Divorced guy chosen by girl to date


Having experienced an unhappy love affair, the male guest on the dating show conquered the female employee.

In the new episode of "You Want to Date", MC Quyen Linh and Ngoc Lan matchmaked the male lead Nguyen Phu Son (31 years old), who sells pets and lives with his family in Dong Nai, to meet Luong Ngoc Duyen Nhu (24 years old), an office worker in Binh Thanh (HCMC), who lives in Dong Nai.

Mr. Phu Son said he is a cheerful, sociable person, knows how to earn his own money and has the ability to endure, but is forgetful.

Phu Son has had 3 relationships. The shortest relationship lasted 6 months and the longest lasted 1 year. In the second relationship, Phu Son broke up with his girlfriend because their families were not compatible, so his girlfriend did not want to move forward.

The third love was Phu Son's deepest love. He dated an older girlfriend, and after 6 months, they registered their marriage but their families didn't know.

A month after registering, he found out his wife had another man so he decided to stop. The two went to court for divorce even though they had not yet had a wedding.

Luong Ngoc Duyen Nhu said that she is a person with a progressive spirit in work, responsible in life but is a bit quiet and does not show much emotion.

When asked about her love life experience, the female guest said she had never dated anyone.

Duyen Nhu said that Phu Son's marriage registration was a factor for her to consider before making a decision. Through the program, she wanted her boyfriend to have a stable job, a sense of responsibility, care for his family, and have a bright appearance. In addition, she does not like smokers.

Hearing that, Phu Son confidently shared that he doesn't smoke or drink. He likes a girlfriend who is caring, understanding, and doesn't break things.

On their first meeting, both the groom and the bride bring gifts for each other. Next, they talk directly and express their personal opinions.

In the relationship, Duyen Nhu wants her and her boyfriend to share to understand each other better. When something happens, she wants both of them to clarify the problem instead of just being silent. Phu Son also agrees with this point of view. Because of the nervousness when appearing on TV, the boyfriend finds it difficult to share much and is still hesitant.

If he becomes Duyen Nhu's husband, Phu Son promises to do housework and earn money. He has been in the pet business for 3-4 years and it is stable, and can develop more if given the opportunity and a companion. He will also be the first to make peace if the two quarrel.

Song Duyen Nhu is still quite young so she hasn't thought much about getting married. But if she gets married, Nhu will share the work with her husband and take care of the family.

At the end of the conversation, the couple pressed the date button.


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Nam quản lí có 4 mối tình bị cô gái trẻ từ chối hẹn hò


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Người bạn từ Mỹ muốn giúp Trương Mỹ Lan khắc phục thiệt hại

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TPHCM - Trong phiên tòa, theo lời luật sư thì một người bạn của Trương Mỹ Lan tại Mỹ có nhã ý sẽ đứng ra trả nợ cho bị cáo.

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Nutifood mua lại 51% vốn của KIDO Group, đem lại cho KIDO hàng nghìn tỉ đồng. Ở chiều ngược lại, KIDO cũng chi hàng nghìn tỉ để chi phối nhiều thương hiệu lớn.

Bắt Chánh Văn phòng Sở Tài nguyên và Môi trường Lâm Đồng


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Ủng hộ trên 100.000 đồng được nhận giấy khen, dưới chỉ nhận thư khen

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Bắt khẩn cấp TBT Tạp chí Môi trường và Đô thị cùng một số phóng viên


Cơ quan Cảnh sát điều tra - Công an tỉnh Thái Bình phối hợp với các đơn vị nghiệp vụ Bộ Công an vừa phá thành công chuyên án, bắt giữ khẩn cấp Tổng Biên tập Tạp chí Môi trường và Đô thị Việt Nam cùng một số phóng viên, cán bộ về tội cưỡng đoạt tài sản.

Bố đơn thân có 4 mẫu đất được người phụ nữ U50 ấn nút hẹn hò


Có tài sản riêng lại chăm chỉ làm việc, ông bố đơn thân được người phụ nữ thiếu kinh nghiệm tình trường ấn nút hẹn hò.

Male manager had 4 love affairs but was rejected by young girls


Although they talked well together, in the end, the young girl still refused to date the male manager who had had 4 relationships.

Confident driver who is good at making money was chosen by female employee to date


At "You want to date", a male driver who is good at making money and works hard is asked by a female employee to get to know him.