Beautiful actress presses button to date cold hair salon owner


In "Love Without Barriers", the beautiful actress rejected the gentle guy. She decided to date the cold-hearted, loyal hair salon owner.

The show "Love Without Barriers" is a dating show where guests will be honored and promote gender equality.

In episode 1 of the show, MC Yunbin matches 3 guests. Xu Bao - a transgender man, he works at a hair salon. He believes that he doesn't need to be beautiful, understanding each other more and giving him emotions.

Xu Bao said he had been in two relationships. The longest relationship lasted 7 years. He said when in love, he always wanted it to last, but not everyone was like that. He said he was ready to enter a serious relationship.

The second male guest is Ho Tien - a freelance actor. Talking about his role model, Ho Tien said he doesn't have a specific taste. He thinks that in terms of love, he finds communication suitable and future-oriented.

Ho Tien had a 3-year relationship. The two lived together during the pandemic, but later had many conflicts and chose to end it peacefully.

Yunbin vui mung vi cap doi chon hen ho. Anh: NSX.
Yunbin is happy that the couple chose to date. Photo: NSX.

The show's guest is Hoang Linh Chi - currently an actress and makeup artist.

She wants to find a boyfriend who is confident, has a future and knows how to love her.

When MC Yunbin asked about economic and financial conditions..., the female guest said she needed emotions so that the two could be more compatible.

Linh Chi has had two relationships, the longest lasting of which lasted 10 years.

Talking about love and hate in love. Linh Chi does not like a calculating, petty partner.

Xu Bao has no calculations in love, he always tries to compromise and give in. Ho Tien wants his lover to trust him and does not like his lover to be jealous.

MC Yunbin gave 4 keywords from the female lead Linh Chi for the two boys to learn. After that, the 3 guests talked about other topics such as: Tomorrow, Clown...

After greeting each other, the two guys gave the female guests gifts that they had prepared.

Next, MC Yunbin suddenly asked the female lead to hold hands with two guys to choose the next person she would like to get to know on the show.

In the end, Linh Chi unexpectedly chose Xu Bao. This made the young man extremely surprised.

To continue to learn more about each other, MC Yunbin gave them a challenge by spinning a carousel. If they hit any challenge, they both had to do it.

Linh Chi turned to the challenge of asking each other truthfully. Xu Bao asked Linh Chi: "If in life, your lover goes against your will, how will you react?", the female guest quickly answered that she would choose to tell everything directly.

The female guest then asked about the biggest mistake Xu Bao had ever made with his lover. The male guest said that his shortcoming was not being willing to "give in" to his lover. "Usually when arguing, I won't care about my lover, and if I'm wrong, I'll stay silent and not even apologize. However, I will take action by taking my friend out to play or eat."

When talking about marriage, Linh Chi said she doesn't put much emphasis on timing, she thinks that if the time is right, she is completely ready. As for having children, the female guest hasn't thought about it yet.

Finally, the two reached the moment of deciding to date. MC Yunbin counted to 5 for the two guests to think. As a result, both decided to give each other a chance to get to know each other after the show.


Chàng trai đã ly hôn được cô gái chọn hẹn hò


Từng trải qua mối tình không được hạnh phúc, nam khách mời đến show hẹn hò chinh phục được nữ nhân viên.

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