Efforts to promote green transportation in Vietnam

Hà Anh |

Dat Bike has cooperated with PIDG to own a solid capital source to improve production capacity, meet growing market demand, and promote green transportation in Vietnam.

Electric motorbike manufacturer Dat Bike has just received a convertible loan worth 4 million USD from InfraCo Asia, a member of the Private Infrastructure Development Group (PIDG). This loan is expected to accelerate the deployment of more than 30,000 electric motorbikes over the next two years, with the potential to reduce emissions by nearly 26,000 tCO2e (tonnes of CO2) per year and contribute significantly to carbon reduction efforts. of Vietnam. The transaction is also expected to create 30 short-term and 29 long-term jobs, with an emphasis on gender diversity, with 24% of these positions expected to be filled by women. This initiative is aligned with two of the United Nations' sustainable development goals, SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities and SDG 13 - Climate Action.

Partners learn about electric motorbikes at Dat Bike. Ha Anh's photo
Partners learn about electric motorbikes at Dat Bike. Ha Anh's photo

InfraCo Asia Investment Management Director, Ms. Karen Tsang-Hounsell, emphasized the strategic importance of this partnership: “Growth capital to companies working to support climate action Logistics is part of our PIDG 2030 Strategy, aimed at sustainable development in emerging markets in Asia and Africa. We believe Dat Bike has the potential to accelerate electric vehicle adoption and shape a more efficient, green transportation future through its innovative, pioneering solutions.”

Mr. Son Nguyen, CEO of Dat Bike, expressed excitement about the growth prospects thanks to this capital source: "With this special support, Dat Bike will accelerate the process of expanding production scale to meet the needs of customers." Demand for electric motorbikes is increasing in Vietnam. Dat Bike's growth has shown the potential of the electric vehicle supply chain in Vietnam."

The electric motorbike market in Vietnam is growing rapidly, with the annual market penetration rate reaching the highest level in Southeast Asia at 16% by 2023. This number is expected to reach 40% by 2040. The total capital raised by Dat Bike has now exceeded 25 million USD, demonstrating the company's influence and potential to dominate the market.

Dat Bike is a bright spot in Vietnam's electric vehicle market with high-performance product positioning at reasonable prices. That combination has made the brand the center of attraction for investors and customers. As the only electric motorbike manufacturer in Vietnam with a vertically integrated system, Dat Bike controls the entire production process, from research and development to vehicle assembly. Dat Bike's commitment to building a domestic supply chain and developing with an innovation orientation is also demonstrated through the fact that more than 90% of components are produced domestically.

In just 5 years, Dat Bike has launched four new models, each design bringing practical value to consumers and growth to businesses. With continuous, uninterrupted firmware updates and new product enhancements, the company demonstrates a unique and effective strategy that keeps users on the cutting edge of technology.

Hà Anh

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