Nam Dinh focuses on developing union members and establishing Communist unions

Lương Hà |

The Standing Committee of the Presidium of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor worked with the Provincial Party Committee and People's Committee of Nam Dinh province on developing union members and establishing Communist unions in Nam Dinh province .

On August 27, at the headquarters of the Confederation of Labor (Confederation of Labor) of Nam Dinh province, the Standing Committee of the Presidium of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor worked with the Provincial Party Committee and People's Committee of Nam Dinh province on the work of developing union members and establishing grassroots trade unions. (CĐCS) in 2024 and implement Resolution 03/NQ-TLD dated January 11, 2019 of the Executive Committee of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor on the work of Trade Union officials in the new situation.

Speaking at the conference, Mr. Phan Van Anh - Vice Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor said that Nam Dinh province's trade unions at all levels need to continue to focus all resources and have specific solutions to implement targets and plans. plan to develop union members and establish grassroots unions.

"In particular, the Confederation of Labor of Nam Dinh province needs to coordinate with departments, branches, and branches to firmly grasp enterprise data and the number of employees in the area to have specific information. Based on the information provided by departments, branches, and branches, level to analyze, review, reassess and clearly identify enterprises with and without trade union organizations located in which district, what is the percentage of union members, from there, there is a direction to develop union membership, Establishing a Communist Party," Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor suggested.

The Standing Committee of the Presidium of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor worked with the Provincial Party Committee and People's Committee of Nam Dinh province on the development of union members and the establishment of Communist unions in 2024. Photo: Luong Ha

At the conference, Mr. Ngo Chi Thuc - Vice Chairman of the Confederation of Labor of Nam Dinh province informed that as of July 2024, the Confederation of Labor of Nam Dinh province is managing 1,655 Communist Unions with 164,332 union members. In recent years, Nam Dinh province's Trade Union members have rapidly increased in number and improved in quality. Union members are always enthusiastic and actively participate in the activities of the Trade Union organization.

For the Provincial Confederation of Labor, a steering committee for union member development has been established with 17 people, of which the Chairman of the Provincial Confederation of Labor is the Head of the Committee; Assign specific tasks to each member of the Steering Committee, attaching each member's responsibilities to the performance of functions and tasks of each agency and unit.

Regarding the implementation of innovation in content and methods of developing union members and establishing trade unions, trade unions at all levels in the province have focused on implementing innovation in content and methods of developing union members such as: innovation and diversification. Methods of reaching employees using social networking applications Facebook, Zalo, Fanpage...

Chairman of the Communist Party of Vietnam
The President of the Communist Party of Vietnam shared about the work of developing union members and establishing the Communist Party of Vietnam at the conference. Photo: Luong Ha

Ms. Pham Thi Huong - President of the Trade Union of Dream Plastic Nam Dinh Co., Ltd. informed that, since the Communist Party of Dream Plastic Nam Dinh Co., Ltd. was established, the Executive Committee of the Company's Trade Union determined to concentrate highly on its work. develop union members and build a strong trade union organization. As a result, when the Communist Party of Vietnam was established in 2018, the number of union members was 740 people. Up to now, it has increased to 4,290 union members. The rate of workers joining the company's trade union currently reaches 94.45%.

Besides, the implementation work has achieved positive results with a significant increase in the number of new union members in the first 7 months of 2024. The Communist Party of Vietnam has succeeded in innovating the content and operating methods, helping attract the attention and participation of workers in the trade union. Propaganda activities, training and support programs have been implemented creatively and effectively.

Lương Hà

1.600 công nhân tham gia "Bữa cơm Công đoàn" ở Nam Định

Lương Hà |

Ngày 15.8, Liên đoàn Lao động tỉnh Nam Định tổ chức "Bữa cơm Công đoàn" cho 1.600 công nhân tại Công ty TNHH Smart Shirts Hải Hậu.

Hơn 200 đoàn viên tham gia tiếng hát CNLĐ ở Nam Định

Lương Hà |

Nam Định - Hơn 200 đoàn viên vừa tham gia hội diễn tiếng hát công nhân, viên chức, lao động năm 2024 do Công đoàn các khu công nghiệp tỉnh Nam Định tổ chức.

Trao quyết định thành lập Công đoàn cơ sở ở Nam Định

Hà Vi |

Nam Định - Công đoàn các Khu công nghiệp tỉnh Nam Định vừa thành lập thêm Công đoàn cơ sở (CĐCS) và công nhận đoàn viên công đoàn.

Đình chỉ 2 chủ tịch xã ở Lào Cai do lơ là phòng chống bão lũ

Bảo Nguyên |

UBND huyện Bát Xát, tỉnh Lào Cai vừa ra quyết định đình chỉ công tác đối Chủ tịch UBND xã Trung Lèng Hồ và Pa Cheo do vi phạm quy định phòng, chống bão lũ.

Ukraina nói về kết quả cuộc tấn công tỉnh Kursk của Nga

Thanh Hà |

Ukraina cho rằng, cuộc tấn công của Ukraina vào khu vực Kursk đã làm chậm bước tiến của Nga trong khi phía Nga cho biết đã giành lại 10 ngôi làng.

"Phông bạt" trên Facebook là căn bệnh và cần thuốc chữa


Nhiều người bị phát hiện chỉnh sửa hình ảnh, làm giả hóa đơn chuyển khoản để “thổi phồng” số tiền và “phông bạt” trên Facebook nhằm đánh bóng tên tuổi.

Xe bán tải bị nước cuốn trôi, 1 phụ nữ tử vong ở Bình Dương


Ngày 14.9, Công an thành phố Dĩ An, tỉnh Bình Dương đã bàn giao thi thể người phụ nữ đi xe bán tải bị nước cuốn, để gia đình lo hậu sự.

Vụ án La "điên": Bắt nguyên phó chủ tịch huyện ở Thái Bình


Ông Đặng Ngọc Oánh - nguyên Phó Chủ tịch UBND huyện Kiến Xương, tỉnh Thái Bình vừa bị khởi tố, bắt tạm giam trong vụ án liên quan doanh nhân La "điên".

1,600 workers participated in the "Trade Union Meal" in Nam Dinh

Lương Hà |

On August 15, the Nam Dinh Provincial Labor Federation organized a "Trade Union Meal" for 1,600 workers at Smart Shirts Hai Hau Company Limited.

More than 200 union members participated in singing workers in Nam Dinh

Lương Hà |

Nam Dinh - More than 200 union members recently participated in the 2024 worker, civil servant, and labor singing performance organized by the Trade Union of Nam Dinh province's industrial zones.

Awarded the decision to establish a grassroots Trade Union in Nam Dinh

Hà Vi |

Nam Dinh - Nam Dinh Provincial Industrial Park Trade Union has just established more Grassroots Trade Unions (CĐCS) and recognized trade union members.