Give more confidence to readers and workers


In Binh Duong , many cases of workers experiencing difficulties in work and life have reported to Lao Dong Newspaper. The newspaper has supported people in times of trouble and accompanied them to protect their legitimate rights and interests in businesses.

Give people more confidence in life

In April 2024, Lao Dong Newspaper received a complaint from Mr. Nguyen Anh Kiet (born in 1964, living in Quarter 12, Phu Cuong Ward, Thu Dau Mot City, Binh Duong Province) about requesting an excerpt of the certificate of merit. and conditions for him to apply to join the Veterans Association. According to Mr. Kiet, he joined the army and was discharged in 1987. After that, he became seriously ill and became paralyzed. Up to now, he wants to join the Veterans Association, however, the locality has not considered him for joining.

After Lao Dong Newspaper wrote an article reflecting on this incident, the Standing Committee of the Veterans Association of Thu Dau Mot City directed the Association's Inspection Committee to verify and clarify the incident. Through checking Mr. Kiet's background and according to the Association's charter, as a result, the Thu Dau Mot City Veterans Association determined that Mr. Nguyen Anh Kiet was considered for admission to the Vietnam Veterans Association. Phu Cuong Ward Veterans Association is an organization competent to consider admission.

The Standing Committee of the Veterans Association of Thu Dau Mot City said it had asked the Phu Cuong Ward Party Committee, Party Cell and Ward 12 Executive Committee to continue helping the family of veteran Nguyen Anh Kiet. In July 2024, Mr. Kiet was officially admitted to the Veterans Association. “I would like to thank the Editorial Board of Lao Dong Newspaper for processing my complaint. Thanks to Lao Dong Newspaper reporting the incident, up to now I have fulfilled my wish" - Mr. Huynh Anh Kiet expressed.

Accompanying and supporting and protecting the rights of employees

In August 2023, a worker in Tan Uyen city, Binh Duong province reported to Lao Dong Newspaper about the difficult case of Ms. Thi Nhu (60 years old, staying at Hung Loi 1 Residence, Uyen Hung Ward, Tan Uyen City). , Binh Duong province) and 2 orphan children.

Mrs. Thi Nhu, from Kien Giang, came to Binh Duong to live with her son, working as a cleaner and collecting scraps. A few years ago, while working at the company, her son had a stroke, leaving two sons without a father. The daughter-in-law then also left, the responsibility of raising the two children fell on Mrs. Nhu's hands. Due to difficult conditions, NVH (born in 2010) and NHB (born in 2012) also had to drop out of school midway.

Sympathizing with Mrs. Nhu's hardships, through Lao Dong Newspaper, readers supported the amount of 10 million VND for her three grandchildren. The newspaper reporter brought the money to Mrs. Nhu so she could have more money to take care of her children.

Receiving the support money from readers of Lao Dong Newspaper, Ms. Thi Nhu was happy and touched: "I'm so happy, I don't know what else to say. I would like to thank the sponsors and Lao Dong Newspaper for their support and help me have more money to buy food and take care of my children to go to school. After reporting, the authorities also came to prepare documents for the two children to go to school" - Ms. Nhu shared.

Talking to reporters, a representative of Tan Uyen City Department of Education and Training said that after hearing information about Ms. Nhu's family's case, the unit sent officials and teachers along with the locality to verify. Advocate for children to go to school. The units also mobilized to give children 2 sets of textbooks (grades 1, 3); 2 sets of uniforms/each child. In addition, free boarding at the school, purchase accident insurance for 2 children (180,000 VND/child), give 2 gifts at the beginning of the school year (value 500,000 VND/part). "My son and I will try to learn to be literate, and then go to work and take care of ourselves so that she will have less hardship" - NHB - Mrs. Nhu's niece (born in 2012) expressed.

In Binh Duong, in recent years, Lao Dong Newspaper has been a trusted address for many workers when encountering difficulties in life and labor disputes with employers.

In 2021, Lao Dong Newspaper has mobilized and cooperated with businesses to give 1,000 gifts of 1 million VND in cash each to workers who are facing difficulties.

Binh Duong Provincial People's Committee awarded a Certificate of Merit to the Department of Labor Newspaper in Ho Chi Minh City

Ms. Truong Thi Bich Hanh - Head of the Propaganda Department of Binh Duong Provincial Party Committee - said that in recent times, Lao Dong Newspaper has effectively propagated labor movements and trade union activities in the province... Recently, Mr. Vo Van Minh - Chairman of the People's Committee of Binh Duong province - signed a decision to award a Certificate of Merit to the Administration of Lao Dong Newspaper in Ho Chi Minh City and 3 officials and reporters of the newspaper who have made many contributions in coordinating propaganda work, contributing to the development of the newspaper. socio-economic development of Binh Duong province.


Ấn tượng Liên hoan Tiếng hát người lao động Nghệ An


Chiều 13.8, LĐLĐ tỉnh Nghệ An tổ chức Liên hoan Tiếng hát công chức, viên chức, người lao động cụm số 4.

Bị công ty chậm trả lương, người lao động cần làm gì?


Việc công ty chậm trả lương trong nhiều ngày, thậm chí là nhiều tháng là trái quy định pháp luật, ảnh hưởng rất lớn đến quyền lợi của người lao động.

Xe máy điện cho người lao động di chuyển quãng đường xa


Nhiều người lao động lựa chọn xe máy điện bởi sự tiết kiệm nhiên liệu và thân thiện với môi trường.

Hải Phòng thiệt hại gần 11.000 tỉ đồng do bão số 3

Mai Chi |

Theo ước tính, tổng thiệt hại do bão số 3 gây ra cho thành phố Hải Phòng là gần 11.000 tỉ đồng.

Ấm tình người nơi rốn lũ

Khánh Linh |

Có trải nghiệm thực tế mới thấm thía được những mất mát của người dân vùng lũ. Và cũng ở đó mới thấy được tình cảm của đồng bào cả nước đang hướng về rốn lũ miền Bắc.

Thời tiết hôm nay 15.9: Nam Bộ có nơi mưa rất to


Thời tiết hôm nay 15.9, khu vực Tây Nguyên, Nam Bộ có mưa vừa, mưa to và rải rác có dông, cục bộ có nơi mưa rất to.

Tàn dư bão Yagi hồi sinh, đang hướng thẳng tới Ấn Độ

Thanh Hà |

Bão Yagi, cơn bão số 3 ở Biển Đông gây thiệt hại nặng nề ở Việt Nam, dự báo mạnh lên thành áp thấp nhiệt đới, gây mưa lớn ở Ấn Độ trong tuần tới.

Cập nhật giá vàng sáng 15.9: Vàng nhẫn neo cao chót vót

Khương Duy |

Cập nhật giá vàng sáng 15.9: Kim loại quý neo cao ở cả thị trường trong nước và thế giới. Vàng nhẫn tròn trơn trụ vững trên ngưỡng 79,1 triệu đồng/lượng.

Impressions of Nghe An Workers' Singing Festival


On the afternoon of August 13, the Confederation of Labor of Nghe An province organized the Singing Festival for civil servants, public employees, and workers in cluster No. 4.

If the company is late in paying salaries, what should employees do?


The company's delay in paying salary for many days, even many months, is against the law and greatly affects the rights of workers.

Electric motorbikes help workers travel long distances


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