Hanoi labor market prospers


The first 6 months of 2024, the labor market of Hanoi City has seen many positive developments. The employment resolution rate in the City has increased, and the number of unemployed insured workers has decreased.

Nearly 125,000 people have been employed

According to the Hanoi Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs (DOLISA), in the first 6 months of 2024, the entire city of Hanoi has employed 124,920 workers, achieving 75.7% of the annual plan.

Among them, about 37,300 workers were employed through loans from the city's budget entrusted to the Social Policy Bank for lending to the poor and other policy beneficiaries, with a total amount of 2,130 billion VND.

In the first 6 months of 2026, Hanoi introduced jobs to more than 76,600 people. Photo: Hanh An
In the first 6 months of 2026, Hanoi introduced jobs to more than 76,600 people. Photo: Hanh An

Additionally, over 2,200 workers were sent to work abroad, more than 76,600 people were provided with job introductions by enterprises, and the remaining through other forms.

In the first 6 months, the Hanoi Employment Service Center (under Hanoi DOLISA) organized 128 job transaction sessions with 3,746 units and enterprises participating, with a total recruitment and enrollment demand of 74,393 people. As a result, 27,177 workers were interviewed, and 8,735 workers were recruited at the sessions.

Besides job placement for workers, in the first 6 months, Hanoi DOLISA decided to grant unemployment insurance benefits to 35,922 cases, with a support amount of 1,088 billion VND. The number of workers receiving unemployment insurance decreased by 12.9% compared to the same period in 2023. 100% of the cases requesting unemployment insurance were advised on new jobs, including vocational training support for 385 people, with an amount of 1.5 billion VND.

Strengthening labor supply-demand connection

According to the Hanoi Employment Service Center, the number of workers receiving unemployment insurance decreased due to the continued recovery and development of Hanoi's labor market.

The stable socio-economic situation helps enterprises quickly stabilize production and business, actively recruit workers to serve new orders, and expand production scale...

Job counseling and introduction activities for workers at the Long Bien District Job Transaction Session in 2024. Photo: Pham Linh
Job counseling and introduction activities for workers at the Long Bien District Job Transaction Session in 2024. Photo: Pham Linh

To support the recovery and development of the labor market, Mr. Vu Quang Thanh - Deputy Director of the Hanoi Employment Service Center, said that in the coming time, the Center will continue to implement job connection solutions, providing full services to support enterprises and workers in finding personnel and jobs.

The Center will form a network to collect, process, and provide labor market information from the City to the grassroots level, especially enhancing online job transaction activities, and promoting the application of technology in labor supply-demand connection.

In the coming time, the Center also plans to organize specialized job transaction sessions, including thematic sessions by industry and labor groups, sessions for disabled workers, online sessions with provinces nationwide, along with mobile sessions, thereby creating more job connection opportunities for a large number of workers in the Capital area.

According to the General Statistics Office, the number of employed people in the second quarter of 2024 increased compared to the previous quarter and the same period last year, but the informal labor force still accounts for a large proportion, making up more than 3/5 of the total employed labor force in the country.

In the first 6 months of 2024, the number of informal workers was 33.4 million people, the rate of informal employment was 65%, an increase of 0.2 percentage points compared to the same period in 2023. Although the socio-economic situation has improved, and the number of employed workers has increased compared to the same period last year, the rate of informal employment is still quite high. This shows that the labor market has gradually recovered but is not yet sustainable.


Hơn 100 lao động ảnh hưởng quyền lợi vì doanh nghiệp nợ BHXH

Tùng Linh |

Hơn 100 người lao động tại các khu Công nghiệp Đồng Tháp bị ảnh hưởng quyền lợi do 7 doanh nghiệp nợ BHXH 25,48 tỉ đồng.

Công ty nợ bảo hiểm, người lao động sẽ không được thanh toán

Minh Hạnh |

Mặc dù đã xây dựng lộ trình trả nợ tiền thai sản cho người lao động, nhưng hiện Công ty Cổ phần Phát triển giáo dục Igarten vẫn chưa có nguồn để trả.

Hitech Vina cam kết giải quyết công nợ, người lao động có cơ hội nhận lương

Trần Tuấn - Đền Phú |

Bắc Ninh - Lãnh đạo các doanh nghiệp nhà thầu khẳng định trong trường hợp được Hitech Vina thanh toán công nợ, sẽ ưu tiên trả lương cho người lao động.

Kỳ vọng ở cụm công nghiệp trăm tỉ ở miền núi Thái Nguyên

Việt Bắc |

Cụm công nghiệp Tân Dương tại huyện miền núi Định Hóa, tỉnh Thái Nguyên có tổng mức đầu tư gần 500 tỉ đồng với kỳ vọng tạo việc làm cho trên 4.500 lao động địa phương.

Bà Nguyễn Phương Hằng được ra tù vào hôm nay


Cơ quan chức năng tại tỉnh Bình Dương cho biết, sáng nay (19.9), bà Nguyễn Phương Hằng được ra tù sau khi được xét giảm án.

Đào Nhật Tân chết rũ vì bão, nông dân mất trắng hàng tỉ đồng

Minh Thương |

Hà Nội - Sau bão lũ, hàng loạt hộ dân tại làng đào Nhật Tân (quận Tây Hồ) mất trắng cả vườn đào ươm cho vụ Tết, thiệt hại hàng tỉ đồng.

Ứng phó bão số 4, chủ động với các tình huống xấu nhất xảy ra


Thủ tướng Chính phủ yêu cầu quyết liệt ứng phó bão số 4 theo phương châm "bốn tại chỗ", chủ động xử lý các tình huống xấu nhất có thể xảy ra.

Cầu trên tuyến nối Hòa Bình với Hà Nội bị nứt gãy, sụt mố

Minh Nguyễn |

Hòa Bình - Cầu Ngòi Móng trên tỉnh lộ 445 (tuyến đường nối thành phố Hòa Bình) bất ngờ bị nứt, sụt mố cầu lúc nửa đêm, may mắn không gây thiệt hại về người.

More than 100 employees have their benefits affected because the company owes social insurance

Tùng Linh |

More than 100 workers in Dong Thap Industrial Zones had their benefits affected because 7 businesses owed social insurance 25.48 billion VND.