Workers in Da Nang worry about their children going to college

Nguyễn Linh |

Many workers in Da Nang are worried about the cost of enrolling and buying clothes and school supplies for their children at the beginning of the new school year.

Burden of expenses at the beginning of the school year

Ms. Tran Chin, a worker at Da Nang Seafood Service Industrial Park, said that because the family belongs to a poor household, the second daughter's tuition is not significant, all fees are exempted.

"At the beginning of this school year, the children did not have to buy much, they mainly bought school supplies to study," Ms. Chin expressed.

With a salary of more than 5-6 million VND/month, Ms. Chin is the main breadwinner in the family. Ms. Chin's husband does not have a stable job, so all of her worries are hers to take care of. However, one of her children is currently studying at a university in Da Nang City, so the cost of studying is also very high. Therefore, this was the time when Mrs. Chin had to borrow money to maintain her children's education.

This is also the worry of workers in the worker housing area (Cam Le district, Da Nang city).

Ms. Nguyen Thi Be (worker at Hoa Cam industrial park, Cam Le district, Da Nang city) has 3 children. Among them, two children have grown up and have stable jobs. Up to now, there is only one little daughter who is about to enter first grade.

Ms. Be carefully prepared uniforms, books, and shoes for her daughter's first day of school. However, what worries Ms. Be the most is that when she is about to retire, her job is unstable and she will not be able to take care of her daughter's education.

Small dormitory room of workers in Da Nang. Photo: Nguyen Linh
Small dormitory room of workers in Da Nang. Photo: Nguyen Linh

Da Nang students start school from August 29

At the workers' housing area in Cam Le district, there are still workers who have to worry about their children's expenses at the beginning of the school year. Ms. Tran Thi My Le, a worker at Hoa Cam industrial park, has finished preparing her children for the first day of school.

“To save money, I bought uniforms for my children instead of sewing them. I think the uniform is very beautiful, fits the child well and the price is much cheaper," Ms. Le said.

According to Ms. Le, her two older children have been sent to live in the countryside with their grandparents, but she worries about everything to help their grandparents and make up for the two children's emotional separation from their parents.

Life is difficult, Ms. Le and her husband do not have a stable job, and she has an underlying illness. Every month, Ms. Le has to go for treatment at Da Nang Oncology Hospital at a cost of more than 800,000 VND. At the beginning of this school year, Ms. Le had to pay tuition for her two children in the amount of more than 3 million VND. This makes Ms. Le worry the most.

Previously, according to the People's Committee of Da Nang City, preschool education, general education and continuing education in the city in the 2024 - 2025 school year will start school as early as August 29, especially for grade 1. school as early as August 26.

Organize the opening and start date of the first semester on September 5 and end the first semester before January 15, 2025 and end the school year before May 31, 2025.

Recognition of completion of the primary school program and recognition of secondary school graduation will be considered before June 30, 2025 and enrollment in first grade classes for the 2025 - 2026 school year will be completed before July 31, 2025.

The 2025 high school graduation exam is scheduled to take place on June 26 and 27, 2025.

In particular, preschool education, continuing education and general education have 35 weeks of actual learning (semester I has 18 weeks, semester II has 17 weeks).

Nguyễn Linh

Phiên xét xử công nhân khởi kiện doanh nghiệp tại Đà Nẵng

Mai Hương |

Tòa án Nhân dân quận Liên Chiểu (TP Đà Nẵng) mở các phiên xét xử liên quan đến vụ việc công nhân khởi kiện doanh nghiệp trên địa bàn thành phố.

Công nhân ở Đà Nẵng thiếu điểm sinh hoạt công cộng

Nguyễn Linh |

Năm 2024, Đà Nẵng tập trung triển khai 5 dự án nhà ở xã hội, phấn đấu hoàn thành 2.750 căn hộ. Vì vậy nhu cầu về thiết chế văn hóa cũng ngày một lớn.

Đà Nẵng tuyên truyền pháp luật cho 1.500 công nhân lao động

Tường Minh |

LĐLĐ thành phố Đà Nẵng tổ chức tuyên truyền, phổ biến pháp luật cho hơn 300 đoàn viên, công nhân lao động tại Công ty Cổ phần Dệt may 29/3.

Chưa đóng cửa mỏ vàng cũ, đã giao đất để làm mỏ vàng mới


Công ty trây ỳ trả lại đất ở mỏ vàng A Pey A được tỉnh Quảng Trị cho thuê đất để thực hiện dự án mỏ vàng A Vao.

Đình chỉ 2 chủ tịch xã ở Lào Cai do lơ là phòng chống bão lũ

Bảo Nguyên |

UBND huyện Bát Xát, tỉnh Lào Cai vừa ra quyết định đình chỉ công tác đối Chủ tịch UBND xã Trung Lèng Hồ và Pa Cheo do vi phạm quy định phòng, chống bão lũ.

Ukraina nói về kết quả cuộc tấn công tỉnh Kursk của Nga

Thanh Hà |

Ukraina cho rằng, cuộc tấn công của Ukraina vào khu vực Kursk đã làm chậm bước tiến của Nga trong khi phía Nga cho biết đã giành lại 10 ngôi làng.

"Phông bạt" trên Facebook là căn bệnh và cần thuốc chữa


Nhiều người bị phát hiện chỉnh sửa hình ảnh, làm giả hóa đơn chuyển khoản để “thổi phồng” số tiền và “phông bạt” trên Facebook nhằm đánh bóng tên tuổi.

Xe bán tải bị nước cuốn trôi, 1 phụ nữ tử vong ở Bình Dương


Ngày 14.9, Công an thành phố Dĩ An, tỉnh Bình Dương đã bàn giao thi thể người phụ nữ đi xe bán tải bị nước cuốn, để gia đình lo hậu sự.