How to receive a pension rate of 75%?

Hà Anh |

The Vietnam Social Insurance Agency advises employees on making up the remaining 8 months of social insurance to receive 75% pension .

Mr. Doan Van Tien (Thai Binh) was born on July 6, 1968. Mr. Tien has paid social insurance for 29 years and 4 months and plans to retire at the end of 2024. However, Mr. Tien is wondering if he will be able to make up the remaining 8 months to receive a pension at the 75% rate. ?

Vietnam Social Security responded:

According to Article 54 of the 2014 Law on Social Insurance (amended at Point a, Clause 1, Article 219 of the 2019 Labor Code), employees who retire and have paid social insurance for 20 years or more and reach retirement age are entitled to a salary. retirement.

According to the provisions of Clause 2, Article 56 of the 2014 Law on Social Insurance, the monthly pension of female employees retiring from 2018 onwards is calculated as 45% of the average monthly salary paid for social insurance corresponding to 15 years of paying social insurance.

After that, for each additional year of social insurance payment, an additional 2% is calculated; The maximum level is 75%.

Thus, to achieve a monthly pension of 75%, female workers need to have paid social insurance for 30 years when they reach pensionable age.

According to the provisions of Clause 6, Article 85 of the 2014 Law on Social Insurance, in case an employee meets the pension age requirements but the social insurance payment period is 6 months short of the full 20 years of social insurance payment, the employee can continue to pay. one time for the number of missing months with a monthly payment equal to the total payment of the employee and the employer according to the monthly salary paid for social insurance before leaving the job to the retirement and survivorship fund.

According to the information provided by the reader, the reader was born on July 6, 1968. By December 1, 2024, the reader is at full retirement age and is 8 months short of paying social insurance to pay 30 years of social insurance.

Thus, readers who have paid social insurance for 20 years or more are not eligible to pay one-time social insurance for the remaining period according to the above regulations. The 2014 Law on Social Insurance does not stipulate that in cases where employees meet the pension age requirements and have paid social insurance for 20 years or more, they can pay compulsory social insurance once for 30 years to receive salary. retire at the maximum rate.

However, readers can continue to pay social insurance for the full 30 years (compulsory social insurance at the employer or continue paying voluntary social insurance). To receive guidance on social insurance payment situations and detailed advice on when to receive pension in each case, it is necessary to consider the specific profile.

Vietnam Social Insurance recommends that readers contact the social insurance agency where the unit is paying social insurance for answers.

Hà Anh

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