Increase pension, employees do not want to withdraw the one-time benefit

Mạnh Cường |

Increasing pensions by 15% from July 1 has become a motivation for workers to continue paying social insurance to enjoy retirement.

Previously, Ms. Dinh Thi Bich Nguyet (42 years old) - a leather shoe manufacturing worker in Nam Dinh - always thought her pension was very small because it was only calculated at 45% of the rate when paying social insurance for 20 years. For that reason, for a long time, Ms. Nguyet always intended to withdraw social insurance once if she quit her job.

“I have worked and paid social insurance for 9 years. After 11 years of retirement, I expect to receive 3 - 3.5 million VND in pension. With this pension, I'm not sure I can meet the needs of life 11 years from now when everything becomes more and more expensive? - Ms. Nguyet said.

Ms. Nguyet tried to work and pay 20 years of social insurance to enjoy her pension. Photo: NVCC.
Ms. Nguyet tried to work and pay 20 years of social insurance to enjoy her pension. Photo: NVCC.

Besides, recently her health has deteriorated, so many times Ms. Nguyet told herself to just try to work for a few more years and then quit. When quitting her job, the female worker plans to withdraw social insurance one time to save money to earn interest for monthly expenses.

However, currently, Ms. Nguyet completely changed her mind when her pension was continuously increased by the State. Most recently, pensions were increased to 15%, female workers were determined to try to pay for 20 years before quitting to enjoy pensions.

“My relative's pension 3 years ago was 3.5 million VND, after July 1, 2024 it will be increased to 4.5 million VND/month. In the future, it will probably increase even more" - Ms. Nguyet said.

According to female workers, the State's policy of increasing pensions is very practical. This policy makes older people feel more secure against market price fluctuations.

“Increased pensions help a lot. Along with that, pensioners also receive health insurance support when sick. Not having a pension is a disadvantage" - Ms. Nguyet said.

Therefore, the female worker told herself to work hard and pay 20 years of social insurance. Even though the company laid off her job early when her health deteriorated, the female worker was still determined to make up for it with voluntary social insurance.

Not only working employees but also those who have quit their jobs also try to pay 20 years of social insurance to receive pension when they reach age. Among them, Mr. Nguyen Van Quang (52 years old, Thai Binh) is a typical example.

Mr. Quang is currently paying additional voluntary social insurance so he can have a pension in the future. Photo: NVCC.
Mr. Quang is currently paying additional voluntary social insurance so he can have a pension in the future. Photo: NVCC.

Mr. Quang quit his job last year, all that is left is the insurance book with a period of 14 years of participation. The State's recent pension increase policy has urged him to try to keep it for 20 years rather than withdraw it at once even though life is quite difficult.

“I will try to pay for the remaining 6 years of voluntary social insurance. If you can't, then pay a lower rate or ask your children to help you pay so you can have a pension for your old age in the future" - Mr. Quang said.

Currently, Mr. Quang is working as a security guard for a restaurant near his home with a salary of 5.5 million VND/month. After deducting all living expenses, Mr. Quang has 1.5 million VND left to save. Mr. Quang is willing to set aside 1 million VND to pay voluntary social insurance, keeping only 500,000 VND for protection.

“Having a pension in old age is a happiness. At that time, I did not become a burden to my children and was free to do what I liked," Mr. Quang said.

Mạnh Cường

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“Xoay” nguồn tiền bồi thường vụ nứt hàng loạt nhà dân


Hà Tĩnh - Sau khi đồng ý nâng mức bồi thường vì làm nứt nhà dân do thi công nâng cấp Quốc lộ 8A, hiện chủ đầu tư đang lo “xoay” nguồn tiền để chi trả bồi thường.