ giáo viên ở Vân Canh

Hoài Phương |

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Công nhân nhà máy rác ở Lâm Đồng phấn khởi khi được giải quyết nợ lương

Mai Hương |

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Amkor Việt Nam nói về việc thanh toán công nợ, nợ lương của các nhà thầu phụ

Trần Tuấn - Đền Phú |

Bắc Ninh - Amkor Việt Nam khẳng định, đã hoàn tất đầy đủ hợp đồng với nhà thầu chính. Đồng thời, doanh nghiệp này cũng cho biết, đang phối hợp cùng các cơ quan để hỗ trợ trong công tác tìm hiểu, xử lý giữa nhà thầu chính và các nhà thầu phụ tại dự án Amkor Bắc Ninh.

Giá vàng hôm nay 20.9: Vàng nhẫn tăng sốc

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Giám đốc công ty làm máy nhắn tin cho Hezbollah bị điều tra

Anh Vũ |

Công ty Gold Apollo, có trụ sở tại Đài Loan (Trung Quốc), đang bị điều tra liên quan đến vụ nổ hàng nghìn máy nhắn tin của lực lượng Hezbollah.