Does peeing after sex reduce the chances of getting pregnant?


Many women choose to urinate after sex because they believe this action will help reduce the possibility of pregnancy.

Dr Vijaya Sherbet, an obstetrician and gynecologist at Manipal Hospital in Hebbal, Bengaluru, India, said that there are many misconceptions among couples about conception. One of them is the belief that the possibility of conception will decrease if a woman urinates after sex . Many people believe that urine will push out semen.

According to Dr. Vijaya Sherbet, semen contains spermatozoa, which are microscopic cells that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Meanwhile, pheromones produced by the female body attract spermatozoa, which move independently (aided by their tails).

Dr. Sherbet emphasizes that urinating or washing after sex does not prevent pregnancy.

Agreeing, Dr. Sneha Sathe - fertility consultant at Nova IVF Fertility Center, Mumbai (India) - said that there is no evidence that urinating after sex affects or reduces the ability to get pregnant. In fact, urinating after sex can bring health benefits.

Dr. Sneha Sathe analyzed that urine travels from the bladder through the urethra to exit the body. The female urethra is relatively short, only about 1.5cm long, and the urethral opening is located between the clitoris and the vagina, near the anus.

This increases the risk of harmful bacteria entering your urethra during sex, leading to a UTI (urinary tract infection).

"Peeing after sex can help wash any bacteria out of the urethra, thus reducing the risk of UTIs," says Dr. Sneha Sathe.

Dr. Sneha Sathe further explains that although the urethra and vagina are located close to each other, they are separate organs. The urethra functions to transport urine out of the body, while the vagina is where semen is released during sexual intercourse.

“You may notice that when you get up to pee after sex, a little semen may leak out. This is normal. Although some semen (containing sperm) leaks out of the vagina, there is still enough left to fertilize the egg,” says Dr. Sathe.

In short, peeing after sex won't affect your ability to conceive. But it can act as a preventative measure against urinary tract infections, the risk of which increases after sex.


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