The Vietnam General Confederation of Labor learns about developing union members in My Tho City

Thành Nhân |

The Standing Vice Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor worked and learned about developing union members and establishing a grassroots trade union in My Tho City.

On the morning of August 22, a working delegation of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor (VGCL) led by Ms. Thai Thu Xuong - Permanent Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor visited and worked with the Confederation of Labor of My Tho City (Tien Giang province) to Learn about developing trade union members and establishing grassroots trade unions in My Tho city.

Permanent Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Thai Thu Xuong - concluding speech at the working session. Photo: Thanh Nhan
Permanent Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Thai Thu Xuong - concluding speech at the working session. Photo: Thanh Nhan

Reporting to the working group, Ms. Pham Thi Thu Ha - Chairwoman of the Confederation of Labor of My Tho City (Tien Giang province) - said that the Confederation of Labor of My Tho City is managing 190 grassroots trade unions - unions, corresponding to 11,330 trade union members. From the beginning of 2024 until now, 5 new Communist unions and 2 trade unions have been established.

According to Ms. Ha, currently, in the city, there are a number of business owners who have not complied with legal regulations related to employees such as: Lately signing labor contracts or signing labor contracts incorrectly. provisions of law, social insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance regimes have not been fully implemented...

In addition, some businesses still owe social insurance, have not yet deducted 2% of trade union fees, and implemented democratic regulations with certain limitations.

At the meeting, Mr. Le Minh Hung - Chairman of the Confederation of Labor of Tien Giang province - said that in My Tho city, there are many businesses with a small number of workers. Therefore, the My Tho City Confederation of Labor has merged many businesses to form a grassroots union or trade union. Thereby, it shows that the work of developing union members in the area is always promoted.

Scene at the working session. Photo: Thanh Nhan
Scene at the working session on developing union members and establishing grassroots trade unions in My Tho city. Photo: Thanh Nhan

After listening to delegates ask questions, contribute many opinions and specific solutions, and on behalf of the working group, delivered a concluding speech at the working session, Ms. Thai Thu Xuong - Standing Vice President of the General Confederation of Vietnam's Labor - spoke praising My Tho City's Confederation of Labor for achieving impressive results in developing union members and establishing new grassroots unions.

In the coming time, the Standing Vice Chairman of the General Confederation of Labor of Vietnam requests the Confederation of Labor of My Tho City to review and firmly grasp the information on businesses that are eligible to establish a grassroots trade union or trade union. In addition, closely coordinate with the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs and Social Insurance to check the compliance with labor and social insurance laws of enterprises. At the same time, carry out the task of protecting the legitimate rights and interests of trade union members and workers to affirm that the union is truly a reliable support for union members and workers.

Photo: Thanh Nhan
Standing Vice Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Thai Thu Xuong visited the lives of workers working at PungKook Company Limited - My Tho Branch. Photo: Thanh Nhan

On this occasion, Permanent Vice Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Thai Thu Xuong visited and worked with the grassroots Trade Union of Pungkook Company Limited - My Tho Branch. At the same time, we visited workers and obtained information about their daily lives, jobs and income.

Thành Nhân

Tổng LĐLĐ Việt Nam tìm hiểu phát triển đoàn viên ở Đồng Tháp

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Hà Anh- Bảo Hân |

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