Promoting a 95-year tradition, Ha Tinh Trade Union continues to unite and innovate

DUY CHƯƠNG - MAI LIỄU (thực hiện) |

On the occasion of the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Vietnam Trade Union, Chairman of the Labor Confederation of Ha Tinh province - Nguyen Van Danh shared with Lao Dong Newspaper about some outstanding activities of all levels of Ha Tinh Trade Union to welcome this important event and send greetings to union officials, union members, and workers.

Chairman of the Confederation of Labor of Ha Tinh province Nguyen Van Danh shared outstanding activities of all levels of Ha Tinh trade union to celebrate the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Vietnam Trade Union. Photo: Duy Chuong.
Chairman of the Confederation of Labor of Ha Tinh province Nguyen Van Danh shared outstanding activities of all levels of Ha Tinh trade union to celebrate the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Vietnam Trade Union. Photo: Duy Chuong.

- Can you share about the emulation atmosphere and welcoming activities of all levels of Ha Tinh Trade Union towards the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Vietnam Trade Union?

Mr. Nguyen Van Danh : The 95th anniversary of the founding of the Vietnam Trade Union is an important political event, a major holiday for the system of union officials, union members, and workers.

To welcome this event, the Confederation of Labor of Ha Tinh province organized a series of welcoming activities, first of all launching patriotic emulation movements in peak periods and peak months.

Trade unions at all levels have focused most on establishing grassroots trade unions and developing union members; Review all units, from established and unestablished grassroots trade unions to develop union members.

During Workers' Month - Action Month on occupational safety and hygiene, the Provincial Labor Confederation organized announcements and ribbon-cutting of projects and work to celebrate the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Vietnam Trade Union. In particular, each grassroots union has a meaningful project and celebration.

The Provincial Labor Confederation Standing Committee cut the ribbon to inaugurate the welcome project for Hong Linh Town Clean Water Plant and the upper-level unions also inaugurated the welcome projects and work.

The Confederation of Labor of Ha Tinh province and Ha Tinh Water Supply Joint Stock Company mounted a sign celebrating the 95th anniversary of the establishment of the Vietnam Trade Union for the Hong Linh town water supply plant project. Photo: Xuan Truyen.
The Confederation of Labor of Ha Tinh province and Ha Tinh Water Supply Joint Stock Company mounted a sign celebrating the 95th anniversary of the establishment of the Vietnam Trade Union for the Hong Linh town water supply plant project. Photo: Xuan Truyen.

In July, for the first time, the Provincial Confederation of Labor organized a Singing Festival for workers, officials, and laborers in Ha Tinh with the participation of 20 direct upper-level unions at the grassroots level. Also on this occasion, the Provincial Confederation of Labor will announce and award prizes for the essay and reportage contest about workers, unions and workers in Ha Tinh jointly organized by the Provincial Confederation of Labor and Lao Dong Newspaper.

In the sacred atmosphere of the July days, the Provincial Confederation of Labor organized activities to return to the source and red address such as: Organizing delegations of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Confederation of Labor through different periods to offer incense and flowers at the Area. commemorating comrade Nguyen Duc Canh in Thai Binh; Visit Ho Chi Minh Museum, Thang Long Imperial Citadel; Offer incense at cemeteries: Truong Son, Road 9, Citadel and cemeteries in the province.

At the same time, organize visits and give gifts to the families of trade union officials who are wounded, sick soldiers, martyrs, and people with meritorious services to the revolution; Visiting and giving gifts to full-time trade union officials who are ill, sick, or in difficult circumstances; survey to award "Trade Union Warm" houses to union members and many other activities

The delegation of Ha Tinh Provincial Labor Federation offered incense and flowers at Truong Son Martyrs Cemetery. Photo: Hai Dang.
The delegation of Labor Confederation of Ha Tinh province offered incense and flowers at Truong Son Martyrs Cemetery. Photo: Hai Dang.

On this occasion, the Provincial Confederation of Labor organized meetings with trade union officials throughout the province through different periods in association with the Ha Tinh Workers, Officials, and Labor Singing Festival program and awarded prizes in the Essay and Reportage Competition on workers. , unions and workers in Ha Tinh.

Implementing the policy of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, the Provincial Confederation of Labor directed the simultaneous organization of the "Trade Union Meal" program on the week of celebrating the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Vietnam Trade Union from July 20-30.

It can be said that, responding to the policy of the Provincial Confederation of Labor on organizing emulation movements and activities to celebrate the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Vietnam Trade Union, there have been many exciting and practical activities taking place. out at all levels, from province to grassroots.

Since June, a large number of trade union officials, union members, and workers across the province have changed their Facebook and Zalo profile photo frames to celebrate the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Vietnam Trade Union.

This is also an opportunity to widely propagate the traditions of the Vietnam Trade Union and the Ha Tinh Trade Union.

- Entering the second term with the Trade Union, how do you evaluate the role and position of Ha Tinh Trade Union at the present time?

Mr. Nguyen Van Danh : The role and position of the Trade Union organization in the political system is extremely important. However, the Trade Union itself must also make efforts to assert its role and position, especially its pioneering role in implementing the political tasks of the province and the political tasks assigned by superior trade unions.

In recent years, the Confederation of Labor of Ha Tinh province has always completed and exceeded the targets and tasks assigned by the General Confederation of Labor of Vietnam and the Provincial Party Committee. The Provincial Labor Confederation always demonstrates pioneering in the province's political tasks, especially in the task of socio-economic development, ensuring life, jobs, and income for workers and accompanying businesses. , production and business establishments, administrative and non-business units through participating in state management as well as participating in the management of union members and workers at the establishments. By the activities of the Trade Union organization to promote the political tasks of the province.

Mr. Hoang Trung Dung - Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the People's Council of Ha Tinh province and leaders of the Provincial and City Labor Confederation visited the 0 VND booth for workers. Photo: Hai Dang.
Mr. Hoang Trung Dung - Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the People's Council of Ha Tinh province and leaders of the Provincial and City Labor Confederation visited the 0 VND booth for workers. Photo: Hai Dang.

At the same time, the Provincial Labor Confederation focuses on building a strong Ha Tinh Trade Union organization that operates practically and effectively, to be recognized by all levels, sectors, leaders of localities, agencies and businesses. Let them see that the Trade Union organization works honestly, effectively, and for results, not for achievements.

In the process of operating and organizing tasks, the Provincial Confederation of Labor always receives very high consensus in the trade union system, officers, leaders, union members at all levels trust in the leadership and direction of the Executive Committee. Executive Trade Unions at all levels.

At the same time, party committees and authorities recognized and appreciated the position and role of Ha Tinh Trade Union in the province's political system, especially in the system of the Fatherland Front and unions and in efforts to implement general political tasks of the province as well as in implementing tasks assigned by the Vietnam Trade Union.

On the occasion of the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Vietnam Trade Union, what do you want to convey to union officials across the province?

Chairman of Ha Tinh Confederation of Labor Nguyen Van Danh congratulated all union officials, union members, workers, civil servants and laborers on the occasion of the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Vietnam Trade Union.

Mr. Nguyen Van Danh : The 95th anniversary of the founding of the Vietnam Trade Union is associated with the 78th anniversary of the founding of the Ha Tinh Trade Union. Allow me to represent the Standing Committee, the Standing Committee, and the Executive Committee of the Confederation of Labor of Ha Tinh province. We would like to send our best congratulations to all union officials, union members, workers, civil servants, and laborers throughout the province.

Wishing all comrades and families always healthy, happy and successful. Wishing that the activities of the Ha Tinh Trade Union and the patriotic emulation movements launched by the Ha Tinh Trade Union will become more and more effective, spreading to all levels of the trade union and all union members and workers to contribute to realizing Successfully implementing the targets and tasks set by the Provincial Party Committee and the Presidium of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor.

- Thank you very much!

DUY CHƯƠNG - MAI LIỄU (thực hiện)

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