Seeking opinions on the pilot project for centralized industry trade unions

Kiều Vũ - Hải Nguyễn |

Hanoi - On the afternoon of July 29, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor gathered opinions for the Pilot Project of sectoral unions and general company unions to focus consistently and effectively.

Workshop to gather opinions on the completion of the pilot project for sectoral trade unions and trade unions of corporations under direct and effective management took place under the chairmanship of Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor (VGCL) Nguyen Xuan Hung; Permanent Deputy Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam, Chairman of the Trade Union of the Bank of Vietnam Dao Minh Tu; Mr. Tong Van Bang - Member of the Presidium of the VGCL, Head of the Organization Department of the General Confederation.

Participants in the workshop included representatives from the Party committees of several ministries and sectors; representatives of sectoral trade unions implementing the pilot project, local labor federations...

The Bank Trade Union of Vietnam is the comprehensive pilot unit

According to the project, the Bank Trade Union of Vietnam is the comprehensive pilot unit. Partial pilot units include: Vietnam Education Trade Union, Vietnam Health Trade Union, Vietnam Industry and Trade Union, Vietnam Textile and Garment Trade Union.

For the banking sector, the State Bank of Vietnam is a ministry-level agency performing the state management function over currency, banking operations, and foreign exchange; performing the function of the Central Bank in issuing currency, banking for credit institutions, and providing monetary services for the Government operating under a two-tier banking model: Banking operation management tier: Organizational model of the Central Bank system and branches of the State Bank in 63 provinces and cities. The monetary business banking tier includes state-owned commercial banks, state-controlled joint-stock commercial banks, non-state joint-stock commercial banks, joint-venture banks, 100% foreign-owned banks, foreign bank branches... with an organizational system from the central to local levels, including branches and transaction offices in provinces and cities nationwide.

Vice President of the VGCL Nguyen Xuan Hung speaking. Photo: Hai Nguyen
Vice President of the VGCL Nguyen Xuan Hung speaking. Photo: Hai Nguyen

The organizational and operational system of the Bank Trade Union of Vietnam since its establishment has always been under the comprehensive leadership and direction of the Party Committee, the leadership of the State Bank from the central to grassroots levels, in close coordination with the professional leadership at the same level to effectively perform the professional tasks of each unit and the political tasks of the banking sector.

The Bank Trade Union of Vietnam currently has over 190 thousand members and workers with 9 direct superior trade unions and over 85 affiliated grassroots trade unions; a total of 1,020 grassroots trade unions across the system. The Bank Trade Union of Vietnam has 63 representatives at the State Bank branches in provinces and cities.

Implementation progress

For the comprehensive pilot of the Bank Trade Union of Vietnam, the Party Committee of the General Confederation coordinates with the Party Committee of the Bank of Vietnam, the City Party Committees, and Provincial Party Committees to direct the provincial and city labor federations to coordinate with the Bank Trade Union of Vietnam to carry out the procedures for handing over and receiving the banking sector trade union organizations located in the provinces and cities to be directly managed and directed by the Bank Trade Union of Vietnam.

Mr. Dao Minh Tu (right) - Permanent Deputy Governor of the State Bank, Chairman of the Bank Trade Union of Vietnam at the workshop. Photo: Hai Nguyen
Mr. Dao Minh Tu (right) - Permanent Deputy Governor of the State Bank, Chairman of the Bank Trade Union of Vietnam at the workshop. Photo: Hai Nguyen

Content of the handover and reception of members and trade union organizations: The unit managing the trade union organization subject to handover is responsible for reporting on the organization and operation of the trade union, organizational data, personnel, members, financial data of the units being handed over; preparing the necessary conditions for the handover, agreeing on the time and organizing the handover of the trade union organizations to be directly managed by the Bank Trade Union of Vietnam.

The Bank Trade Union of Vietnam is responsible for coordinating with the provincial and city labor federations to organize the handover and reception; conducting inspections, receiving documents, data, personnel, members, financial data of the trade union, and signing the handover minutes; receiving the transfer of direct management authority over the activities of the trade union organizations after the handover.

After completing the handover, the Bank Trade Union of Vietnam coordinates with the provincial and city labor federations to build and sign a coordination program to direct the banking sector trade unions operating in the provinces and cities, contributing to promoting the role, effectiveness, and quality of trade union activities according to the sector and profession operating in the provinces and cities.

The steps and implementation time include: Step 1: In Q4/2024, complete the handover of the organization and members of the trade union; rearrange the model as appropriate (if necessary). Step 2: From Q1/2025 to Q3/2027, develop content, direct, and guide units to perform tasks within the pilot framework; pilot units implement tasks according to the direction and guidance of the Bank Trade Union of Vietnam. Step 3: In Q4/2027, summarize the pilot activities.

Speaking at the workshop, the opinions expressed determination to implement the pilot despite acknowledging many difficulties. Some representatives of sectoral and local trade unions specifically analyzed the actual situation, pointing out the advantages and difficulties in the roadmap, and handover methods...

Vice President of the VGCL Nguyen Xuan Hung: The policy and objectives are clear, the important issue is what to do and how to do it well to ensure that the objective is that union members, regardless of the management level, must still be represented, cared for, and protected in the best way, ensuring the most effective operation of the trade union organization. It is necessary to absolutely ensure the leadership of the Party, meet the development requirements of the workers' movement and trade union activities in the new situation, in line with international practices of sectoral trade union activities.

Permanent Deputy Governor of the State Bank, Chairman of the Bank Trade Union of Vietnam Dao Minh Tu: Propose that the VGCL soon implement the pilot project for a centralized, streamlined, and effective sectoral trade union model so that the Central Sectoral Trade Unions can operate according to the regulations of the Vietnam Trade Union Charter and in the spirit of Resolution 02-NQ/TW dated June 12, 2021, of the Politburo.

Kiều Vũ - Hải Nguyễn

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