Find solutions to remove salary and social insurance debt in the construction industry

Bảo Hân |

According to the Vietnam Construction Trade Union (CĐXDVN), in the first 6 months of the year, unpaid wages and social insurance payments still occurred in some businesses, affecting life, employment, and revenue. Enter and resolve regimes and policies for employees. Faced with this situation, the Vietnam Communist Party has proposed many solutions to ensure the rights of workers.

41 businesses owe salaries to nearly 4,500 employees

According to the Vietnam Construction Union, in the first 6 months of the year, despite many difficulties in production and business, many units in the industry have prioritized cash flow to pay employees fully and on time. However, the sector under the VCDDVN still has 41 businesses that owe salaries to 4,479 employees with an amount of nearly 227 billion VND (a decrease of 9 businesses, a decrease of 42 billion VND in salary debt compared to the end of 2023).

Regarding social insurance, by the end of June 2024, the rate of employees participating in social insurance reached 94%, an increase of 2.2% compared to the end of 2023; There are 62 businesses that owe social insurance contributions of more than 431.5 billion VND. Enterprises owe social insurance contributions, which has affected the settlement of retirement benefits, sickness, maternity, labor accidents... for 3,916 people, of whom 29 are eligible for retirement benefits. but not yet resolved.

According to the assessment of CDXDVN, the main cause of salary arrears and social insurance payments is due to the general influence of the world and domestic situation, most businesses encounter many difficulties in production and business activities. , leading to financial difficulties, not enough cash flow to pay employees' salaries and social insurance contributions.

Discussing more about this issue, Mr. Nguyen Thanh Tung - Chairman of CDXDVN - said that the construction industry is a special industry, so unpaid wages and social insurance are inevitable. “For businesses in the construction industry, the main reason for unpaid wages and social insurance is outstanding capital debt from construction and installation, the characteristic of which is that payments often take a long time. There are construction projects that have been completed, but after completing the procedures, it can take several months or even a year to receive payment. Only when the project is paid for will businesses have the source to pay salaries and contribute social insurance to employees" - Mr. Tung said.

Propose many solutions

To solve this situation, the Chairman of the Vietnam Community Council said that it is necessary to make recommendations to the State authorities to promulgate mechanisms and policies so that contractors, investors, general contractors, and main contractors must pay. payments to construction contractors.

“In the construction industry, construction units always have to try to find jobs for workers. However, currently the law pays a lot of attention to guarantees for participation, but there is no guarantee for contractors and investors to pay the construction unit" - Mr. Nguyen Thanh Tung stated the fact.

In addition, Mr. Nguyen Thanh Tung said that it is necessary to promote administrative reform. “In the construction industry, payment is still cumbersome and complicated, and basic construction regulations are often not understood by people in the profession. Therefore, we hope that in the process of building and promulgating legal policies, attention should be paid to making it as simple as possible in the field of basic construction" - Chairman of the Vietnam Communist Party said.

In addition, the head of CDXDVN also said that for businesses in the industry that have encountered difficulties in recent times, it is proposed that the State have mechanisms and policies to freeze debt for social insurance payments. "Some businesses have had high social insurance debt for many years due to lack of resources, so now the interest is higher than the principal amount to pay social insurance" - Mr. Nguyen Thanh Tung stated the fact.

In addition, for a small number of businesses that deliberately do not fully implement policies towards employees, the authorities need to strictly handle them; Through inspection and examination, if there are any problems in the process of payment, settlement, or operations of the enterprise, it is necessary to give advice and suggestions to ensure favorable policies, regimes, and administrative procedures. most beneficial, removing difficulties for businesses.

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Tung also said that it is necessary to pay attention to training trade union officials at all levels, especially grassroots unions, so that they understand and grasp the State's regulations related to the field of labor, employment, and activities. business movements.

Union officials must participate effectively in representing, protecting and taking care of workers ; propagandize employers to understand and strictly implement rules and regulations, ensuring the rights of union members and employees; Building harmonious, stable and progressive labor relationships in the enterprise...

Bảo Hân

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