Salary of grade 1 junior high school teachers from July 1, 2024

Hà Anh |

The salary of grade 1 junior high school teachers increases when the base salary increases from July 1, 2024.

How to arrange salary

1. Officials appointed to the professional positions of junior high school teacher specified in this Circular shall apply the corresponding salary schedule issued with Decree No. 204/2004/ND-CP dated December 14, 2004. of the Government on salary regimes for cadres, civil servants, public employees and the armed forces, specifically as follows:

a) Grade III junior high school teachers, code V.07.04.32, are eligible to apply the salary coefficient of type A1 public employees, from salary coefficient 2.34 to salary coefficient 4.98;

b) Secondary school teachers grade II, code V.07.04.31, are eligible to apply the salary coefficient of type A2 public employees, group A2.2, from salary coefficient 4.00 to salary coefficient 6.38 ;

c) Grade I junior high school teachers, code V.07.04.30, are eligible to apply the salary coefficient of type A2 public employees, group A2.1, from salary coefficient 4.4 to salary coefficient 6.78 .

2. Salary grading upon appointment to a professional title class shall be carried out according to the instructions in Clause 1, Section II of Circular No. 02/2007/TT-BNV dated May 25, 2007 of the Ministry of Home Affairs guiding salary grading upon promotion. transfer rank and class of civil servants and public employees and according to current provisions of law. When implementing the new salary policy, the new salary will be adjusted according to the Government's regulations.

Thus, according to regulations, grade 1 junior high school teachers are eligible to apply the salary coefficient of type A2 public employees, group A2.1, from salary coefficient 4.4 to salary coefficient 6.78.

On June 30, 2024, the Government issued Decree 73/2024/ND-CP regulating the base salary and bonus regime for officials, civil servants, public employees and the armed forces. Accordingly, the base salary is 2.34 million VND (applied from July 1, 2024).

Accordingly, grade 1 junior high school teachers will receive a minimum salary of 10,296,000 VND/month and a maximum salary of 15,865,200 VND/month.

Hà Anh

Mức lương thượng tá quân đội sau tăng lương cơ sở

Minh Hương |

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