Mr. Nguyen Dinh Tu (37 years old) is the production line leader at TKG Taekwang Vina Joint Stock Company (Bien Hoa 2 Industrial Park, Bien Hoa City, Dong Nai), specializing in Nike shoe production.
Entering the Party in 2021, Mr. Tu is currently a member of the Executive Committee of the company's grassroots union. He shared that as a production team leader, he is always aware of his responsibilities. In addition to his personal work, he spends a lot of time guiding and helping other workers when they encounter difficulties, supporting the company in training new and inexperienced workers in many different skills.
Mr. Tu said that because the passing team is responsible for always providing full output for the next stage, as a team leader, he always has to focus on supervising, urging, and encouraging workers to work hard to make products that meet quality and meet output.
When changing the new product code, Mr. Tu also had to proactively grasp the process to convey and instruct other workers to understand and follow to avoid making mistakes and encouraging workers to participate in innovation initiatives that both increase income and bring great benefits to the enterprise.
Every year, Mr. Tu has many innovative initiatives to improve efficiency, reduce waste, and benefit the business. Notably, Mr. Tu made improvements in the cutting stage of a product code - helping the company save 21,231 USD/month. Before the improvement, this stage had problems with deviated cutting and waste of time to repair goods. However, Mr. Tu has researched replacing another cutting nail with a 1.5mm nail and has helped reduce 6 employees and save money on holes.
Mr. Tu also has an improvement in " knife cutting" to help cut 8 details at once (before improving the design of a single knife), helping to save time, save materials, and save a total of 87,790 USD/month.
Mr. Tu also fully participated in the activities of trade unions, companies, and the Party; made many contributions to activities such as: Supporting giving gifts to workers in difficult circumstances, organizing annual men's and women's football tournaments, sports festivals to celebrate March 8 or October 20, participating in regular study of the Party's Resolution on the Party members' handbook... For many consecutive years, Mr. Tu has been a Party member who has excellently completed his tasks.
Mr. Tu confided: As a Party member and also a union official, I always have to make more efforts in my work to bring many benefits to the enterprise and work with the union to take care of the welfare of workers. At the same time, I also constantly study and improve my knowledge, striving to always be a Party member who completes my tasks excellently every year".