Army Lieutenant Salary

Minh Hương |

The salary of a Senior Lieutenant in the army will be adjusted after the basic salary increase from July 1, 2024.

According to Section 1 of Table 6 issued with Decree 204/2004/ND-CP regulating the salary coefficient of military officers, in which, the salary coefficient of Senior Lieutenant of the People's Army is: 5.0.

According to Article 3 of Circular 41/2023/TT-BQP, the salary of a Senior Lieutenant is calculated as follows:

Salary = Basic salary x Current salary coefficient.

Currently, according to Clause 2, Article 3 of Decree 73/2024/ND-CP, from July 1, 2024, the basic salary is 2,340,000 VND/month.

Accordingly, the salary of a Senior Lieutenant of the People's Army from July 1, 2024 will be 11,700,000 VND.

- Salary increase coefficient (1st time): 5.35 - 12,519,000 VND

- Salary increase coefficient (2nd time): 5.70 - 13,338,000 VND.

Note, the above salary does not include allowances and subsidies.

Allowance levels for non-commissioned officers, soldiers and cryptography students:

Military rank allowance level implemented from July 1, 2024 = Basic salary 2,340,000 VND/month x Current military rank allowance coefficient.

Reserve spread coefficient amount:

The amount of the reserve difference coefficient implemented from July 1, 2024 = Basic salary 2,340,000 VND/month x Current reserve difference coefficient.

Allowance level calculated based on basic salary:

For salaried people

Allowance level implemented from July 1, 2024 = Basic salary 2,340,000 VND/month x Allowance coefficient according to regulations.

For non-commissioned officers, soldiers and cryptography students:

Allowance level implemented from July 1, 2024 = Private rank allowance level (calculated according to basic salary of VND 2,340,000/month) x Allowance coefficient according to regulations.

Subsidy level calculated based on basic salary:

Subsidy level implemented from July 1, 2024 = Basic salary 2,340,000 VND/month x Number of months entitled to subsidy according to regulations...

Minh Hương

Thời điểm hưởng lương hưu từ 1.7.2025

Phương Minh |

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Mạnh Cường |

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