Ha Tinh actively funds land to build housing for workers


On July 18, at the 20th session of Ha Tinh Provincial People's Council, term XVIII, the issue of social housing and worker housing needs was questioned by delegates.

Proactively arrange land funds

Answering voters' questions about difficulties, problems, causes and solutions about social housing not being paid attention to, while the need is great, Mr. Nguyen Quoc Ha - Director of the Department of Construction of Ha Tinh province - informed that Ha Tinh currently has a social housing area in Thach Linh ward with nearly 1,000 apartments.

In Thach Trung commune, Ha Tinh City is also implementing an independent social housing project with 2,000 units. Thus, in Ha Tinh city there will soon be 3,000 social housing units.

Currently, Ha Tinh has 11 business and commercial housing investment projects with 188 hectares. Of which, more than 37.7 hectares are reserved for social housing.

"If those 37.7 hectares of land were to build social housing according to the allowed and appropriate construction density, 15,000 social housing units could be built," Mr. Ha said.

Mr. Ha also informed that the People's Committee of Ha Tinh province recently adjusted the social housing development planning to add 99.6 hectares of land for social housing. Of which, in Ky Anh town it is 90 hectares, in Ha Tinh city it is 9.6 hectares. Thus, the total planned land area for social housing is more than 137 hectares.

"The planned land fund for social housing construction is enough and can meet future needs for a fairly long period of time," Mr. Ha emphasized.

Director of Ha Tinh Department of Construction said that currently, Vung Ang Economic Zone (EZ) has 4,900 hectares, according to regulations, 2% of which needs to be allocated to build worker housing, 98 hectares need to be allocated.

Housing area for officials and employees of Vung Ang 2 Thermal Power Plant. Photo: Tran Tuan.
Housing area for officials and employees of Vung Ang 2 Thermal Power Plant. Photo: Tran Tuan.

Currently, there are 5 projects in Vung Ang Economic Zone that have allocated land funds to build housing for workers. This includes housing of Hung Nghiep Formosa Ha Tinh Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. in 2 locations including Ky Long ward and Ky Lien ward; housing for workers of Thermal Power Plant Project 1; Thermal Power Plant Project 2; Housing for workers rented by Ha Tinh Minerals and Trading Corporation (Mitraco). The total land area where housing for workers has been built is 52 hectares with more than 2,000 apartments.

In particular, housing demand has nearly covered all the apartments under construction. Currently, there are only more than 230 Mitraco apartments left unoccupied.

The Director of the Department of Construction further informed that 14 hectares were recently added to build social housing in Ky Phuong ward and 121 hectares were allocated to build worker housing for Vingroup's project in Vung Economic Zone. Ang.

"Currently, 187 hectares of land has been allocated in Vung Ang Economic Zone to build social housing and worker housing, so we can rest assured about the land fund when there is a need to build," Mr. Ha affirmed.

Demand is increasing

Regarding social housing, Mr. Ha said that the province is very interested in attracting investment in social housing construction. The Government's project on allocating 120,000 billion VND in loans to build social housing has approved for Ha Tinh to borrow capital to build 3,700 houses.

Mr. Ha said that public opinion says the need for social housing is great, but by allowing registration in localities to be sent to the Department of Construction for synthesis, there are currently only 861 applications to buy social housing.

Social housing area in Thach Linh ward, Ha Tinh city today. Photo: Tran Tuan.
Social housing area in Thach Linh ward, Ha Tinh city today. Photo: Tran Tuan.

Director of Ha Tinh Department of Construction shared that the new regulations will expand the number of people eligible to buy social housing. The regulations are not as strict as before, so in the future the demand for social housing will increase. .

Therefore, the fact that Ha Tinh province has planned a land fund to build social housing is visionary, meeting the increasing needs of the people.


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