Along with pho, vermicelli is one of the dishes that many diners in Hanoi love. In addition to traditional vermicelli with crab, vermicelli with snails or vermicelli with fish, many people in the capital also like vermicelli with fish sauce.
Although not an “old” restaurant, Hang Beo fish noodle shop on Nguyen Luong Bang street (Dong Da, Hanoi) is always full of tables during lunchtime and on weekends.

A serving of fish noodle soup at the restaurant includes dry noodles, a bowl of rich dipping sauce and a bowl of refreshing broth. The special thing about the restaurant is the fried fish dish that is always crispy and hot. Fresh tilapia is carefully deboned, cut into bite-sized pieces and then lightly fried in hot oil. When the customer arrives, the owner will fry the fish a second time to make it hotter and crispier.

Mr. Ngo Minh Hien, the restaurant owner, said: “Fish is always an important part of this dish, that’s why I choose reputable fish suppliers to serve customers. The restaurant’s fish is always guaranteed to be fresh, cleaned before being processed.”
As for the broth, the restaurant's fish noodle soup always receives compliments from customers thanks to its rich flavor. The light sour taste and the faint aroma of pineapple are balanced with the sweet accompanying vegetables.

The dipping sauce here scores points with diners with its attractive sweet and sour taste. Each bowl of dipping sauce has a thick consistency and the aroma of garlic, lemon and chili. In particular, the restaurant always prepares a jar of pickled bamboo shoots on the table, helping diners enjoy the fish noodles without getting bored.
The cold autumn weather is the right time to enjoy a hot bowl of fish noodle soup. Each piece of crispy fried fish is dipped in a bowl of thick, sour and spicy fish sauce. Take a bite and enjoy the delicious, crispy taste. Slowly sip a spoonful of the warm broth, add some sour and spicy bamboo shoots that tingle the tip of your tongue. All blend together to create an attractive, unforgettable flavor.
Mr. Hien, the owner of the restaurant, also shared that the restaurant sells about 40 - 50kg of fish every day, and up to 70 - 80kg on weekends and holidays. The restaurant has been in operation for 4 years and attracts a large number of customers.

Ms. Ngo Thanh Trang (Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi), a customer who has been eating at the restaurant for many years, shared: “I have been eating here since the restaurant was still a small establishment. The most special thing about Hang Beo fish noodle soup is the fish that makes the brand. The fish is marinated well, delicious, crispy but not dry. In addition, the restaurant owners are also very friendly and serve customers enthusiastically.”
Mr. Le Quang Hung (Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi) - another diner, said: "I found the food here quite delicious and flavorful. The fried fish is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, the dipping sauce is harmonious. In addition to the quality of the fish noodle soup, I am also quite interested in the pickled bamboo shoots here, the spiciness is suitable to relieve the feeling of fullness".
A serving of fish noodle soup costs from 40,000 to 55,000 VND. The restaurant is open from 7am to 2pm and from 5pm to 9:30pm.