Forms of online photo contest voting fraud are flourishing


With the tactic of sending photo contest voting links to take over accounts, personal information, and borrow money, many scammers have recently blatantly created a series of fake Facebook social network accounts of people. use.

Sophisticated trick

Talking to Lao Dong reporter, Mr. TN (working in Hanoi) said he felt very surprised and did not know who had recently created a Facebook account similar to his account to send friend requests and text messages. for each person thanks to voting in the online photo contest . According to the content of the message, these subjects impersonated Mr. TN to ask their friends to vote for photos of baby Tran Minh Tue Man in the link, asking to borrow money urgently.

“I'm sorry everyone. There is a Facebook named TN who faked my account to borrow money to vote for a photo contest. I affirm that I have no need to borrow money or defraud anyone. In addition, there is a voting link attached, please do not access it" - Mr. TN announced on his personal Facebook page.

Similarly, Mr. Le Thanh Hoa (born in 1990, living in Thanh Xuan district, Hanoi) shared that last weekend, he received a Facebook friend request from an acquaintance in his hometown. After agreeing to become friends, Mr. Hoa was asked by this account to participate in voting for a photo contest for children. Because that account belonged to an acquaintance, Mr. Hoa did not think much and followed the instructions of the voting link.

Mr. Hoa further shared that after sending his personal phone number to register to vote, his Facebook account was taken over by bad guys. A few days later, many of Mr. Hoa's friends and relatives on Facebook received a series of messages inviting them to participate in voting in the photo contest and borrow money.

Forms of online photo contest voting fraud are flourishing. Photo: Thu Giang
Forms of online photo contest voting fraud are flourishing. Photo: Thu Giang

Fraudulent activities have become very active

In fact, right from the first months of 2024, Hanoi City Police warned about scams through invitations to vote on Facebook. Taking advantage of this voting, the subjects tried to post fake links, hack into personal accounts, and send voting invitations to hundreds of other accounts that were friends and acquaintances of the victim. If anyone accepts the request to participate in the vote, the user's account will immediately be stolen and used by these individuals to commit fraud.

According to Hanoi City Police, these scammers will take advantage of relationships such as pretending to be friends, relatives, and partners to make many unsuspecting people log into the website and vote on the contest. take the exam, log in with your phone number and Facebook password. After stealing the Facebook account, the subjects researched the messenger message section, saw how the account owner usually texted, and then pretended to be the account owner and texted their friends and relatives to ask for votes in the contest. online, borrow money for many different reasons.

Faced with this situation, the Department of Cyber ​​Security and High-Tech Crime Prevention (Hanoi City Police) recommends that users, when receiving a friend request from a relative using a social network account, should confirm Verify information through face-to-face meetings, phone calls using phone numbers stored in contacts, do not check through social networking applications.

“In particular, absolutely do not enter personal information into strange links. If you accidentally enter and feel anything unusual, the user should immediately change the password or lock the account or bank card. When using social networks, you need to regularly check and update security and privacy features on social network accounts. At the same time, you should not share personal information on social networks" - Department of Cyber ​​Security and High-Tech Crime Prevention (Hanoi City Police) recommends.

Talking to Lao Dong reporter, Mr. Ngo Minh Hieu - cyber security expert, co-founder of Cypeace and - informed that scams are becoming more and more sophisticated, with many tricks in cyberspace. Targeting many different audiences, especially those who are less concerned about personal information security.

Expert Ngo Minh Hieu warned that people should be cautious and should not believe in unverified information on social networks , especially fake news and links. Experts emphasized that Vietnam is in a period where fraudulent activities become very active. Criminals will not hesitate to fabricate stories, taking advantage of users' psychology and trust to appropriate accounts, passwords, and other personal information. Therefore, the most important thing is that users must stay calm, do not easily trust anyone or any unclear service, avoid falling into traps and losing money unfairly.


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Đề án thí điểm sắp xếp mô hình tổ chức CĐ trực thuộc CĐ Ngân hàng Việt Nam

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Hà Nội - Ngày 30.9, Đoàn Chủ tịch Tổng LĐLĐVN họp lần thứ 7, khóa XIII dưới sự chủ trì của đồng chí Nguyễn Đình Khang - Ủy viên Trung ương Đảng, Chủ tịch Tổng LĐLĐVN. Một trong những nội dung được thảo luận, cho ý kiến là Tờ trình Đề án thí điểm sắp xếp mô hình tổ chức công đoàn trực thuộc Công đoàn Ngân hàng Việt Nam tập trung, xuyên suốt, hiệu quả.

Tọa đàm "Để ô nhiễm môi trường sau bão lũ không còn là nỗi lo"

Nhóm PV |

Bên cạnh những mất mát, đau thương về người và của, một vấn đề khác nhận được rất nhiều sự quan tâm đó chính là vấn ô nhiễm môi trường sau bão lũ. Và một trong những nơi đang phải chịu áp lực từ nguồn rác thải khổng lồ đó chính là Vịnh Hạ Long (Quảng Ninh). Trước tình hình này, Báo Lao Động đã tổ chức buổi tọa đàm "Để ô nhiễm môi trường sau bão lũ không còn là nỗi lo".

Công an Thanh Hóa cảnh báo chiêu lừa đảo tuyển người mẫu, cầu thủ nhí

Trần Lâm |

Ngày 12.7, Công an tỉnh Thanh Hóa thông tin cảnh báo tình trạng lừa đảo dưới chiêu tuyển người mẫu, cầu thủ nhí và người đại diện thương hiệu.