Application for pension from July 1, 2025

Thục Quyên (T/H) |

Dossier requesting pension benefits for participants of compulsory social insurance is based on Article 77 of the Law on Social Insurance (amended), effective from July 1, 2025.

Pursuant to Article 77 of the amended Law on Social Insurance, the application dossier for pension benefits for participants in compulsory social insurance is as follows:

(1) Dossier to request pension for people participating in compulsory social insurance includes:

- Social insurance book;

- Original or copy of document confirming the termination of labor contract or document of termination of employment or written request of the following subjects:

(i) Employees going to work abroad under contracts specified in the Law on Vietnamese Workers going to work abroad under contracts, except in the case of international treaties to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Nam is a member with different regulations;

(ii) Spouses who do not receive a salary from the state budget and are sent on a business trip with a member of a representative agency of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam abroad are entitled to a living allowance;

(iii) Business household owners of business households with business registration participate in accordance with Government regulations;

(iv) Enterprise managers, controllers, representatives of state capital, and representatives of enterprise capital according to the provisions of law; members of the Board of Directors, General Director, Director, members of the Supervisory Board or controllers and other elected management positions of cooperatives and unions of cooperatives according to the provisions of the Law on Cooperatives no salary.

(2) Dossier to request pension benefits for people who are reserving the period of compulsory social insurance payment includes:

- Social insurance book;

- Written request from the person who is reserving the period of compulsory social insurance payment.

(3) In the case specified in Article 65 of the Law on Social Insurance 2024, in addition to the documents specified in (1), there are additional

- Minutes of assessment of loss of working capacity by the Medical Examination Council;

- Or a copy of the certificate certifying the degree of severe or especially severe disability showing the conclusion of the Medical Examination Council clearly stating the percentage of reduced working ability.

(4) In the case specified in Point d, Clause 1 and Point c, Clause 2, Article 64 of the Law on Social Insurance (amended), in addition to the documents specified in (1), there must be a copy of the certificate of HIV infection due to occupational accidents and risks.

Thục Quyên (T/H)

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