How does chocolate affect gums and tooth enamel in children?


From weakening tooth enamel to stimulating bacteria growth in the mouth, there are reasons why chocolate is not recommended for children.

Dr. Gunita Singh (plastic surgeon and Laser dentist in Delhi, India with nearly 20 years of experience) said that eating too much of anything sweet, and especially chocolate, is dangerous. .

“Keep these foods away from children as much as possible. Because, while our minds may like chocolate, our teeth don't. Although dark chocolate still has some health benefits, you should avoid letting your child consume milk chocolate and sweet chocolate,” said Dr. Gunita Singh.

Reasons why chocolate is not good for children's teeth

High sugar content: The high sugar content in chocolate promotes the growth of bacteria in the mouth, contributing to plaque and gum disease.

Tooth damage: Bacteria in the mouth convert sugar into acid, leading to tooth damage and cavities.

Weak tooth enamel: The sugar content in chocolate weakens tooth enamel, making teeth sensitive to heat and cold.

Tooth sensitivity: Chocolate contains cocoa, an abrasive that can cause tooth sensitivity and damage tooth enamel.

Tooth enamel degeneration: When we eat chocolate, it sticks to our teeth. Bacteria in our teeth begin to break down food particles, leading to acid production. Acid reduces the pH of the mouth, contributing to tooth enamel degradation.

However, chocolate can be good for the body if consumed in moderation within an hour after finishing a meal.

Benefits of eating dark chocolate

Dr. Gunita Singh points out the benefits of consuming chocolate in moderation including: “Polyphenols in dark, raw and unprocessed chocolate can help fight bacteria in the mouth, reducing bad breath. In addition, flavonoids found in dark chocolate can reduce tooth decay. Antioxidants in dark chocolate are beneficial for overall health, even for gum health.

In addition, according to Dr. Gunita Singh, letting children consume too much chocolate before meals will cause a feeling of fullness, thereby affecting the feeling of eating, but after eating, they will feel hungry very quickly. This disrupts eating habits and affects children's health.


Vì sao ăn kem, sôcôla lại khiến đường huyết tăng vọt?


Kem, sôcôla là 2 loại thực phẩm rất phổ biến, giúp bổ sung năng lượng kịp thời cho cơ thể. Tuy nhiên, những thực phẩm này có thể khiến đường huyết vượt khỏi tầm kiểm soát, ảnh hưởng đến bệnh nhân tiểu đường.

Lý do sôcôla giúp kiểm soát căng thẳng, khiến bạn hạnh phúc hơn


Sôcôla, đặc biệt là sôcôla đen có thể giúp chúng ta đối phó với căng thẳng, bởi chúng chứa chất chống oxy hóa, có khả năng nâng cao tâm trạng của bạn một cách tự nhiên.

Thường xuyên thèm sôcôla có thể là dấu hiệu cơ thể thiếu hụt dinh dưỡng


Theo các chuyên gia dinh dưỡng, mỗi món ăn mà bạn thèm đều có liên quan đến một yếu tố dinh dưỡng cụ thể. Trong trường hợp thèm sôcôla, có thể là dấu hiệu cơ thể bạn thiếu magiê.

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